Posts Tagged ‘earth’

NT Warrior


I am a NT Warrior here to face those that a trying to destroy Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society; for what earthy reason; there is not one at all and there has not been one from the beginning. Neothink is the solution to life for the people to live according to their human nature in the mind state of happiness; the person we where meant to be. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society is not in the business to hurt, but help all to evolve continually to enjoy life without limits forever here on earth, even for those that are fighting and against the Neothink Society.

Thank you so much, Mark Hamilton.


Thank you so much, Mark Hamilton. Thank you for exposing me to the Twelve Visions Party. You have definitely changed my life for the better. I undoubtedly will never be the same because of you. For the first time ever my life is worth living. You’ve given me a new way of seeing the world. It’s not like I’ve been told what to do or to do anything differently. What you’ve done for me is to help me to be able to think in a totally different way. I now have a new way of approaching the world. And for the first time ever, I am in charge of my life. I no longer allow outside influences to influence me.

So many people have so many different opinions of what’s wrong with the school system. But it just amazes me thinking about what an incredible world we would be living in if, when we were children, we had been taught or just allowed to think for ourselves. Integrated thinking and total honesty is definitely our way out of the hell that has been created on this earth by dishonest, value destroying people. I’m so happy to have found the Twelve Visions Party. Thanks once again Mark Hamilton.


Steve S

Living the real life

The Neothink Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton have empowered me to live the life of my dreams that I never have before the Neothink Society.
The twelve visions party and the twelve visions world are powerful smart pieces everywhere around the world.
Thanks so much to Mr. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society we are living the life that we are meant to live on earth.

Since I have discovered neothink from Mark Hamilton, I have grown in so many ways

Since I have discovered neothink from Mark Hamilton, I have grown in so many ways
with so many tools and values I never imagined to be the best as a person that I am now.
I have been taught the importance of life  through not just the natire of being a huan being,
also along the guidlines and values to what humanity is all about and all the beautiful gifts
and abilities there are to make this planet a peaceful and happier place to live.
I know from a personal experience, the reasons and understandings of Mark Hamilton’s honest
and trusting bussiness helps anyone, (and I do mean anyone), to learn and grow from his
material to be educated and most importantly to be aware of themselves and the world around
them.  I have never known anyone to live their life for their family and for the greater good for
Humanity to make a difference on a macrocosm scale like Mark Hamilton.
To sum it up, Mark Hamilton is a loving valued driven human being that we all can respect and
appreciate his purpose here on Earth! I personally want to thank Mark Hamilton for his support
in which he has helped aide me for my well being and success!
Robert B

Thank you for exposing me to the Twelve Visions Party

Thank you so much, Mark Hamilton. Thank you for exposing me to the Twelve Visions Party. You have definitely changed my life for the better. I undoubtedly will never be the same because of you. For the first time ever my life is worth living. You’ve given me a new way of seeing the world. It’s not like I’ve been told what to do or to do anything differently. What you’ve done for me is to help me to be able to think in a totally different way. I now have a new way of approaching the world. And for the first time ever, I am in charge of my life. I no longer allow outside influences to influence me.

So many people have so many different opinions of what’s wrong with the school system. But it just amazes me thinking about what an incredible world we would be living in if, when we were children, we had been taught or just allowed to think for ourselves. Integrated thinking and total honesty is definitely our way out of the hell that has been created on this earth by dishonest, value destroying people. I’m so happy to have found the Twelve Visions Party. Thanks once again Mark Hamilton.


Steve S

Gateway on Earth

I’ve had many teachers in my life- yet only one Mentor.


To Others:

No matter where we live on this Earth. Regardless of Time Zones and personal beliefs.- WE ALL HAVE: the same 24 hours in any one day.

Of course. What ‘WE’ do within  those hours, IS the measure of the person ‘WE’ are, or WILL become.


A Neothink member.

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, Neothink and Twelve Visions World

Hark Hamilton,

I am so happy to be here and a part of some of the most beautiful minds in this world. We are all very grateful for the wonderful vision that Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions World is giving us to help create the Twelve Visions World. There is something going on very special inside of me right now. I got the right information on life and how we got in this mess and how to get out.

It is a true blessing to find Mark Hamilton and Neothink. I do not know if you understand the law of attractions but it has a lot to do with why you are reading this and why you are here searching for the truth. There is something in life that only each of us can find. It lies deep inside of every one of us. 

I am pleased to find you reading this and honestly I have to say it may have something to do with the truth about life and how to keep it here on this earth

I know understand why and how my thoughts got compromised thanks to Mark Hamilton, Neothink and Twelve Visions World. I have never been so happy and the feeling is a little strange as I have never felt like this in other happy times? It is a happiness very deep inside that is pushing it’s way to the surface of my being. The soul is pushing up and into the REAL me. The person I was ment to be.

Thanks Mark Hamilton,


Twelve Visions World

My we live forever,

Renee Maira


Thank you for exposing me to the Twelve Visions Party

Thank you so much, Mark Hamilton. Thank you for exposing me to the Twelve Visions Party. You have definitely changed my life for the better. I undoubtedly will never be the same because of you. For the first time ever my life is worth living. You’ve given me a new way of seeing the world. It’s not like I’ve been told what to do or to do anything differently. What you’ve done for me is to help me to be able to think in a totally different way. I now have a new way of approaching the world. And for the first time ever, I am in charge of my life. I no longer allow outside influences to influence me.

So many people have so many different opinions of what’s wrong with the school system. But it just amazes me thinking about what an incredible world we would be living in if, when we were children, we had been taught or just allowed to think for ourselves. Integrated thinking and total honesty is definitely our way out of the hell that has been created on this earth by dishonest, value destroying people. I’m so happy to have found the Twelve Visions Party. Thanks once again Mark Hamilton.


Steve S

March 2025