Posts Tagged ‘e mail’

Mr. Mark Hamilton

Mr. Mark Hamilton,
According to the last e-mail I had sent, I realize I can not control how others are going to live their life when they are somewhere else. Some of them drink too much, or smoke, or don’t save money, or what have you.
I want to give everyone a clean slate. Why? Because they are a human race and they normally make errors sometimes just from living daily lives.
Things of importance is a necessity that needs to integrate into the consciousness of everyone. The human race is important. Sure they had severely upset me in the past at different times, yet let’s move forward. Lets find a way to correct the issues that went astray in the past in a manner of noble respect and honor. It is still building…the human race that is. Today, when I walk out the door to my daily activity, I will mind my own business, yet I will look at others as normal human beings looking for a destiny, looking for their own path. Today I choose to remain in love with Terri, and greet others with some privilege, and look forward past what they can not see or know of and wish them the best for each of their lives, and watch each one of them grow in happiness.
Patrick B. Rasmusson

“Neothink ARTS Co.”

To Whom it may concern: This is being sent to those who have expressed forward looking Neothinking concerns about our future as a Society and as a supporter of the life of our planet and thus ourselves:
This came to me in my open-state after awakening today: It fits into the thought provoking discussion on the ARTS Conference Call last Sunday by those wanting to use the phrase “free market Capitalism” in the Mission Statement of the “Neothink ARTS Co.” : To make up a new use for those old terms that many on the planet find distasteful: Neo-Capitolism, ie. a resource based supply and demand,…inserted into the Mission Statement:
(instead of over use of our planets resources, and the inordinate demand from consumers forever newer goods, the peoples of the Earth and its Leaders take into consideration what our planet has to offer and with this knowledge takes a conservative stance to not drain our planet of its resources and thus supports the sustenance of life and the survival of the human race. This facilitates research into developing new sources of energy and whatever other creations fall into the category of enhancing our planet’s base of offerings in the form of its life sustaining resources).
This approach was stimulated by Professor Jared Diamond’s presentation of looking into the History of previous dead civilizations that made those decisions guided by their leaders and the peoples themselves who did not recognize the necessity to reverse the trends that ended up with their demise=approximately a lifespan of 250+ years only per civilization. Our present civilization has dominated around 230 years thus far, so hopefully it is not too late to reverse the trend of the course we are on at this time!
Rob R brought up the links to Jared D’s talk, with comments by Bill Gates, in the Council of Mentors e-mail string. Please read: (I’m having Yahoo mail complications & will senda PS…e-mail since right now yahoo will not make a draft for me to save while I capture that link)….Read his “talk”…but mainly the material below the video:
Love, Elaine

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party

This testimonial begins and consists of the following episode. The episode itself is an intertwining or integration of two short e-mail exchanges between my sister and myself and between a newly found friend and myself. The common denominator, which binds them, is the final reply I made in both exchanges was identical.
Keeping the preceding in mind, first, here is the conversation involving my friend, David:
I tell him:
“If you get a chance, check out one of our new web sites. Just go to”
He replies:
“I read some of the T.D.P. you sent me and it seems like a bunch of rules to follow. I already know the rules. I have freedom of the mind. The prim law is not necessary for me.
Next would come my reply; however, before including that, here is the conversation involving my sister, Kandi:
No, I changed my mind. I will show you my reply to David right now. Although, as I said, it is identical to the one I ultimately gave my sister, it definitely bears repeating:
Interesting you should say this. Thanks for visiting the web site. Were you able to find the Prime Law? In knowing how the site is set up, I can certainly understand at first glance why you might think as you say. In reality, however, it’s quite the opposite. The potentially explosive progress of mankind has been held in check for over 2000 years by the elite ruling class — both religious and political. In order to satisfy their own self-serving agendas, they have been sucking us dry all these years, like leeches in a Florida swamp. Although, perhaps, not as influential today as it once was, the Church did its thing for the first 1000 years. They, of course, are known as the Dark Ages. Countless numbers of honest, hard-working people have lost their lives fighting wars for Church and State that never should have been fought in the first place.
Today, the madness continues. 50%-75% of every tax dollar out of our pocket goes to run programs for the so-called social good — most of which, when you really get down to it, are fundamentally unconstitutional, and have been put in place not for the good of the people, but for the good of the government, and those sneaky little turds behind it/running it. The Prime Law, which will immediately be put in place, as an amendment to our Constitution (it will otherwise remain just as it is) by our first Twelve Visions President, will instantly do away with all that. The critical idea is to de-politicize America, and return it to the rule of law, instead of the rule of flaw-filled man — as currently, unfortunately the case. I think if you can keep your mind open a bit longer to look a little deeper, you will see not more rules, but far less. Our government was meant to be for protection only. It needs to be returned to that ASAP!
Before going any further, I could go on for days, I suggest checking out the web site. The Prime Law, as simple, short, and sweet as it is, fills the home page, and can’t be missed. I think it a good chance, a clearer, less-muddled understanding, perspective, and appreciation awaits you there.
Now, here’s my dialogue with Kandi. I had just received a message from her forwarding something someone had sent her, about how Congressmen should receive Social Security, just like everyone else. So, I thought it appropriate to send her the following, which was recently sent to me by Patricia Lewis, a fellow visionary hailing from South Carolina. As you will see, it describes some excessive, wasteful spending by our newly elected president, Obama:
To this, my sister answered back:
I told Kandi, perhaps, we are not stuck with the garbage we have, and after telling her what it was, sent her the reply originally intended just for David:
Interesting you should say this. Thanks for visiting the web site. Were you able to find the Prime Law? In knowing how the site is set up, I can certainly understand at first glance why you might think as you say. In reality, however, it’s quite the opposite. The potentially explosive progress of mankind has been held in check for over 2000 years by the elite ruling class — both religious and political. In order to satisfy their own self-serving agendas, they have been sucking us dry all these years, like leeches in a Florida swamp. Although, perhaps, not as influential today as it once was, the Church did its thing for the first 1000 years. They, of course, are known as the Dark Ages. Countless numbers of honest, hard-working people have lost their lives fighting wars for Church and State that never should have been fought in the first place.
Today, the madness continues. 50%-75% of every tax dollar out of our pocket goes to run programs for the so-called social good — most of which, when you really get down to it, are fundamentally unconstitutional, and have been put in place not for the good of the people, but for the good of the government, and those sneaky little turds behind it/running it. The Prime Law, which will immediately be put in place, as an amendment to our Constitution (it will otherwise remain just as it is) by our first Twelve Visions President, will instantly do away with all that. The critical idea is to de-politicize America, and return it to the rule of law, instead of the rule of flaw-filled man — as currently unfortunate the case. I think if you can keep your mind open a bit longer to look a little deeper, you will see not more rules, but far less. Our government was meant to be for protection only. It needs to be returned to that ASAP!
Before going any further, I could go on for days, I suggest checking out the web site. The Prime Law, as simple, short, and sweet as it is, fills the home page, and can’t be missed. I think it a good chance, a clearer, less-muddled understanding, perspective, and appreciation awaits you there.

So keep up the good work Neothink…

I hope all is well with you Mr. Hamilton. My name is Jerry P, and I got your latest e-mail on October 29,2009. I would just like to say that you should not let anything stop what we are trying to do as the Neothink body. What Neothink has can change the world forever, and when Neothink succeeds their will be no turning back, because the world will see the values this ground-braking, eye opening entity has the potential to do. And when people realize what they have before them, they will wonder where has it been all their lives. So keep up the good work Neothink, if they can’t see, we shall open their eyes.

others in the secret society have given me a reason to continue


I do have to say that you and the others in the secret society have given me a reason to continue to have hope for years I was misunderstood, where I live at they like to embrace small mindedness and only a select few such as myself like to read between the lines and look at things as they really are. My father used to talk about reading between the lines. I have to thank you for encouraging me to look beyond this realm of thinking. All my life I have had different thoughts on different aspects. To summarize, I have to say that not having all of us to follow our realities is like adopting a level of nonexistence! To take our life away from the real avenue of life would be a miscarriage of justice! I have been directed as to who I really am! It should be rendered as illegal to take away our true personalities!  Again, I thank you for directing my destiny. I know that this e-mail is somewhat brief, but I do sincerely hope that this helps. candace c

50%-75% of every tax dollar out of our pocket goes to run programs for the so-called social good

This testimonial begins and consists of the following episode.  The episode itself is an intertwining or integration of two short e-mail exchanges between my sister and myself and between a newly found friend and myself.  The common denominator, which binds them, is the final reply I made in both exchanges was identical.

Keeping the preceding in mind, first, here is the conversation involving my friend, David:

I tell him:

“If you get a chance, check out one of our new web sites.  Just go to”

He replies:

“I read some of the T.D.P. you sent me and it seems like a bunch of rules to follow.  I already know the rules. I have freedom of the mind. The prim law is not necessary for me.


Next would come my reply; however, before including that, here is the conversation involving my sister, Kandi:

No, I changed my mind.  I will show you my reply to David right now.  Although, as I said, it is identical to the one I ultimately gave my sister, it definitely bears repeating:


Interesting you should say this.  Thanks for visiting the web site.  Were you able to find the Prime Law?  In knowing how the site is set up, I can certainly understand at first glance why you might think as you say.  In reality, however, it’s quite the opposite.  The potentially explosive progress of mankind has been held in check for over 2000 years by the elite ruling class — both religious and political.  In order to satisfy their own self-serving agendas, they have been sucking us dry all these years, like leeches in a Florida swamp.  Although, perhaps, not as influential today as it once was, the Church did its thing for the first 1000 years.  They, of course, are known as the Dark Ages.  Countless numbers of honest, hard-working people have lost their lives fighting wars for Church and State that never should have been fought in the first place.

Today, the madness continues.  50%-75% of every tax dollar out of our pocket goes to run programs for the so-called social good — most of which, when you really get down to it, are fundamentally unconstitutional, and have been put in place not for the good of the people, but for the good of the government, and those sneaky little turds behind it/running it.  The Prime Law, which will immediately be put in place, as an amendment to our Constitution (it will otherwise remain just as it is) by our first Twelve Visions President, will instantly do away with all that.  The critical idea is to de-politicize America, and return it to the rule of law, instead of the rule of flaw-filled man — as currently, unfortunately the case.  I think if you can keep your mind open a bit longer to look a little deeper, you will see not more rules, but far less.  Our government was meant to be for protection only.  It needs to be returned to that ASAP!

Before going any further, I could go on for days, I suggest checking out the web site.  The Prime Law, as simple, short, and sweet as it is, fills the home page, and can’t be missed.  I think it a good chance, a clearer, less-muddled understanding, perspective, and appreciation awaits you there.


There has never been a way for the average person to take action before.


Dear Mark,

I did this last night before I got your e-mail.  It is from my heart. You have brought so many

wonderful things into my life that I will help you to do this no matter what it takes.

If you need more . simply ask. But I find myself driven to write somedays, and I love to do it.  One of my FNE’s surely!

I’ll get started on one about what will happen if we do not take our country back and the TVP fails. That will never happen though. We will succeed at this, because we must.

Do protect yourself and your Family first. Businesses and material things can always be re-created, but We need your genius to help guide us. As long as you survive the TVP will

also survive. WE will make it so. I personally will never ever give up on creating this as long as there is breathe in my body!

You cannot stop a thing when it’s time has come.

As desperate as they will get, they will not and cannot defeat us. People will recognize the truth when it is put before them.

There has never been a way for the average person to take action before.

Now there is. That is why the TVP will prevail.

More to come…….more more and MORE.

Unconditional Love………..  to help MH to…. create eternal value.

Clarie R

There has never been a way for the average person to take action before.

Dear Mark,

I did this last night before I got your e-mail. It is from my heart. You have brought so many

wonderful things into my life that I will help you to do this no matter what it takes.

If you need more . simply ask. But I find myself driven to write somedays, and I love to do it. One of my FNE’s surely!

I’ll get started on one about what will happen if we do not take our country back and the TVP fails. That will never happen though. We will succeed at this, because we must.

Do protect yourself and your Family first. Businesses and material things can always be re-created, but We need your genius to help guide us. As long as you survive the TVP will

also survive. WE will make it so. I personally will never ever give up on creating this as long as there is breathe in my body!

You cannot stop a thing when it’s time has come.

As desperate as they will get, they will not and cannot defeat us. People will recognize the truth when it is put before them.

There has never been a way for the average person to take action before.

Now there is. That is why the TVP will prevail.

More to come…….more more and MORE.

Unconditional Love……….. to help MH to…. create eternal value.

Clarie R

50%-75% of every tax dollar out of our pocket goes to run programs for the so-called social good

This testimonial begins and consists of the following episode. The episode itself is an intertwining or integration of two short e-mail exchanges between my sister and myself and between a newly found friend and myself. The common denominator, which binds them, is the final reply I made in both exchanges was identical.

Keeping the preceding in mind, first, here is the conversation involving my friend, David:

I tell him:

“If you get a chance, check out one of our new web sites. Just go to”

He replies:

“I read some of the T.D.P. you sent me and it seems like a bunch of rules to follow. I already know the rules. I have freedom of the mind. The prim law is not necessary for me.


Next would come my reply; however, before including that, here is the conversation involving my sister, Kandi:

No, I changed my mind. I will show you my reply to David right now. Although, as I said, it is identical to the one I ultimately gave my sister, it definitely bears repeating:


Interesting you should say this. Thanks for visiting the web site. Were you able to find the Prime Law? In knowing how the site is set up, I can certainly understand at first glance why you might think as you say. In reality, however, it’s quite the opposite. The potentially explosive progress of mankind has been held in check for over 2000 years by the elite ruling class — both religious and political. In order to satisfy their own self-serving agendas, they have been sucking us dry all these years, like leeches in a Florida swamp. Although, perhaps, not as influential today as it once was, the Church did its thing for the first 1000 years. They, of course, are known as the Dark Ages. Countless numbers of honest, hard-working people have lost their lives fighting wars for Church and State that never should have been fought in the first place.

Today, the madness continues. 50%-75% of every tax dollar out of our pocket goes to run programs for the so-called social good — most of which, when you really get down to it, are fundamentally unconstitutional, and have been put in place not for the good of the people, but for the good of the government, and those sneaky little turds behind it/running it. The Prime Law, which will immediately be put in place, as an amendment to our Constitution (it will otherwise remain just as it is) by our first Twelve Visions President, will instantly do away with all that. The critical idea is to de-politicize America, and return it to the rule of law, instead of the rule of flaw-filled man — as currently, unfortunately the case. I think if you can keep your mind open a bit longer to look a little deeper, you will see not more rules, but far less. Our government was meant to be for protection only. It needs to be returned to that ASAP!

Before going any further, I could go on for days, I suggest checking out the web site. The Prime Law, as simple, short, and sweet as it is, fills the home page, and can’t be missed. I think it a good chance, a clearer, less-muddled understanding, perspective, and appreciation awaits you there.


March 2025