Posts Tagged ‘doubt in my mind’

There is no doubt in my mind that Mark Hamilton has to be the most caring …

There is no doubt in my mind that Mark Hamilton has to be the most caring, sincere, loving Man that exist today.

My lifes story


As I grew up in the 60’s religion was a big part of my family life. Growing up in an old school Portuguese environment. Bible study on Saturday and church on Sunday. As I reached my teen years I started to rebel. Bad friends drugs and running wild became the norm. Then I decided to join the Marines in 1972.That helped me to grow up some more and help me to become a self leader. Then in 1973. I got married and was blessed with two beautiful children. Even though we married for the wrong reasons. We stood together for 19 long years. And in 1993 I found myself divorced. By the time the first Christmas without my family came I was a Heroin & Cocaine smoking snorting Addict Alcoholic Pot smoking fiend. Trying to kill myself during that first Christmas without my family. But some how I found away to see myself in the mirror for the first time in my life. I realized I need to do something before my children looses their father. So I had to self teach myself how to love myself all over again. Which in turn taught me how to respect myself. And let me tell you that wasn’t an easy task to do in fact it was the hardest thing I ever done in my life. And in the process of going through all that. I started to do searches on the computer for a better way because what I was doing was going nowhere fast. Then out of the blue I got a white envelope with red strips on it from some unknown. I opened it and read it. The letter was from Mark Hamilton. And let me tell you that insignificant letter changed my whole life by changing my way of thinking. I quickly read all the letters that were sent to me. An I bought all the multigenerational manuscripts. I gained knowledge I never knew existed. And that knowledge I’m speaking of has value unrivaled to any knowledge that I gather in the past. That knowledge has turned me from a follower into a self leader once again. I may not be financially rich yet. But that will come no doubt in my mind it will come. I am rich with an amazing array of knowledge. And because of all that knowledge. I’m now a member of the Neothink Society. I just became a New NTWarrior. And I honestly support and believe in the TVP. For our country need this TVP so we can Escape this AC we find ourselves in now that seems to be getting worst by the seconds. Things need to change have to change and must change not just for us but for our children and our children’s children and beyond.
A special Thanks to Mark Hamilton. And to all my Neothinking Brothers and Sisters of the Neothink Society.

The Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party Movement

Greetings everyone I am Reverend Dale R of the Church of the Universal Life. I’ve been associated with the Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party Movement for about 3 years now. Mark Hamilton has been My Mentor, a very dear Friend in Deed.  I am a very Proud owner of Mark Hamilton’s Manuscripts.  Over the past 3 years I have , along with the other “original 300” members’ have listened to Mark discuss his visions of the S.O.S. Clubhouses , future Advertising, and bringing together the Twelve Visions Party.  The Extent of Passion, Love, and focus, from Mark Hamilton towards this Puzzle.  Pieces for bringing in the Twelve Visions World. has been  no less than outstanding.  There is no Doubt in my mind that Mark Hamilton has our best interest in mind. Mark Hamilton also comes from His Heart.  I always tell everyone that I speak to ,to ALWAYS  speak from the Heart, listen from the Heart, and come from the Heart in all things.

March 2025