Posts Tagged ‘economy’

Our Reason For Living: TO BE HAPPY!

Well, well, well. Honesty is self-evident, isnt it? Take a GOOD and HONEST look out into our society right now and see what career politicans have done to the world. What else will we endure before everything gets better and not JUST better mind you but OUTRAGEOUSLY AND STUPENDIOUSLY FANTASTIC for WE THE PEOPLE. When I look out across our country (USA) today I see far too many people suffering. I see way too many people fighting. I see innumerable people struggling to make their life what they have always dreamed it would have been. Then I see many other people who have given up. Now if you have the ear of honesty you will see this is the way it is up to this point. Since this is true, why are career politicians the so called “peace keepers?” Will the career polticians please answer that? They will just use their so called “Facts” to mislead THE PEOPLE, drain THE PEOPLE and abuse THE PEOPLE. Career politicans have for far too long messed with the way things are going to run. Now WE THE PEOPLE participating with and in TVP are going to change absolutely EVERYTHING you are going through today/tonight (whenever you are now reading this). You read that right: EVERYTHING of civilization is GOING to change. We have with TVP KNOW that we have honest power and are rising to the levels that we desire to rise to. No, we dont need career politicans regulating the economy (which is another way of saying “I Rule You”). Rather we need compitent career market driven business people CREATING the economy and raising up WE THE PEOPLES standard of living. I may only be 26 years young here but really look out into the world and ask yourself “Is this what I REALLY want?” If no, which I guarantee it isnt, then TVP needs YOU THE PEOPLE to stand up with us and say “no” and say “YES” to TVP and CREATE a major change in the country. First to our country and then to our world. We have an enormous responsiblity to care for our planet and career politicians do not care about that. Only if it fits under their self-angradizing schemes to rule, will they “care”. Some “heart” they do have. But no matter because TVP is the best thing, directly beside The Neothink Society, to ever have been CREATED! Just continue to check out and absorb EVERYTHING here. Integrate EVERYTHING here and watch if you dont feel happier! This is Patrick Bundy and I leave with this: ITS TIME TO PARTY!

Mark Hamilton and Peace!

I remember the first day I started reading the literature from Mark Hamilton. I was skeptical at first, because I have read other books promising grandiose things – more money, a better relationship, better health, etc. In comparison, the literature I received from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton shared with me how to do all of that, plus become better and better as a person every day. I have learned that one avenue America’s citizens can take to help our economy is to create and produce values for society, and not destroy them, and to be a self-leader, which makes a person accountable for his life. I wouldn’t trade these books for a BILLION dollars! They’re priceless! And I encourage everyone to contact the Neothink Society, to order this literature, and see what it is I am talking about. Thank you Mark Hamilton!

Adam H.
New York

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton

It has been a while but I am here today to share in your project. Just a month ago, my husband and I made a life changing move and with the help of your Twelve Visions this move has become the best move we have ever made.
When we packed to move I did not pack the books away, I carried them with me. With the total honesty, my husband is the happiest he has ever been.  He started a new job about a week after we got here and all ready the owner is going to put him in charge and giving my husband a substantial raise in pay in this bad economy.
I am so honored that you contacted me a year ago and that I have had the pleasure in reading your books.  Like I said, I didn’t pack them away, I have them with me all the time. When things get tough I open them up and just start reading with no particular page of starting.
Thank you again for coming into my life and changing it for the better.
Tammy C

What effect does forced redistribution of wealth in the form of government bailouts have on the economy?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …It drains the economy because when companies are simply rewarded for mismanagement, they have no incentive to change their poor business practices. This increases inflation and taxes and promotes overall debt in general.

What is the cause of inflation? Why will prices drop in a completely free market?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Inflation is due to regulations, over spending, a massive budget for social good programs and pumping unbacked currency into the economy. Prices drop in a free market because competition and quality will rise. All businesses will be free to compete freely and pursue profits and reinvest in themselves to bring better value at lower prices.

How will government controlled evolve after Prime Law?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Government’s only role is protection. In due time, entrepreneurs will devise more efficient means of trading currency.

March 2025