Posts Tagged ‘dreams’

Image waking up every morning, happy, and with the excitement as a …

Image waking up every morning, happy, and with the excitement as a child going on his favorite vacation, and next to you the person of your dreams that has the deepest passionate love for you.

I would like to say that your Neothink literature had helped me enormously.

Hi Mr. Hamilton,

I would like to say that your Neothink literature had helped me enormously. I had used your techniques to help me get ahead and get what I wanted. I am very thankful that I had found you or you had found me.

I am just an ordinary person and had no hope of doing anything more with my life but after I read your literature, I was in shock of what I can do and how much I can achieved. Life is not easy these days, I am very confident that people appreciate what you did and your vision is very clear that people can be what they want to be and live the life that they want to live.

Thanks to your vision I am working on that goal right now. My hope is high and my standards and expectations are higher than it used to be. I think God puts you and your vision in my life because I had given up on almost all of my dreams and hope and than your letter came in the mail tells me to send in for the free booklet so I send it in. In about a week, the booklet came than again it tells me to send in for the 300 year old secret manuscript. this time I made a little investment but its worth it.

Please do be careful because if anything happens to you All of our dreams will vanish …

Dear Mark Hamilton:

Please do be careful because if anything happens to you All of our dreams will vanish for I do

I, Myles C, shall cultivate a deep and burning desire that should…

I, Myles C, shall cultivate a deep and burning desire that should transform my dreams into reality, which will enable me to implement my action plan.

I am 53 feel like 23 year old full of hope for the future

I am 53 feel like 23 year old full of hope for the future not afraid to pursue my dreams and goals of running a business doing real estate and helping people realize their dreams I am healthy and feel great about the future because of the TVP

Neothink Inside Secrets are Life Changers!

Hello Mark,

Neothink Inside Secrets are Life Changers!

With all the personal development work out there today one body of work that stands head and shoulders above the rest is the visionary work of Mark Hamilton and Neothink Inside Secrets.

While other authors offer mindset advice that few can embrace and use, Neo Think gives you focused and exact steps to take to create the life of your dreams. Neothink provides specific instructions that shows anyone exactly how to find their true passion in life, find the time to accomplish their greatest goals and create values that make a difference in the lives of other people and the world at large.

Mark Hamilton

Mark Hamilton is the kind of person one only dreams would come into his or her life.

Mark Hamilton is the kind of person one only dreams would come into his or her life. He is the Psalms & Proverbs in flesh and blood; the whole Bible in fact! His greatest gift is that he will give you every good advice and secrets of success most people will never tell others for the simple fear of creating competition. Not Mark Hamilton. He is the living personification of Jesus Christ’s instruction, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and “love one another as I have loved you.”

In my

To give our lives meaning we need our dreams, friends, family, and Mark Hamilton.

To give our lives meaning we need our dreams, friends, family, and Mark Hamilton. At present we are incomplete in our society as individuals without Neothink Inside Secrets. There are many necessary things that complete us as human beings.

First, there is hope. The best dream anyone can have is hope. That need is openly given with Neothink mentality allowing us to be fulfilled

I wish to thank you for opening the door…

Dear Mark,

I wish to thank you for opening the door so I can get my dreams back. I chose to purchase the heirloom series to learn and dream of the way life should be as opposed to the way life has been. I am excited about the future and looking forward to a life of value creation, love and fun in business. I have always been considered “different” from my classmates, colleagues, and family. I knew something was wrong with so much in this world but could not put my finger on it until I read your manuscripts. I have been labeled by many a dreamer and one that does not want to grow up. I believe in the power of the mind and the power of having like-minded people accomplish the “impossible.” I believe in everlasting love and I am working to change my behaviors to find it – maybe it is right in my house but I can not tell right now. I believe in people being about to be value creators and looking forward to creating more of those values for my loved ones. I believe in the power of giving freely to others but it is difficult in this world due to the people that take before it is given. All of these beliefs have come to the forefront due to what you have given. I thank you sincerely and look forward to learning more from you.

To your success!!!

Jay W.

This is my testimonial for Neothink and Mark Hamilton my Mentor


This is my testimonial for Neothink and Mark Hamilton my Mentor

Since receiving the first. second and the third books from Mark. I have seen my life change for the better. After starting over twice, this has not been the easiest and very slow But they are happening. As I look back at my life after reading those three books, I see that all my life I have felt like an outsider. Wondering what was wrong with me. But now, I see why. After putting the pieces, of what I have learned, together in my life together I see that I have always got down to the essence of everything. These books have shown me how to live my dreams, the ones I always knew where going to come to reality.

I can see that, with those that get involved with Neothink, their lives will transform into the life they have always dreamed of.

I am in a transformation period right now, but will start to implement more of NT after I get moved in to the new house. I believe this move is going to be very propelling for NT and business in my life. I look forward to sharing NT with everyone.

Live Honest & Prosper

Thomas L. C. V.

March 2025