Posts Tagged ‘egos’

The Neothink Society

In the mainstream of today’s Society, as well as in the past, there have lurked many insidious individuals, groups and organizations with only their selfish intent to dominate, control and manipulate the masses for their personal gain at the expense of the unsuspecting and trusting masses. Many illusions have been presented to the masses in order to orchestrate the complete manipulation of these bodies of “sheeple”. These malleable “sheeple” have been fed much propaganda by the parasitical elite to have them blindly follow the tenets of their destructive teachings in order to lead them down a path of personal misinformation, ambiguity, confusion and non self realization of their true potential and to deny them the opportunity of true self governance and self leadership by obfuscating and distorting the reality of the true essence of a/the situation(s).
By keeping the peoples of the World ignorant of the true actual ‘what is’ of any given situation the parasitical elite that would wish to control and manipulate the masses for their own personal gain and self aggrandizing egos are able to do this by distorting the true facts of reality and keep the “sheeple” of the World uninformed by feeding them untruths, half-truths, distortions and malicious mental fodder in order to divide and conquer them.
History is replete and complete with many examples of these many tricks, diversions and deliberately confusing tactics. The parasitical elite are deathly afraid of their little gimmicks becoming known to the masses, for if they were, their little reign of power would be no more as the masses became self educated and self leading. The parasitical elite would be kicked to the curb as their corrupt methods were exposed and that is the last thing they would like to see.
However, there is now in actuality a Society that has exposed the corrupt methods and obfuscating manipulations of these parasitical elite. That is the Neothink® Society. Once having familiarized oneself with the writings and teachings of this Neothink® Society all of the cheating methods and gimmicks of the parasitical elite society are exposed for all of the peoples of the World to see and understand. One can readily see how the power base of the parasitical elite society has been garnered and has been able throughout History to manipulate, gain and keep control over the uninformed peoples of the World. The Neothink® Society will be portrayed to be the nemesis of all that is good and just in the parasitical elite society, and it is. But it is the edification and exposing of information to you of the shenanigans of the parasitical elite society that they do not wish you to know about as it would dismantle their base of power and allow the peoples of the World to lead themselves and to realize their full potential as self actualizing Human ‘BE’ings.
The Neothink® Society has opened my eyes wide to the indoctrinations of the parasitical elite society that has tried to lead me as they wished me to go, but had only succeeded in keeping me in a constant state of mental questioning, confusion and turmoil for the better part of fifty years. I say tried because although I was in the midst of all of their teachings, preaching and tactics I somehow never felt really comfortable with what I was being force fed through all of their outlets. Somehow the whole thing just did not gel with me. I was constantly questioning and searching for answers for I felt deep down in my being that there had to be something ‘More’ to the equation. Something that I was just not getting or had not found yet.
Once having found the Neothink® Society all of those questions and searching for answers was no more. I had found the answers to all of my wanderings. The Neothink® Society provided the light and the clarity of the heretofore unknown to me. I now saw the parasitical elite society’s ploys for what they were. To plagiarize, ‘I once was lost, but now am found’. ‘I once was blind, but now I see.’
The Neothink® Society can remove the veil of obfuscation from you, for you, if you are in need of that. The Neothink® Society has a great vision for all of the peoples of the World in order for them to manifest for themselves the true realization of all they are capable of becoming and to remove the shackles of the parasitical elite society that only wishes to keep them uninformed, ignorant and led as sheeple to do their bidding for them. Discover for yourself the other side of the coin and to see the reality of the situation as it really is through the Neothink® Society literature. It is indisputable, irrefutable and totally logical. You will be able to see through the illusions that your ‘Lords’ and ‘Masters’ do not wish you to see for you know not that you are being manipulated. You may think you are ‘free’, yet you are not. The Neothink® Society will set you ‘free’ as it has done for me.
A great Vision of the Neothink® Society is to ‘free’ all of the peoples (sheeple) of the World (Whirled). This is to be done through a new wonderful Political Party movement called the Twelve Visions Party (TVP). One of the goals of the TVP is to have Politics ran as a business, a successful business. In it there will be no egos, no Lobbyists and no influential groups or favoritism of one over the other. It will be ran as a business by businessmen and women with no Political aspirations for there will be no Political curry or favor to be gained, therefore no climbing through the Political ranks via your ability to curry favor or influence with one group over another. All will be equal, truly. It will be a Political Party with no Politics. It will truly be a business organization streamlined for efficiency and productivity with little or no waste and only true and honest results at the end of the day for all.
Can you now see why the parasitical elite do not wish you to know of this and why they will do everything in their power to dismantle, thwart, impugn, disrupt, malign and destroy the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (Political – but yet not)? It would be an end to their control over the masses and an end to their reign of corrupt power. They do not wish to lose that so they will denigrate in every way the efforts of the Neothink® Society and the TVP. Please do not let that happen. Inform, educate and prepare yourself for the battle that is coming. Take back your life, your Country. Do it for yourself, your children and grandchildren, their progeny and your Family Tree.
I have made my stand and I will be with the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party as I see them as our only salvation.
Chris G

Mr. Hamilton’s “Neothink Society”

Nowadays, America has lost her greatness in the eyes of the international community and indeed in the eyes of many of her own people. There is so much skepticism in this country (and rightly so) regarding how much good a political party can, or will, do for the good of all people and for restoring America’s greatness.
Most have lost hope that an honest party really can arise within American politics that not only speaks of wanting to implement political and structural reforms but stands ready and waiting to be called into action with its real and viable plans for implementing such changes that we’d all like to see, be a part of, and experience. We need such a party and we need to demand that an alternative party be allowed to stand and prove itself without interference. Can such a party even arise? Yes. And I believe one finally has arisen, one that uses sound reasoning in meaningful structure poised to be put to use in very plausible ways – unlike the shallow promises and white-washed veneered “plans” that have been doled out by the preexisting parties over these many years. This new party is the Twelve Visions Party, created by Mark Hamilton and its platform is precisely what this country needs right now…a new way to conduct politics and a fair, honest, and intelligent way to begin to restore America’s greatness.
At first, I was skeptical and heavy skepticism can put one in the “protect mode” of thinking – things are bad, so don’t try anything “new,” because the new may make things even worse – but while that type of thinking may stroke our egos and temporarily distract us from the sad issues at hand, it really isn’t sound thinking. “Known” and “traditional” do not always equate to “the best” and “the most workable or doable.” Just having a look around at our current state of affairs here tells us as much; the “time honored” and “traditional” parties have become the pit of inequity, nepotism and stagnation. Overall, they have failed us in just about every area that they were entrusted with.
Governments – local, state, and federal – have seen such broad sweeping increases in their powers that the very people they have vowed to take under their wings, they have now skinned, dipped in batter, and popped into the fryer. American people have been cleverly led to believe themselves to be helpless nestlings in a nest too deep to allow them to finally fly high and soar with happiness and pride. Therefore, they have relied more and more upon government agencies that they have trusted less and less.
When the average American is asked how he or she feels with respect to the greatness of America and to its leaders and government, the overwhelming majority will respond by saying something like: “Greatness! Are you kidding? This country hasn’t been ‘great’ for years.” or “This country has gone so far downhill it may never get on its feet again. The mess is too entrenched and entangled.” or even “Its leaders? – Don’t get me started!” Responses like these are no longer limited to the larger, more heavily populated areas. Advances in technology have gone far in disseminating information regarding the real state of affairs of America over a widespread area and among a broad spectrum of her people, rather quickly. And honestly, currently, one often need not look further than his or her own life or household to see some of the crises faced in America today.
Americans respond with anger, frustration, confusion, distrust, despondency, loss of pride and the like. Such responses are due, to a large extent, to individuals and the people as a whole having been:
1) Recipients of broken promises born of repeated campaign lies,
2) Aware of having no real, honest, and meaningful representation,
3) Informed by the leaders that they do realize the system is failing, yet having observed that the root causes for the failure are never examined or halted – the symptoms alone are treated with palliative measures and are merely plastered with bandages, sideshow distractions, and quick tickles,
4) Very cognizant, through careful integration of thought and understanding, of how to fix the system but not having been in a position to fix it – either personally or politically, and
5) Dowsed with ever increasing and ever tighter, limitations, controls, bylaws, laws, statutes, regulations, codes, amendments, precedents, executive orders, etc, to such an extent that honesty, growth, and meaningful progress in and of private industry and enterprises, science and the arts is fast waning. Our families especially suffer.
These reasons and others have caused the public to lose their balance and to weigh in with a heavy veil of skepticism; but that stance need not be permanent. Give the people an honest alternative to the traditional institutions that have failed them and then each individual can and will stand up and say “I can trust again,” “I will examine the entire platform of the this new party to see if they are for real,” “I will think for myself,” “We, The American People, shall have representation again,” “We will not continue to have life and liberty sucked out of us, but will become full with grace and respect,” and “America and her people will rightfully reclaim pride and greatness, once again standing tall among the nations.”
You know…if all I had to go with was the platform of the Twelve Visions Party and its creator Mark Hamilton, honestly, that would be enough for me – for the platform is sound and I have found its creator to be very innovative, intelligent, brave, and genuine. But I have also had the pleasure of being part of Mr. Hamilton’s “Neothink Society” where like-minded people desirous of peace, change, and the advancement of the human species exchange ideas for building a brighter future in the fields of science, medicine, technology, honest business, and the arts. There is a wellspring of good people there – honest Americans – all sharing their knowledge and a vision of America’s future greatness….
Let no one, let no organization, let no word in hearsay, prevent you from personally seeing through the smokescreen and examining for yourself, what this party, this man, and his society are really all about. To allow someone else to make the examination, judgment and choice for you would be non-American, as we are a free people and must work to remain so by practicing and embracing our freedom and our right to examine and to choose for ourselves….
Liz S

Liz S


Nowadays, America has lost her greatness in the eyes of the international community and indeed in the eyes of many of her own people. There is so much skepticism in this country (and rightly so) regarding how much good a political party can, or will, do for the good of all people and for restoring America’s greatness.
Most have lost hope that an honest party really can arise within American politics that not only speaks of wanting to implement political and structural reforms but stands ready and waiting to be called into action with its real and viable plans for implementing such changes that we’d all like to see, be a part of, and experience. We need such a party and we need to demand that an alternative party be allowed to stand and prove itself without interference. Can such a party even arise? Yes. And I believe one finally has arisen, one that uses sound reasoning in meaningful structure poised to be put to use in very plausible ways – unlike the shallow promises and white-washed veneered “plans” that have been doled out by the preexisting parties over these many years. This new party is the Twelve Visions Party, created by Mark Hamilton and its platform is precisely what this country needs right now…a new way to conduct politics and a fair, honest, and intelligent way to begin to restore America’s greatness.
At first, I was skeptical and heavy skepticism can put one in the “protect mode” of thinking – things are bad, so don’t try anything “new,” because the new may make things even worse – but while that type of thinking may stroke our egos and temporarily distract us from the sad issues at hand, it really isn’t sound thinking. “Known” and “traditional” do not always equate to “the best” and “the most workable or doable.” Just having a look around at our current state of affairs here tells us as much; the “time honored” and “traditional” parties have become the pit of inequity, nepotism and stagnation. Overall, they have failed us in just about every area that they were entrusted with.
Governments – local, state, and federal – have seen such broad sweeping increases in their powers that the very people they have vowed to take under their wings, they have now skinned, dipped in batter, and popped into the fryer. American people have been cleverly lead to believe themselves to be helpless nestlings in a nest too deep to allow them to finally fly high and soar with happiness and pride. Therefore, they have relied more and more upon government agencies that they have trusted less and less.
When the average American is asked how he or she feels with respect to the greatness of America and to its leaders and government, the overwhelming majority will respond by saying something like: “Greatness! Are you kidding? This country hasn’t been ‘great’ for years.” or “This country has gone so far downhill it may never get on its feet again. The mess is too entrenched and entangled.” or even “Its leaders? – Don’t get me started!” Responses like these are no longer limited to the larger, more heavily populated areas. Advances in technology have gone far in disseminating information regarding the real state of affairs of America over a widespread area and among a broad spectrum of her people, rather quickly. And honestly, currently, one often need not look further than his or her own life or household to see some of the crises faced in America today.
Americans respond with anger, frustration, confusion, distrust, despondency, loss of pride and the like. Such responses are due, to a large extent, to individuals and the people as a whole having been:
1) Recipients of broken promises born of repeated campaign lies,
2) Aware of having no real, honest, and meaningful representation,
3) Informed by the leaders that they do realize the system is failing, yet having observed that the root causes for the failure are never examined or halted – the symptoms alone are treated with palliative measures and are merely plastered with bandages, sideshow distractions, and quick tickles,
4) Very cognizant, through careful integration of thought and understanding, of how to fix the system but not having been in a position to fix it – either personally or politically, and
5) Dowsed with ever increasing and ever tighter, limitations, controls, bylaws, laws, statutes, regulations, codes, amendments, precedents, executive orders, etc, to such an extent that honesty, growth, and meaningful progress in and of private industry and enterprises, science and the arts is fast waning.  Our families especially suffer.
These reasons and others have caused the public to lose their balance and to weigh in with a heavy veil of skepticism; but that stance need not be permanent. Give the people an honest alternative to the traditional institutions that have failed them and then each individual can and will stand up and say “I can trust again,” “I will examine the entire platform of the this new party to see if they are for real,” “I will think for myself,” “We, The American People, shall have representation again,” “We will not continue to have life and liberty sucked out of us, but will become full with grace and respect,” and “America and her people will rightfully reclaim pride and greatness, once again standing tall among the nations.”
You know…if all I had to go with was the platform of the Twelve Visions Party and its creator Mark Hamilton, honestly, that would be enough for me – for the platform is sound and I have found its creator to be very innovative, intelligent, brave, and genuine. But I have also had the pleasure of being part of Mr. Hamilton’s “Neothink Society” where like-minded people desirous of peace, change, and the advancement of the human species exchange ideas for building a brighter future in the fields of science, medicine, technology, honest business, and the arts. There is a wellspring of good people there – honest Americans – all sharing their knowledge and a vision of America’s future greatness….
Let no one, let no organization, let no word in hearsay, prevent you from personally seeing through the smokescreen and examining for yourself, what this party, this man, and his society are really all about. To allow someone else to make the examination, judgment and choice for you would be non-American, as we are a free people and must work to remain so by practicing and embracing our freedom and our right to examine and to choose for ourselves….
Liz S.

In the mainstream of today’s Society…

In the mainstream of today’s Society, as well as in the past,  there have lurked many insidious individuals, groups and organizations with only their selfish intent to dominate, control and manipulate the masses for their personal gain at the expense of the unsuspecting and trusting masses.  Many illusions have been presented to the masses in order to orchestrate the complete manipulation of these bodies of sheeple.  These malleable sheeple have been fed much propaganda by the parasitical elite to have them blindly follow the tenets of their destructive teachings in order to lead them down a path of personal misinformation, ambiguity, confusion and non self realization of their true potential and to deny them the opportunity of true self governance and self leadership by obfuscating and distorting the reality of the true essence of a/the situation(s).

By keeping the peoples of the World ignorant of the true actual ‘what is’ of any given situation the parasitical elite that would wish to control and manipulate the masses for their own personal gain and self agrandizing egos are able to do this by distorting the true facts of reality and keep the sheeple of the World uninformed by feeding them untruths, half-truths, distortions and malicious mental fodder in order to divide and conquer them.

History is replete and complete with many examples of these many tricks, diversions and deliberately confusing tactics.  The parasitical elite are deathly afraid of their little gimmicks becoming known to the masses, for if they were,  their little reign of power would be no more as the masses became self educated and self leading.  The parasitical elite would be kicked to the curb as their corrupt methods were exposed and that is the last thing they would like to see.

However, there is now in actuality a Society that has exposed the corrupt methods and obfuscating manipulations of these parasitical elite.  That is the Neothink Society.  Once having familiarized oneself with the writings and teachings of this Neothink Society all of the cheating methods and gimmicks of the parasitical elite society are exposed for all of the peoples of the World to see and understand.  One can readily see how the power base of the parasitical elite society has been garnered and has been able throughout History  to manipulate, gain and keep control over the uninformed peoples of the World.  The Neothink Society will be portrayed to be the nemesis of all that is good and just in the parasitical elite society, and it is.  But it is the edification and exposing of information to you of the shenanigans of the parasitical elite society that they do not wish you to know about as it would dismantle their base of power and allow the peoples of the World to lead themselves and to realize their full potential as self actualizing Human ‘BE’ings.

The Neothink Society has opened my eyes wide to the indoctrinations of the parasitical elite society that has tried to lead me as they wished me to go, but had only succeeded in keeping me in a constant state of mental questioning, confusion and turmoil for the better part of fifty years.  I say tried because although I was in the midst of all of their teachings, preachings and tactics I somehow never felt really comfortable with what I was being force fed through all of their outlets.  Somehow the whole thing just did not gel with me.  I was constantly questioning and searching for answers for I felt deep down in my being that there had to be something ‘More’ to the equation.  Something that I was just not getting or had not found yet.

Once having found the Neothink Society all of those questions and searchings for answers was no more.  I had found the answers to all of my wanderings.  The Neothink Society provided the light and the clarity of the heretofore unknown to me.  I now saw the parasitical elite society’s ploys for what they were.  To plagarize, ‘I once was lost, but now am found’.  ‘I once was blind, but now I see.’

The Neothink Society can remove the veil of obfuscation from you, for you, if you are in need of that.  The Neothink Society has a great vision for all of the peoples of the World in order for them to manifest for themselves the true realization of all they are capable of becoming and to remove the shackles of the parasitical elite society that only wishes to keep them uninformed, ignorant and led as sheeple to do their bidding for them.  Discover for yourself the other side of the coin and to see the reality of the situation as it really is through the Neothink Society literature.  It is indisputable, irrefutable and totally logical.  You will be able to see through the illusions that your ‘Lords’ and ‘Masters’ do not wish you to see for you know not that you are being manipulated.  You may think you are ‘free’, yet you are not.  The Neothink Society will set you ‘free’ as it has done for me.

A great Vision of the Neothink Society is to ‘free’ all of the peoples (sheeple) of the World (Whirled).  This is to be done through a new wonderful Political Party movement called the Twelve Visions Party (TVP).  One of the goals of the TVP is to have Politics ran as a business, a successful business.  In it there will be no egos, no Lobbyists and no influential groups or favoritism of one over the other.  It will be ran as a business by businessmen and women with no Political aspirations for there will be no Political curry or favor to be gained, therefore no climbing through the Political ranks via your ability to curry favor or influence with one group over another.  All will be equal, truly.  It will be a Political Party with no Politics.  It will truly be a business organization streamlined for efficiency and productivity with little or no waste and only true and honest results at the end of the day for all.

Can you now see why the parasitical elite do not wish you to know of this and why they will do everything in their power to dismantle, thwart, impugn, disrutp, malign and destroy the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party (Political – but yet not)?  It would be an end to their control over the masses and an end to their reign of couupt power.  They do not wish to lose that so they will denigrate in every way the efforts of the Neothink Society and the TVP.  Please do not let that happen.  Inform, educate and prepare yourself for the battle that is coming.  Take back your life, your Country.  Do it for yourself, your children and grandchildren, their progeny and your Family Tree.

I have made my stand and I will be with the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party as I see them as our only salvation.


Chris G

In the mainstream of today’s Society…

 In the mainstream of today’s Society, as well as in the past,  there have lurked many insidious individuals, groups and organizations with only their selfish intent to dominate, control and manipulate the masses for their personal gain at the expense of the unsuspecting and trusting masses.  Many illusions have been presented to the masses in order to orchestrate the complete manipulation of these bodies of sheeple.  These malleable sheeple have been fed much propaganda by the parasitical elite to have them blindly follow the tenets of their destructive teachings in order to lead them down a path of personal misinformation, ambiguity, confusion and non self realization of their true potential and to deny them the opportunity of true self governance and self leadership by obfuscating and distorting the reality of the true essence of a/the situation(s).

By keeping the peoples of the World ignorant of the true actual ‘what is’ of any given situation the parasitical elite that would wish to control and manipulate the masses for their own personal gain and self agrandizing egos are able to do this by distorting the true facts of reality and keep the sheeple of the World uninformed by feeding them untruths, half-truths, distortions and malicious mental fodder in order to divide and conquer them.

History is replete and complete with many examples of these many tricks, diversions and deliberately confusing tactics.  The parasitical elite are deathly afraid of their little gimmicks becoming known to the masses, for if they were,  their little reign of power would be no more as the masses became self educated and self leading.  The parasitical elite would be kicked to the curb as their corrupt methods were exposed and that is the last thing they would like to see.

However, there is now in actuality a Society that has exposed the corrupt methods and obfuscating manipulations of these parasitical elite.  That is the Neothink Society.  Once having familiarized oneself with the writings and teachings of this Neothink Society all of the cheating methods and gimmicks of the parasitical elite society are exposed for all of the peoples of the World to see and understand.  One can readily see how the power base of the parasitical elite society has been garnered and has been able throughout History  to manipulate, gain and keep control over the uninformed peoples of the World.  The Neothink Society will be portrayed to be the nemesis of all that is good and just in the parasitical elite society, and it is.  But it is the edification and exposing of information to you of the shenanigans of the parasitical elite society that they do not wish you to know about as it would dismantle their base of power and allow the peoples of the World to lead themselves and to realize their full potential as self actualizing Human ‘BE’ings.

The Neothink Society has opened my eyes wide to the indoctrinations of the parasitical elite society that has tried to lead me as they wished me to go, but had only succeeded in keeping me in a constant state of mental questioning, confusion and turmoil for the better part of fifty years.  I say tried because although I was in the midst of all of their teachings, preachings and tactics I somehow never felt really comfortable with what I was being force fed through all of their outlets.  Somehow the whole thing just did not gel with me.  I was constantly questioning and searching for answers for I felt deep down in my being that there had to be something ‘More’ to the equation.  Something that I was just not getting or had not found yet.

Once having found the Neothink Society all of those questions and searchings for answers was no more.  I had found the answers to all of my wanderings.  The Neothink Society provided the light and the clarity of the heretofore unknown to me.  I now saw the parasitical elite society’s ploys for what they were.  To plagarize, ‘I once was lost, but now am found’.  ‘I once was blind, but now I see.’

The Neothink Society can remove the veil of obfuscation from you, for you, if you are in need of that.  The Neothink Society has a great vision for all of the peoples of the World in order for them to manifest for themselves the true realization of all they are capable of becoming and to remove the shackles of the parasitical elite society that only wishes to keep them uninformed, ignorant and led as sheeple to do their bidding for them.  Discover for yourself the other side of the coin and to see the reality of the situation as it really is through the Neothink Society literature.  It is indisputable, irrefutable and totally logical.  You will be able to see through the illusions that your ‘Lords’ and ‘Masters’ do not wish you to see for you know not that you are being manipulated.  You may think you are ‘free’, yet you are not.  The Neothink Society will set you ‘free’ as it has done for me.

A great Vision of the Neothink Society is to ‘free’ all of the peoples (sheeple) of the World (Whirled).  This is to be done through a new wonderful Political Party movement called the Twelve Visions Party (TVP).  One of the goals of the TVP is to have Politics ran as a business, a successful business.  In it there will be no egos, no Lobbyists and no influential groups or favoritism of one over the other.  It will be ran as a business by businessmen and women with no Political aspirations for there will be no Political curry or favor to be gained, therefore no climbing through the Political ranks via your ability to curry favor or influence with one group over another.  All will be equal, truly.  It will be a Political Party with no Politics.  It will truly be a business organization streamlined for efficiency and productivity with little or no waste and only true and honest results at the end of the day for all.

Can you now see why the parasitical elite do not wish you to know of this and why they will do everything in their power to dismantle, thwart, impugn, disrutp, malign and destroy the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party (Political – but yet not)?  It would be an end to their control over the masses and an end to their reign of couupt power.  They do not wish to lose that so they will denigrate in every way the efforts of the Neothink Society and the TVP.  Please do not let that happen.  Inform, educate and prepare yourself for the battle that is coming.  Take back your life, your Country.  Do it for yourself, your children and grandchildren, their progeny and your Family Tree.

I have made my stand and I will be with the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party as I see them as our only salvation.



Chris G

March 2025