Posts Tagged ‘economic slump’

I have found leadership in Mark Hamilton and the TVP…


Many years ago in my personal political history, I began to stop voting when I reached a point of trying to choose “the lesser of two evils” for President of these United States of America. I couldn’t sustain this type of voting, since it did not match my idea of what the status our President should be given by anyone. I wanted to be “FOR” a candidate of honor with integrity at his base, who would guide our country to a better life for all. Since I did regard voting as a privilege, I changed and voted for a candidate for President in two separate elections who seemed as though they brought hope for a true change toward our destiny as a nation and as a people. Alas, these particular two turned out to be disastrous choices!

Our country, which has been among the most prosperous leading nations in the world, has gradually over the years slipped into an economic slump, being less trusted by other nations to provide true leadership, and even mistrusted as a self-serving war monger, to now having our dollar beginning to be dumped as a back-up currency of integrity by many countries since we now owe debt greater than any other leading country in the world–debt that might not ever be able to be repaid.

Over the years, our Presidents and Congress have been passing legislation, along with Presidential Executive Orders, that has been gradually with increasing momentum usurping our basic freedoms as a people to seek life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These freedoms were structured by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, which were set up to make sure freedom remained in our Republic. The Constitution has been essentially gutted to mean almost nothing these days. Check it out People!

So many in our population continue to believe that nothing is true unless they hear it from the President, or Government or the Media. The media no longer acts as a watchdog for our freedoms, but is bound by those who literally own these outlets. The President and Congress do a pretty good job of making appearances to cover to cover wounds that need excision and not band-aids. These appearances are illusions. We as a nation are in Big Trouble. We have to see past the illusions in order to seek and find solutions to the stagnation in our economic, health,

security, and all other structure streams that are in motion, carrying us into extremely dangerous waters that threaten our very survival. This loss of freedoms and survival issues are becoming obvious all over the world.

The Powers that Be, who are orchestrating this whole scenario are ultimately behind this worldwide Fiasco. People in general are starting to wake up to the fact that something is wrong with how the world is being run by those in positions of power, who are assisting in this present strategy. They are making public outcries in Tea Parties, Townhall Meetings, in communications with their state representatives in Congress, and during that gigantic march on Washington, DC, the weekend of 9/11. Pictures show these persons to be composed of our average American families of all age groups. People are becoming less afraid and more blatant when spreading their views. It’s about time!

What has been evolving quietly over several years as a solution is the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party, mentored and led by Mark Hamilton in his Literature and in meetings with Society members. This has been a stupendous eye-opening experience for myself, and many who have become my friends and extended family. We have all been “Searchers” for a better life for years, being able to recognize solutions when we find them. I find Mark Hamilton’s Literature to contain a vivid picture of how our country has gone wrong, and what the solutions are for righting the many wrongs committed under the guise of freedom that are actually bringing about the demise of our longings for this better life in achieving the American Dream we were brought up to believe in. Many laws are being passed in the name of “protection” that are actually eroding the freedoms we have left.

The Twelve Visions Party stands for a paradigm shift in what is thought of a “government”. The Neothink Society and its apolitical Twelve Visions Party (TVP) with Mark Hamilton at its head are capable of bringing about a peaceful nation of self leaders, who think for themselves and who accept responsibility for participating in governing themselves, a true Party of the People. A government of “Protection Only” with all officials observing the Prime Law of no force or threat of force or coercion onto the People, taking out of play the self serving politicians and bureaucrats doing things for appearances’ sake only, that benefit themselves or their image more than anyone else. Mark Hamilton’s Literature is a “truth teller” and a “truth revealer” about what is behind political and domestic turmoil, and hoaxes that are being played out to deceive The People into believing that these erosions into their freedoms and into their pocketbooks are for their own good. Bah Humbug to that!

I have become a self leader, who is developing all my talents, while working with many others in and out of the Neothink Society to create a beginning template of this peaceful Good Life as we might come to know it. The Twelve Visions Party is open to all citizens. I have found leadership in Mark Hamilton and the TVP (Twelve Visions Party) with whom it is possible to cooperatively build a law-abiding, peace loving, strong and supportive nation with the cornerstones of honesty and integrity as a base, to unleash all the people’s burden of life into creative, wealth building life of their dreams, conceived usually in their younger years, and which yielded to the manipulations of those not looking out for the benefit of the people. We do not need to be the policeman of the world’s disturbances. Responsibility needs to arise from those involved. We do need to take care of our own country starting NOW, so we can again know peace, freedom, and prosperity.

I have found Mark Hamilton to be a man of courage. I have found that honesty, integrity, and years of dedication to make a vision into Reality that I wanted in a President. I am proud of this association. I appeal to The People to look into the pages of history, even recent world history, to do a little research of your own to find your answers, to open your own eyes, and join with the Twelve Visions Party with Mark Hamilton to complete the work of evolving our nation into a world worth living, growing and developing in, so we might all master the lessons of Life for ourselves and our children, and for future generations.

For without these two principled factors, our great USA will be manipulated into a straitjacket of life unbearable! All you have to do is look around you, talk with people, and you will see the direction we as a nation are headed in. It is time to stop and turn things around. We as a people have the strength and the power to do this.

Reread this letter, and think…. It is now our time to speak and act to save our country and ourselves, and I have no doubt in my heart that we as citizens have the courage and stamina to take our destiny in our own hands and triumph!

Love, Lila

March 2025