Posts Tagged ‘doses of reality’

I honestly, want to thank Mark Hamilton and his literature…

To Mark Hamilton and all concerned;
I joined Mark Hamilton and Neothink society back in june 2007. Since June 2007, I began to look at the world of illusions through honest pure mind of reality by applying Mark’s Hamilton literature. At times, I want to quit the readings of literature and Neothink society because of my old believes in illusions, and Mark’s pure world of honest reality. I’m glad, I never quit the Neothink society and Mark’s literature that change my life 180 degrees for better. My goal is 360 degrees, but I’m still working on it. Nevertheless, I became a honest leader of my future by applying Mark’s literature. I now can create my own destiny and future, instead waiting for Santa Clause. I now know that I’m alone responsible for my future, and none will create my destiny but myself. Anyone who will judge Mark Hamilton and society must first read Mark’ literature to understand Mark’s genius to save the world from illusions, dishonesties and contradictions that slowly but surely destroy this world. I want to thank Mark Hamilton and Neothink society to help me by applying Mark’s literature look at the world from honest reality point of view. Never judge book by its cover, read it first.
I honestly, want to thank Mark Hamilton and his literature to let me see reality instead illusions. I joined Neothink society back in June 2007. Since, June 2007 until now, I have been given daily doses of reality through readings of literature written by Mark Hamilton. At times, I want quit the reading and Neothink society because of my illusionary world and old believes began to clash with Mark’s Hamilton honest, pure world of reality. However; the more I red Mark’s literature the better I began to feel about myself and the world of illusions we live in. Today, I’m so happy I never quit because Mark Hamilton and his literature turned my life 180 degrees for better, and I’m still working to change my life 360 degrees for better, but this is my future goal. Mark’s Hamilton literature brought out the honest leader in me. I no longer wait for future directions, I create my own future, life and destiny. I never in my life have been so excited about reading any kind of literature, but Mark’s literature does some spectacular magic to my way of thinking and looking the world from different much better perspective than the old way of thinking. I must say Mark Hamilton is a genius to help any individual find his true meaning and happiness in life by applying Mark’s literature properly in anyone’s life. To honestly judge Mark Hamilton and Neothink society one must read all Mark’s literature to find out that Mark Hamilton is about honest love for human race, competitive value creation, and breakthrough inventions. Anyone who does judge Mark Hamilton on some bogus gossip and made up stories, must really read Mark’ Hamilton precious literature to honestly judge the men and the society. Only then, anyone who reads the literature will understand how vital, and valuable Mark Hamilton and Neothink society is the the future of the world we live in. Don’t judge book by its cover, read it then judge it.
Sincerely yours,

I honestly, want to thank Mark Hamilton and his literature…

To Mark Hamilton and all concerned;
I joined Mark Hamilton and Neothink society back in june 2007. Since June 2007, I began to look at the world of illusions through honest pure mind of reality by applying Mark’s Hamilton literature. At times, I want to quit the readings of literature and Neothink society because of my old believes in illusions, and Mark’s pure world of honest reality. I’m glad, I never quit the Neothink society and Mark’s literature that change my life 180 degrees for better. My goal is 360 degrees, but I’m still working on it. Nevertheless, I became a honest leader of my future by applying Mark’s literature. I now can create my own destiny and future, instead waiting for Santa Clause. I now know that I’m alone responsible for my future, and none will create my destiny but myself. Anyone who will judge Mark Hamilton and society must first read Mark’ literature to understand Mark’s genius to save the world from illusions, dishonesties and contradictions that slowly but surely destroy this world. I want to thank Mark Hamilton and Neothink society to help me by applying Mark’s literature look at the world from honest reality point of view. Never judge book by its cover, read it first.
I honestly, want to thank Mark Hamilton and his literature to let me see reality instead illusions. I joined Neothink society back in June 2007. Since, June 2007 until now, I have been given daily doses of reality through readings of literature written by Mark Hamilton. At times, I want quit the reading and Neothink society because of my illusionary world and old believes began to clash with Mark’s Hamilton honest, pure world of reality. However; the more I red Mark’s literature the better I began to feel about myself and the world of illusions we live in. Today, I’m so happy I never quit because Mark Hamilton and his literature turned my life 180 degrees for better, and I’m still working to change my life 360 degrees for better, but this is my future goal. Mark’s Hamilton literature brought out the honest leader in me. I no longer wait for future directions, I create my own future, life and destiny. I never in my life have been so excited about reading any kind of literature, but Mark’s literature does some spectacular magic to my way of thinking and looking the world from different much better perspective than the old way of thinking. I must say Mark Hamilton is a genius to help any individual find his true meaning and happiness in life by applying Mark’s literature properly in anyone’s life. To honestly judge Mark Hamilton and Neothink society one must read all Mark’s literature to find out that Mark Hamilton is about honest love for human race, competitive value creation, and breakthrough inventions. Anyone who does judge Mark Hamilton on some bogus gossip and made up stories, must really read Mark’ Hamilton precious literature to honestly judge the men and the society. Only then, anyone who reads the literature will understand how vital, and valuable Mark Hamilton and Neothink society is the the future of the world we live in. Don’t judge book by its cover, read it then judge it.
Sincerely yours,

To Mark Hamilton and all concerned;
I honestly, want to thank Mark Hamilton and his literature to let me see reality instead illusions. I joined Neothink society back in June 2007. Since, June 2007 until now, I have been given daily doses of reality through readings of literature written by Mark Hamilton.  At times, I want quit the reading and Neothink society because of my illusionary world and old believes began to clash with Mark’s Hamilton honest, pure world of reality. However; the more I red Mark’s literature the better I began to feel about myself and the world of illusions we live in. Today, I’m so happy I never quit because Mark Hamilton and his literature turned my life 180 degrees for better, and I’m still working to change my life 360 degrees for better, but this is my future goal. Mark’s Hamilton literature brought out the honest leader in me. I no longer wait for future directions, I create my own future, life and destiny. I never in my life have been so excited about reading any kind of literature, but Mark’s literature does some spectacular magic to my way of thinking and looking the world from different much better perspective than the old way of thinking. I must say Mark Hamilton is a genius to help any individual find his true meaning and happiness in life by applying Mark’s literature properly in anyone’s life. To honestly judge Mark Hamilton and Neothink society one must read all Mark’s literature to find out that Mark Hamilton is about honest love for human race, competitive value creation, and breakthrough inventions. Anyone who does judge Mark Hamilton on some bogus gossip and made up stories, must really read Mark’ Hamilton precious literature to honestly judge the men and the society. Only then, anyone who reads the literature will understand how vital, and valuable Mark Hamilton and Neothink society is the the future of the world we live in. Don’t judge book by its cover, read it then judge it. 
                                                                                                        Sincerely yours,

Hi Mark, this is all about our evolution and I want to be a part of it.

Larry D. B
LNT/DEFINITIVE Building Maintenance

March 2025