Posts Tagged ‘dreams’

What our members say

The Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton have empowered me to live the life of my dreams.  The Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions Party and The Twelve Visions World are powerful puzzle pieces regarding everyone everywhere living the life that we are meant to live minus the dishonesty!

One way I benefited from Neothink is:

I’ve been in bands for approximately nine or ten years. Actually one band(that I created) for seven years now. The first couple of years when I started were a great learning experience, but I had an idea in my head(or my minds eye I should say) of how I wanted a band. So I quit the band I was in and created my own. Also at the time, my girlfriend who was with me in the prior band joined forces with me. We worked amazingly hard, day and night, and practiced and practiced. Learned over seventy-five songs in two weeks. We looked and learned how to get gigs, and tried things we either knew or thought would work. I was so happy doing this, I didn’t even realize how much effort I was putting into this until I looked back on it. Much more too, but I think anyone reading this gets the idea.(note: this is years before I found Neothink or Neothink found me.)For about two years we went strong. Then out of no where, my girlfriend and I fell apart. To this day I don’t know the real reason. (note: which tore my self-esteem to pieces). This resulted to five years of loneliness, and severed the band, my dreams that came true, died all at once. And as I said, financially devastated me to where I could never catch up. I bought her a vehicle and we made the payments together, but when we split, she insisted on keeping the vehicle. Plus I could never afford the payments and insurance on my own, but she felt she could. After a couple of months, she fell behind in payments, filed bankruptcy,(note: this is after she sabotaged gigs we had booked after our split, and she refused to cooperate with me to do those gigs, so she destroyed any chance I had of doing them because I needed the money big-time)and totally destroyed my credit. So I gave up. I still practiced my guitar and all, but didn’t try to seek other bands or start another one for a while. What I learned from Neothink later, was, all that effort, and ideas, and dreams coming true, contained a secret that I didn’t even realize at the time. Especially during the most depressed times. Coincidentally, when I received the first heirloom package, I was just starting my band again. Through all my sorrow, I realized I loved music and wanted to be in a band, as the lead guitarist. As I studied Neothink, I started applying the tools I learned. All of sudden, I was immensely happy again. Neothink helped me realize, through all the sorrow, to focus on the light in my life and how to have control of it. To cut to the chase, here I went again, but this time, with successful tools that I never dreamed of. No, I ‘m not a big-time, major, famous band, but I saw that if I wanted to, I can. The more I applied what I learned from Neothink, the more magnificent results evolved. By the time I received all three heirlooms and read them three times through each, I felt power I never knew I could feel. I could see things far more clearly and could plan the paths I wanted to take with great confidence. Already knowing pretty much what will be before I get there. And this is real. Not something I imagined, or hoped, or prayed for.

Another way I benefited from Neothink is:

I started meeting girls again. This time was different though. I had a relationship with a girl I always dreamed about as a teenager. I couldn’t believe I was kissing and touching a woman that I wanted all my life but didn’t have the courage, or confidence to ask out. Also I met and had a relationship with a woman that was the most beautiful woman I laid eyes on. We didn’t last long but we both understood we liked each other but intelligent enough to part without bitterness or regret. I look back though, and I’m amazed at that to this day. So all those years of loneliness totally dissipated. All of a sudden, women noticed me.

Another way I benefited from Neothink is:

My regular job I always liked. Not to boast or brag, but I’ve always been an energetic person. Very hyper. Some might think this isn’t a good thing, but they are always people that are not energetic. So all my jobs, I’ve done well. (note: This is as viewed by my bosses, because I always went above and beyond to get my work done).I would break company records in accomplishments as far as work completed. My recent job is no exception. But, once I learned some tools from Neothink, I started doing things I never knew I could be good at. Everything I tried, I did well, because I now know how to make it succeed. Did you read that? I NOW KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT ALL SUCCEED.I benefited in so many ways from Neothink, I couldn’t possibly list it all hear and now.

I’ll be honest, I’m not a millionaire,(yet)but I know I can be. It’s within my grasp. It may take a few years, few months, or a few minutes, but success is within my grasp, because Neothink opened my eyes in a way that I didn’t see. I always thought some things that were different from the normal world, but I know now, that was Neothink. Amazing, tremendous, happy times lay ahead, and I’m going towards them. As age and health problems may lay ahead of me. I know with the knowledge Neothink can bring the world, everything can be cured, explained, accomplished, and controlled with pure honesty, and reality. All this is real, not just hope, or prayers, or wishes, or dreams. Total, un-argumentative, factual reality. That’s what’s amazing to me.

Think about it, the more you do something, the better you become. With Neothink, the more success you accomplish, the better you become at success. Fact!  I’m not just saying money, but everything you do, or dream, or want. Power. You actually become powerful. In a honest, and real way. Not as a belief, you know what you have to do, not just wonder.

If just one person comes to realize that Neothink is what can solve all of mankind’s and nature’s problems, through my testimony, that would be so joyous to my heart. Because I know the journey they are about to partake in is full of happiness, success and quite possibly, world changing solutions and ideas. So lets go and enjoy this amazing journey.

William D (Bill) from New Jersey.

TVPNC Officers On Neothink Radio May 23rd 2010

TVPNC Officers On Neothink Radio May 23rd 2010

Vision Five — Land the Job of Your Dreams

Before NEOTHINK I was lost and confused…

Hi, My name is Christopher Chamberlain and I want everyone to know the value of NEOTHINK. NEOTHINK is a new way of thinking, with your entire mind. It is believing in yourself and not something false. Since I have been a part of NEOTHINK I have altered my ways and have begun to change the course of my life. Before NEOTHINK I was lost and confused and had no idea what my true potential in life was. If you get rid of NEOTHINK you won’t be able to find that sense of anything anywhere. I am now on my way to achieving my dreams in life. I am in school and getting a 4.0 and you know what I’m actually happy again. Thank you NEOTHINK for showing me the light when it was gone and nowhere to be found.

Mark Hamilton an Neothink Offer a better Life…

I have spent my whole life, trying to buy a house, and make a decent living for myself. And have a family, But that hasn’t happened, not in this current society. I have spent the past 19month’s in a houseless shelter. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society an the tvp party, show me how I can achieve my dreams .Mark Hamilton an Neothink Offer a better Life for the Whole Country, not just the rich ruling. The way the country is right now, We all owe it to ourselves to welcome a better way of life! Our current Government apparently doesn’t know how to save the country.

Thanks for saving my life

Mark Hamilton
  You are the source of hope and truth for all those ones like me that are lost in their reality.

You brought me back to the life I lost many years ago, when I lost all my dreams and enthusiasm. I became like a zombie, without dreams and expectations for my future.

      Then one day when I pick up the mail, I had this invitation from you to join the Neothink Society. I started reading and soon I started to gain the hope it was missing from my heart.   

      Soon after, I order the first package. I was desperate to have it in my hands and soon the reading was on. Going through it page by page my enthusiasm was growing and growing.

Then reading the second package about miss Annabelle`s Secrets I fell that I can dream again.

      It was like flying through the Universe and connect to the source and born again.

Thanks for saving my life

Wilson Perez 

I was always disgusted with politics

I was always disgusted with politics because I knew they were dishonest leeches as I called them. I never wanted any part of politics. But knowing what I have learned now of the elite society and the corruption of the govt & what they continue with there is no way I will sit on the sidelines. I will do what ever is necessary to awaken any one & every one I can to the truth of what is truly going on behind the scenes of the govt. No one’s dreams should be diminished by a small group like this.

You could search the world over & not find a more honest…

You could search the world over & not find a more honest, sincere compassionate & warm hearted young man.  He has devoted his life to the Neothink society & its members to help everyone live a better life, to be happy, free & good.  The things he taught is not in the library & you won’t learn in a school room. We don’t wish any one any harm, we just want to pursue our dreams & have a better government, honest & decent. That’s not asking too much!!  I sincerely wish he can be left alone to finish his work for the world to see what a Genius he truly is.

Thank you

Peggy L.

What our members say

The Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton have empowered me to live the life of my dreams.  The Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions Party and The Twelve Visions World are powerful puzzle pieces regarding everyone everywhere living the life that we are meant to live minus the dishonesty!

March 2025