Posts Tagged ‘dream world’

University of Life

Hi, everyone !

My name is Antonio and I came from Brazil and I’m living here in USA since 2005, and more specifically in Colorado State since June/06. I’m very proud and happy in belonging to NEOTHINK SOCIETY as a member. I’m very grateful to this Society because its changes a lot my life, and of course, for better.

I’ve experienced many things on many fields during my lifetime before get into NEOTHINK SOCIETY. I have done many studies and researches on the path of my life, but nothing can be compared with I’ve learned and what I’m learning in the NEOTHINK SOCIETY. The NEOTHINK SOCIETY is the highest graduation that a human being can have at the ” UNIVERSITY OF LIFE”, because it can be applied on all segments of our lives.

NEOTHINK SOCIETY to me, is main piece of my life, its show me the way of better living, better relationships, better loving, and the most important, I’m knowing others NEOTHINK SOCIETY members that will be friends for LIFE. It’s so amazing that we are a group of people(brotherhood), who want to see the world changed, and it’s possible to break out our world to a DREAM world with the power of NEOTHINK SOCIETY.

The NEOTHINK SOCIETY has opened up a whole new world for me. It shows me the purpose of life, that’s the purpose of total consciousness of life as a target for all of us.

At NEOTHINK SOCIETY, I’m feeling and understanding better my interactions with our world, because its allow me to brings everything to knowledge and then consciousness, which means a better CONTROL of my LIFE. Now, with the knowledge of an INTEGRATED THINKING, which it means better solutions to our life and its permits to expand to other people making them more happier and wealthier.

Before NEOTHINK SOCIETY, I was a dreamer but now, I’m a dream doer of positive thoughts with production values. I upgraded myself to the heights that I never have experienced before, and now I’m stepping forward a big turnaround in the essence of my life.

I have no words to express my gratitude to MARK HAMILTON and NEOTHINK SOCIETY

March 2025