Posts Tagged ‘economic mess’

What I would say, if I were asked what Mark Hamilton, and the Twelve Visions Party mean to me…

What I would say, if I were asked what Mark Hamilton, and the Twelve Visions Party mean to me………..
-Good morning, and how are you today?
I’m fine. Though I am very concerned about the present condition of the economy.
Oh? Do you really think it’s worse than any other normal down turn in the economy?
Absolutely. As far as the health of the economy is concerned, we always have peaks and valleys. But this time everyone agrees, it is much worse than a typical recession.
Are you concerned about the future of this country?
Yes. There seems to be a general sense of panic by our leaders. There are a lot of initiatives being implemented to straighten out the economic mess, but none seem to be well thought out as to how they will affect us in the long term.
How is it affecting your outlook on the immediate future?
I’m afraid that all the “quick fixes” are adding to, and postponing a much worse economic scenario.
Do you have confidence our leaders will solve our nation’s problems?
No. The “quick fix” ideas do not address the underlying problems.
What is the underlying problem?
Too many restrictions are in place that don’t allow the “geniuses of society” to be able to use their creative abilities to solve our problems. If not so restricted, society would progress much faster in all areas, like the lightening fast progress we have made in the relatively unrestricted computer industry.
Do you think it’s time for citizens to hit the panic button?
No. I believe it is time to act, but not to panic.
Why do you seem to be taking this gloomy outlook in stride?
Because I believe there is a solution to this national crisis, and it is at hand.
What do you think the solution is to this unprecedented crisis?
We need government reform. We need to reshape the government to reflect what the “Founding Fathers” intended it to be.
Is there anyone with a realistic plan to accomplish that?
Yes. A man named Mark Hamilton.
What does Mark Hamilton offer as a solution?
Mark Hamilton’s goal is to establish the “Twelve Visions Party” which would recapture the spirit of what our Fore Fathers intended government to be in a Free society.
What would the :Twelve Visions Party” do to solve this dilemma?
The “Twelve Visions Party” will protect all individuals from all initiatory force, and will allow the creative “geniuses of society” to rapidly provide the means for heath, wealth, and safety for all people.
How will this Twelve Visions Party get established?
The majority of people now recognize the need for vast improvement in government. They will investigate what Mark Hamilton’s literature ,and the T. V. P. offer. Then they will vote into office, candidates who will implement the changes needed to bring about health, wealth, and safety for everyone.
What you say Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party will provide sounds great, but why should I believe it’s more than just another pipe dream?
I would encourage you to decide for yourself if what I say is true, by reading Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society literature. I believe you will be as impressed as I am.
Bruce A

Mark Hamilton Brings Value


Mark Hamilton’s teachings are VALUE LADEN. By reading his books he changes the way you think. This new way of thing is THE ANSWER to our current problems we are experiencing economically.
The information is so BADLY NEEDED right now world-wide, but especially here at home. I am grateful for getting to know this information. It has been invaluable. My business has done well despite current conditions.
His work is so value laden that I could not say enough about it, but the manuscrips must be read, studied and made second nature. Then nothing can stop you, period.
Seriously, his hard thinking allows him to provide us with a doable framework for getting us out of the current economic mess, and go FAR beyond. Here is someone who actually has a workable solution. Have you head anyone with a REAL SOLUTION?
Therefore, the Twelve Visions Party is the only solution for us currently. The incumbents have worn out their welcome.
It is time for leaders to spend wisely and follow through on their promises while acting with integrity, regardless of party.
It is time for each person to take their power and lead themselves. Hamilton shows us how. Thank you so much for that.

March 2025