Posts Tagged ‘dreams’

Mark Hamilton, has not only transformed my life…

The literature that I’ve received in the Neothink society and Mark Hamilton, has not only transformed my life, but , has tremendously positively affected my niece and nephew for I have taught them what I’ve learned, and they are soaring as young children at ages 6 and 9, beyond their parents dreams. As far as the political movement, everywhere I go, everyone I meet, all are starving for this new political party, they have had enough of the bickering between the parties, and are realizing that’s something’s not right and we need a party for the people, not a party that argues with each other over issues that do not mean anything, while things do not get any better, whichever party is elected and in office! People have had enough, time to Unite, not be swept into the divide and conquer of the current political 2-party system design! People are sick and tired of the “I’m for this” and the other party is ” I’m against that” The I’m for and your against current 2-party system is no longer holding water, it’s childish in nature and people have had enough!



You could search the world over & not find a more honest…

You could search the world over & not find a more honest, sincere compassionate & warm hearted young man.  He has devoted his life to the Neothink society & its members to help everyone live a better life, to be happy, free & good.  The things he taught is not in the library & you won’t learn in a school room. We don’t wish any one any harm, we just want to pursue our dreams & have a better government, honest & decent. That’s not asking too much!!  I sincerely wish he can be left alone to finish his work for the world to see what a Genius he truly is.

Thank you

Peggy L.

My Value to YOU the People!

Mark Hamilton CAN NOT change your lives!!!!

That is a action that must come from each INDIVIDUAL!

Still, Mark Hamilton SAVES lives because he makes available the values needed to change your life through your efforts.

That is the deepest level of honesty, if you do not like it, well that is just to bad. I am not here to tell you lies! I am not here to create illusions! I have no hidden agenda to control or steal from you.

All I have is the honesty that is in my heart. This is my value to you, my honesty!

Thank you Mark Hamilton for the values that have helped me to change my life. You are an awesome man. A value creator beyond belief, in this world of illusions!

I love you! I love you! I LOVE YOU!
thank you! thank you! THANK YOU! Thank you for being a honest man, who just wants so bad, to see every one happy and living the life of their dreams.

You are most honestly one of the few people left that beliefs in helping others. Your heart is so huge. You are the true blessing of life! THANK YOU Mr. Mark Hamilton, your love, your value, will live on in this world and here in my heart, forever.

Mark Hamilton, I really love you so! Thank you for the values, and keep them coming forever! =) Thank you! =)

most Honestly
Mark Holder Jr.

Secrets? Not Anymore!


Have you ever wondered what the secret to success really is?
I have searched for a long time to discover what this is.
Well, I finally found it.
In reading Mark Hamilton’s Multi-Generational Manuscripts, I found a road map to success.
The Self-Leader System gives you the power
to think on a different level and become the person you were meant to be.
You will understand and learn to create value, as I did, and nothing will ever be the same in your life again.
I learned that, following others, will never make your dreams a reality.
Only when you follow your own unique path and do what you love, will you finally love what you do.
There are no secrets anymore for me, because I have found the answers.
Thank you Mark, for allowing me to be who I really am, and creating my own special values for others.
I will succeed in anything I do because
my own success depends upon no one else
except myself. That is what a self-leader is.

One Point!


I want to Thank you Mark,

I was Tenured out of the Navy in 2003. I had a modest pension and medical coverage for life but no more direction for my career. Receiving your invitation letter was strange but curious and after much debate I returned it to start my learning processes.

Fast forward several years my outward appearance to the world hasn’t changed. I still live in the same house, have a little bit better job but not much, and I drive the same car. However I am extremely happy!

My focus has been on my family and just last night my son, my wife and my son’s girlfriend were talking about her going to school for her career and my wife was worried about what she chose and my son spoke up that even though it would be difficult it was Okay because it was her passion!

While my son has not read the multigenerational manuscripts I have incorporated a number of the advantages into my own personnel philosophy which are carrying over now to my son and he is an extremely happy college student pursuing his dreams.

If there is one point to be made it is that no matter how old you are, you can still be happy chasing your dreams if you understand how life works!

In support of Mr.Mark Hamilton


This message goes to all the veterans out there who went to the Vietnan war and if you go back in time that war and the other wars would not take place if we had the Twelve Vision party constitution since this constitution is for defence only.On the other hand I can’t thank enough Mr. Hamilton for recapture all those beatiful dreams that I had as a child.I’m still learning with Mr. Hamilton’s mentoring and due to his love and honesty I see the world different and he has inspire me to help support other children in various countries and it brings back the thrill of life to find out what I was ment to be.I love Mr. Hamilton and his work and I love my Neothink Society.Thank you,Thank you,Thank you.A Vietnan U.S. Army Veteran,Marco A. Reyes.

Living the real life

The Neothink Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton have empowered me to live the life of my dreams that I never have before the Neothink Society.
The twelve visions party and the twelve visions world are powerful smart pieces everywhere around the world.
Thanks so much to Mr. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society we are living the life that we are meant to live on earth.

I was always disgusted with politics

I was always disgusted with politics because I knew they were dishonest leeches as I called them. I never wanted any part of politics. But knowing what I have learned now of the elite society and the corruption of the govt & what they continue with there is no way I will sit on the sidelines. I will do what ever is necessary to awaken any one & every one I can to the truth of what is truly going on behind the scenes of the govt. No one’s dreams should be diminished by a small group like this.

To Mark Hamilton, NTS and TVP,

          I feel I’m in a like minded group of people that will help me to grow. The Neothink will help me become the person I was meant be. The society we live in today will never let this happen because they spin a web of illusions, so they can drain all of our money and dreams from our veins and minds in the name of doing good for us! 

          We need to stand up and open our eyes to what’s going on!

We need to see past the gobbling politicians and take back the child they have stolen

March 2025