Posts Tagged ‘earth’

Anyone who knows Mark Hamilton/Neothink …

Anyone who knows Mark Hamilton/Neothink, knows that you are

a modern day JHS……on earth.

We know all men are created equal.


We know all men are created equal. But, what we do with our time here on earth is what makes the difference. Neothink has indeed brought to light what we as Star children of the Universal Civilization need to reckon with lower cast beings.

Have you ever asked yourself this question; what is the true meaning of life here on earth?

Have you ever asked yourself this question; what is the true meaning of life here on earth?

The Neothink Society has meant so much to me ever since I became aware…

The Neothink Society has meant so much to me ever since I became aware and a part of this wonderful and life changing organization. The Neothink Society has been a place where I know I can come and discuss with other lifelong members anything that is going on in my life as well as theirs and all of us can help everyone become the real persons we were meant to be. All of this has been possible through the years of work by many people including Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton is a person who not only cares about himself and helping others, but also makes sure that living a magnificent, euphoric and stimulating life is possible for anyone seeks to have all his or her deepest dreams come true.

The Neothink Secrets from The Neothink Society are what really explains what life is all about and how anyone can be very successful in all areas of life by simply learning and integrating the concepts and applying them each and every day for grand results. The Neothink Society is a place where people from all around the world can come together and realize that there is much more to life than what we can see and in order to get all we want out of life we have to come together and help one another to make the Civilization of the Universe on Earth finally be a part of everyone. That I know will be great for all mankind throughout the entire universe forever.

I have never been much of a reader and always thought there was a better…

I have never been much of a reader and always thought there was a better way for society to live and grow into better human beings and prosper on earth without war and strife and live as a universal society. Now, I believe that even more after reading this eyeopening and mind awakening literature. As the governments of the world seem to be going the wrong way with their greed and deception, we that realize must start making changes not for us

Mark Hamilton and Neothink has opened up my eyes

In the world of illusions nothing is what it seems. Remember we don’t live in a civilization. We live in an anti civilization with it’s controlled media. Don’t believe what they are telling you. It is one big lie. People lie when honesty will do. They just do. Mark Hamilton and Neothink has opened up my eyes. I plan to start the company without a company – a company with out a country. Just a couple of high end computers and a fast internet connection and I can operate from anywhere on earth. I am thinking of moving to the Ukraine. It is no longer safe to live here. Thanks Neothink and the TVP.
Chuck Neothink owner since 1987

Before I ever met Mark Hamilton, read his literature, or found the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions Party…

Dear Mark,
Before I ever met Mark Hamilton, read his literature, or found the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions Party… my life was a mess. I was extremely depressed and didn’t understand why because I had a lot of really good things going on in my life- two beautiful children and a great husband. Yet, I found myself sad and depressed and wondering why I was here- on earth, what my purpose was and were my life was going. I felt completely worthless.
Since Mark Hamilton found me, and since integrating his literature, finding the NT society and discovering the TVP movement everything- every little part of me as an individual inside and out, and how I view my life has changed. Mark Hamilton has brought me into the light. He has showed me who I am as an individual and the power I posses as an individual. He has shown me the power of the mind. He has shown me that we can use that power honestly to take control of our lives and futures. He has shown me the power of the person and what that power can become when the power of the people join. I love Mark Hamilton as a daughter loves her father. Mark Hamilton is the “father” of this movement. His literature means the world to me. It will not only guide me but my family as well into health, wealth, and full and prosperous happiness. I now know with great certainty that I can achieve great happiness and great wealth. Not only do I know this with great certainty, but I know I’m worth it!! We all are. The Neothink Society has pulled me into another level, another realm of love and power. A level I never knew existed and now can’t let go of. Success of the TVP movement means freedom, prosperity and love not just for me, not just for my family, but for the world as a whole.
If, for some reason Mark Hamilton were to be silenced, his literature erased from the earth, or the TVP movement silenced…that would mean ever growing chaos not only for me as an individual, not only for my family and loved ones, but for the world as a whole. And that ever growing chaos would in fact lead to the destruction of our civilization and our world as a whole. So this movement is the MOST IMPORTANT movement in civilization ever. This movement is the movement to end ever-growing chaos and find and create ever-growing peace and happiness. This movement will change the world.
I know my life’s not perfect right now, but I know I can achieve my view of a perfect life with the knowledge, love, and consciousness I have acquired with the help of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Neothink Society. And through the TVP so can the world full of lost individuals.
Peace and love,
Rashelle P.

He’d love to hear that he received an invitation to Neothink from Mark Hamilton


Hi Mark,

Besides my Neothink experience I thought I’d pass on two interesting stories from my kids concerning Neothink.  I have a son 9 and a daughter 7.  Tonight my son asked me to read a book he has about the Universe.  The topic of black holes come up.  They are worried about dying from a black whole affecting earth, just like little Neothinkers preserving their solar system or galaxy.  Next time I’m mention that black holes are probably initialed by Neothinker’s to prevent the big crunch.

Also my son wants to join Neothink.  He’d love to hear that he received an invitation to Neothink from Mark Hamilton.  


Since I have discovered neothink from Mark Hamilton…

Since I have discovered neothink from Mark Hamilton, I have grown in so many ways
with so many tools and values I never imagined to be the best as a person that I am now.
I have been taught the importance of life through not just the natire of being a huan being,
also along the guidlines and values to what humanity is all about and all the beautiful gifts
and abilities there are to make this planet a peaceful and happier place to live.
I know from a personal experience, the reasons and understandings of Mark Hamilton’s honest
and trusting bussiness helps anyone, (and I do mean anyone), to learn and grow from his
material to be educated and most importantly to be aware of themselves and the world around
them. I have never known anyone to live their life for their family and for the greater good for
Humanity to make a difference on a macrocosm scale like Mark Hamilton.
To sum it up, Mark Hamilton is a loving valued driven human being that we all can respect and
appreciate his purpose here on Earth! I personally want to thank Mark Hamilton for his support
in which he has helped aide me for my well being and success!
Robert B

The Neothink Package was some of the most eye-opening…


The Neothink Package was some of the most eye-opening reading material I have ever run across!  I was intrigued from the first invitation.  I am captivated to this day.  At a time when I was looking for answers in a world where truth is in short supply Mark Hamilton’s Inner Circle Secrets. Miss Annabelle’s Secrets and Inside Secrets opened my mind to an interpretation of my purpose on this earth that has become an integral part of my current belief system.

Thank you, Mark, for caring about your world and the people in it.  Because of you I will never rely on the mysticism of religion again!

Wanda R

March 2025