Posts Tagged ‘downward spiral’

Mark Hamilton’s books helped me learn to love life

Hi. I just wanted to say how happy I am that I got involved in the Neothink Society. I used to hate life and people. I had no direction and thought life was pointless and at times wished that it would be over. Now I’ve been shown a different kind of life. Mark Hamilton’s books helped me learn to love life and helped me find a direction to go in. I’m now going to be starting school and majoring in microbiology for research into human health. I believe that the Twelve Visions Party will change the world for the better. People will be happy doing what they love in life and creating values for the world without being held back by all the unnecessary laws and regulations that are suffocating us today. It is important that TVP be allowed to grow. If it isn’t, the world will continue on this downward spiral and all the problems of the world will continue to get worse as they have been. I want to have children and bring them up in a Neothink Society where they can be happy and grow up properly. Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the TVP movement have absolutely saved my life. It means everything to me that this continues to grow and make the changes that are necessary in this world for happiness for everyone. I don’t even want to THINK of a world where this isn’t a possibility! It’s far too important. The Neothink Society and the TVP give life real meaning… for everyone. Writing is not my strong suit, but hopefully this will show how important Mark Hamilton, his literature, the Neothink Society, and the TVP movement is to me, my future family, and the world. Let’s stop doing things the same old way we always have…it’s quite literally killing us all. It’s time to do things right. Let the TVP grow.
Jennifer Naething

Patrick Bundys testimonial of his life journey in the permanently valuable Neothink Society (R):


When I first began I was dishonest, hated, loveless, moneyless, womanless, depressed, lazy while pushing my camouflaged failure down into a downward spiral of dishonesty. I was defaulting in nearly almost every area in my life yet I just could not “get it” when I was making some effort to becoming rich and successful.

Now all that is happily forever behind me.
I have discovered the indefinitely valuable life advantages to universal wealth, health, romance, happiness, safety, peace, creation and universal power.
Each of my own heirloom packages planted just the right seeds of knowledge to forever allow me to jump directly into the most exciting journey of my whole life.

I have discovered for myself the secrets of the worlds smartest individuals on our planet.
This is NOT hype as NEOTHINK SOCIETY members have already discovered on their own. I have too. I am SO happy about this.

When I laid eyes on the secrets to eternal sexual-romantic love I was amazed at just how easy it will become for me to experience such an eternal value.
I was uplifted as to WHY so much failure exists in the world when it is all SO easily avoidable.
I am now fully armed with the NEOTHINK SOCIETY secrets to romantic-love creation.
Because of this I have attracted the love of a very special woman whom I want more than I have ever wanted any woman before.
She responds to my character.
I want her. Applying the sexual-romantic-love secrets I am witnessing her with my own eyes her desire expand for me.
She and me will be together soon enough.
I love being so patient while watching romantic-love prosper in my life and feeling my happiness with her already.

I have discovered the stimulating career of my dreams.
I now have a real life business working with real business people in the National NEOTHINK SOCIETY.
All of my life checking out MLM’s and other marketing models I could not do them because my heart was not with it.
My heart is FOREVER WITH the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Business Model.
I believe in my heart that my business will make me more rich than most of the countries richest people are today.

I now know the essence of conscious beings, value creation, happiness, love, humor, conscious life and many many others.
Knowing this I am now able to profitably control the essence of MANY things so that me and others may experience indefinitely expanding happiness for life.

I have found a home in the National NEOTHINK SOCIETY.
I feel pure love existing all around the serious minded NEOTHINK SOCIETY members that are taking the NEOTHINK SOCIETY to ever newer levels.
During the National Meetings I feel the friendship, harmony, love and respect existing as we all create the most important values that bring lasting meaning in our lives.
I realized and accepted that ALL members that are getting in now are going to experience these very same values if they really take an active participation.
The happiness, joy and happiness is beyond what we all knew before.
Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the love that I now permanently live with.
These people that feel like family to me are the men and women that are adding so much valuable and relevant knowledge to my life.
I cannot begin to tell you how much ripe and fresh knowledge that we all uncover on a day to day basis. I am overwhelmed with pure love everyday as I watch my life reach new heights never before dreamt of.
Just take an active part in this life changing group of like-minded people and you will see for yourself all of the exclusive action that takes place here all the time.

I used to feel scared that I would fail in life.
Now I KNOW that is completely false.
I KNOW that life is exactly what I intend to make it. Now that I am a life long member in the Neothink Society (R) and am using the secrets, all jammed packed in the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Heirloom Packages, I live without the fear that plagues most people today. I live with increasing peace and eternally happy pure love in my heart.
I am taking action towards the life I am meant to live each and every single day.
One way that I KNOW that I cannot fail in the long run now is because the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Visions and Powers took the author 25 years to create this prime literature. They arose from factual experiences of real life people who had part in adding eternal value to these heirloom packages.
I own the original copies of these two pieces of the prime literature.
The prime literature puzzle is beyond what currently exists on our planet.
Actually I feel scared from time to time but when I consider the fact that I am OK now with my friends, I melt with loving feelings for life.

I used to despise and hate myself.
When I look back on this I look back somewhat with disbelief at how I used to be.
I now love myself with every fiber of my being in existence.
I love life.
I understand and am knowing how to succeed.
I am gaining the ability to acquire massive and extensive resources in my own life.
I have never been as dedicated to anything as much as I am to the NEOTHINK SOCIETY, the members, the prime literature and my NEOTHINK SOCIETY life that I am living more and more everyday with sheer happiness.
I was never as SO excited as I was to learn that anyone can lift themselves out of their miserable existence and into the life they were meant to live.

There is SO MUCH MORE to this life I live that I could talk about so I sak right now: Go to my testimonial video and make good understanding of it.

In conclusion of my testimonial I must say:
I love myself and my life now. I have real and true fun now where once fun was gradually slipping away. I actually felt helpless to have fun as much as I once did again. Now I do…

Lovingly and Respectfully,
Patrick Bundy

With development of the Twelve Visions Party finally coming to life…

With development of the Twelve Visions Party finally coming to life, I finally see hope for are country and the world as a hole. This is the only hope for the world to finally find peace and happiness! The literature and teachings nurtured from this party are uplifting and wonderful! There is nothing harmful or dangerous from these teachings, just pure simple logic being used for are benefit. The goal of the party is success for everybody and everything! To use are growing knowledge for the good all mankind. To make this world a paradise for all. Were there is no loss of anything that brings good to mankind.
The thought that this movement could be stopped is very saddening. Without the Twelve Visions Party I fear that the world will continue in its downward spiral and never come out of it. Death and war will flourish and the environment will be sacrificed and we will slowly destroy are planet and all its wonderful people, and all the beautiful places this world has to offer us all. The word that the party will bring us will be amazing and fun, fun, fun! The technology that will be developed by the nurturing of are great minds will be astonishing. Don’t stop the greatest thing we bring to this beautiful planet, are Minds!!
Michael O

Mark Hamilton, I am seeing things in an all new light…

I am 59 years of age and in severe debt. I am on the threshold of bankrupcy, and my life has been on a downward spiral for years. However, upon being discovered by Mark Hamilton, I am seeing things in an all new light, free of illusions and mysticism. I have taken control of my job, and now make $14,000.00 a year more than I did a year ago, and I know this is only the beginning. I am in control of my destiny again, and I want to stand at the ready to assist others with their break from the anticivilization. THANK YOU,MARK HAMILTON.

Thank you so very much for inviting me to the Neothink Society

Dear Mark,

Thank you so very much for inviting me to the Neothink Society, it has changed my life in so many ways. I took advantage of your offer and got the first of the heirlooms, read and was motivated to purchase the second, intrigued and inspired by reading both publications. Miss Annabelle’s story put me over the top in visualizing the picture puzzle and getting the pieces put together. I have never been so motivated to want to know and learn more. I felt exhilaration for the first time in my life, finding true meaning and hope for the future for myself, my family and the world! I always knew deep down there was more to this life.

The heirlooms have been life changing and the journey so far has been an exciting experience. I have been looking for something for many years and know I have finally found what I have been looking for. I am introducing the Neothink Society information to my children as their willingness to learn increases I look forward to passing Neothink Society heirlooms on for our future generations.

Before being introduced to this way of life I was very unhappy, my job had become stressful and unfulfilling, I felt I had no real purpose in life, the country seem to be on a downward spiral and no place to turn for true meaning and  purpose in this life.

 Now with the Neothink Society I have been able to use the tools from the heirlooms to think my way into a better way of life for myself and my family.

Please don’t stop providing this information it is the truth and the light that will change all our lives for the better. Thank you from the depths of my soul.

Pamela E

Mebane, NC

I want to express my true opinion


I want to express my true opinion of the value and the integrity of what Mark Hamilton and Neothink is trying to do. He is merely trying to wake up a sleeping consciousness and show us how to evolve to a far greater life. The life we are meant to have and enjoy free of the bondage of what we call our lives as they are governed by politicians and dishonest people in power.


They are showing us how to truly educate our young so they can achieve all they are capable of instead of the warehouse schools that exist today costing one Billion Dollars in Dallas County alone, and it is a school system you would fear for your life to attend, yet it cost one Billion Dollars for one County, Dallas County. The education or lack of it is appalling and it is leading us into a future of failure and a downward spiral to the working poor….nothing more than Welfare Prisons accept we are running out of Tax Payers and our Government spends us into poverty each passing day. It is our Country but we have let a few leaders take it away from us and they have made a horrible mess of it because they don’t know how to do anything but spend other people’s money and when they run thru that they just print play money and mortgage our children and Grandchildren’s future.

Neothink is simply put intelligence awakened and then with patience and love nurtured into Genius and prosperity for all. It is trying to open up meaningful careers for people rather than the disjointed pointless tasks most people do not giving a thought to the end product or even that their is and end product. We have to wake up or we will self destruct. The way I see it we are on the Nuclear Threshold right now and if something powerful doesn’t intervene we could very well below the whole planet up. It is time to unite as a planet not nation states and meaningless borders. I could go on and on but we have been controlled and mislead to a point most people are blindly following the path of misery no longer even hoping for anything better. Their ambition has been buried in disappointment and boredom…..if we lose this chance to grow to what we are capable of, then God help us all.  Why everything is good and decent shut down by the powers that be? Think about it and at least check into what you are being told, stop blindly following people that are proven failures and wake up to the hope and prosperity that awaits us if we are only strong enough to resist the status quo.


Lana S

March 2025