Posts Tagged ‘dishonesty’

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society’s, Honest…


Think Your Way To Freedom And Prosperity With NeoThink

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society’s, Honest, Rational, Integrated thinking is most Valuable. Rational Honesty allows me to view life in a Reality Exists, Neothink Mentality.   By taking the time to think, I can avoid Irrational Choices that are Emotional Based.

Mark Hamilton and the Literature has helped to Identify and Purge Dishonesty and Self-Deceiving thoughts and Behaviors within me, and as a result, Thinking in a Honest Reality-Exists perspective.  The TVP Political Movement will bring Freedom, Individual Freedom, for Myself, my Family, and the World. Freedom is Myself, the Family and the People of  this Country and the World being who we were meant to be, Happiness and Prosperity, by way of Creative, Productive, Business, to afford to have and do what we want, with Millionaire Incomes. With the Twelve Visions Party, Minority, will no longer exist. Being regulated to what we can do will be Non-Existent. The only Function of a Government is the Protection of Individual Rights.              In contrast, without the TVP Movement and Mark Hamilton and his Literature, the Poor has No Freedom and Prosperity. Sickness and Disease will Quite Likely reach Disastrous Levels.                                                                                                                              Me and my Family and All the People of this Country and the World, would live a life unfulfilled. Instead of Happiness and Prosperity, the people of this World will continue to struggle and it can and will get worse, without the TVP Movement.                                    Without Mark Hamilton and his Literature, the People of this World, will not Discover the Potential they have to use the Brain in a new way, Neothink. The means to be the person they were meant to be, to Discover that there is More To Life than Each Individual has now. Wealth, Prosperity, Happiness, Peace,–  Freedom.                                                           Greg  K.

To me, Mr. Hamilton represents hope, knowledge, freedom…


I am sharp enough to know that this great republic was not made great by the current “powers that be,” but rather by its great people.  America’s forefathers began in bondage and later began attaining freedoms for themselves, their progeny, and for naturalized Americans, through honoring “…Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – The Declaration of Independence.

I know that as a whole, the current powers that be, ever increasingly stymie those great people who are simply endeavoring to pursue their inherent freedoms.  Those powers have done so in dishonesty and tyranny born of their own irrational fears of losing their wealth, their power, and the chokehold that they have on the people.  They have also taken their dishonesty and tyranny, while in pursuit of ever more ill-acquired wealth and power, outside of this country and into foreign lands.  They have misused monies belonging to the people and have thrown America into debt on an unbelievably outrageous scale.  They have created a nation of dependents living in fear and despair.  They have polarized the people into rich – poor, powerful – powerless, those that feed off the broken backs of others – those that can’t see the way to feed themselves…you get the idea….

I also know that the great people of this great land are waking up to the dishonesty of those in power.  They want their freedoms restored and they want a government that will not place a yoke on them, will not deal dishonestly with them, will empower them, and will help them learn how to make-themselves-over into value creators that can hold their heads up high with pride – once again restoring inspiration, creativity, dignity, and glory to America.

Those waking up need someone peaceful and great, bold and intelligent, to take the lead in offering a completely new type of political party with fresh ideas for a unique system of government.  I know of only one such person and one such party – Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions Party.  No doubt the powers that be will vehemently and dishonestly lash out at him, his party, and his Neothink Society; but no matter, because those Americans tired of the lies, those who know a good and honest man when they see one, will call out in support of him…they know they must, for their freedoms and livelihoods are at stake…freedom of speech and freedom of assembly for all is at stake.

To me, Mr. Hamilton represents hope, knowledge, freedom, and abundance for all.  It would be unethical and immoral to attempt to roadblock him, for in doing so they would be blocking honesty from reclaiming its rightful foothold in this country.  Each individual has the right to present his or her ideas – unencumbered.   No intelligent person needs the current powers that be, government officials, controlled media, slammers, flamers, mudslingers, and the like, to decide for him or her, just whom he or she may give ear to.  Each person needs to decide for himself, or herself, whose ideas of government are best suited for the betterment of his or her own life, for the children’s lives, and for the country as a whole.  The corruption and the controls employed in silencing honest opposition must and will stop…the people are calling for it.  The great people of this land need honest representation, they will claim it, and they will have it.  – Liz S., New York

Mark Hamilton is God’s gift to the world


Haven’t we humans come of age to know lies and dishonesty can never make this world a better place that we all dream and wish for? Isn’t it exciting to realize there are still people in this world of ours like Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party who have the drive to get us all to a peaceful and fulfilling life? Lets take time to listen to what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party have for us all to get us to the world of peace and happiness that we are created to live. I believe Mark Hamilton is a chosen one to take us all on this journey.

The Twelve Vision Party


Hello Mark Hamilton
The Twelve Vision Party is going next door to my Country,Canada!
I am so joyful to switch from the anticivilization to the Twelve Visions World.
Man,what a feeling!
I will never be pulled down in the illusion of Plato’s cave of dishonesty.
I love you very much Mark Hamilton for your courage to stand up to this sad ANTICIVILIZATION!
My heart goes out to you and all involved to kick mysticism,the problem maker of all irrational and evil in this world of illusions.
Justice at last and all my dreams are coming true!
Only Mark had the guts to stand up to those minions and you all know who I mean.
Go Ntwarriors and help Mark Hamilton to defeat to scumbags and all those that support them!
I do need a gun to protect myself,I have FULLY INTERGRATED HONESTY and the Neothink protection kit.
Cheer to Mark Hamilton for saving us all.
I now can sleep better at night!
Good night Mark Hamilton my Hero!


For me this is a honor and a privilege to have the opportunity of sharing a little of the much that the Neothink Society and all your literature has brought into my life. About four decades ago I was born in this planet with that usual certainty of an innocent child that this would be an amazing, happy and profound experience in such an astonishing and admirable world. Needless to say that year after year as I grew up, all that vision and enthusiasm were left far behind and replaced by what we call an adult life full of frustration and disappointment with our today anti-civilization.
I have traveled many countries, many cultures and religions, always looking for answers to some big questions of mine. Why we keep on killing each other in name of  Gods, Boundaries and Governments as many as we can name it today;  why we keep with jobs all our lives feeling miserable and unhappy just to retire and wait for our death to come; why we see betrayal, cheating and dishonesty as normal;  and why we keep accepting  politicians and governments to rule over all our businesses and personal lives and always for the worse and never for the better; how can we have gone so far with science and technology and still behave in such a primitive way without any rationality when it comes to feelings and social behavior ?  
Well questions that remained unanswered for much long, till I was given the opportunity to join Neothink Society and have had access to  all your valuable literature. Since then I started realizing that we did fall in a big trap and have remained in it for so long, that we just forgot that we are here to evolve and transcend to a life of full honesty, happiness and prosperity.  We are here to create values through science and business, and to rejoin and celebrate with full joy through arts and love. Life is too precious and we as humans were given all the power to overcome and make this earth our own amazing, peaceful, and wealthy planet home.
But the truth is that since we have gone so far in terms of technology, we all know that this is a critical moment either for our survival or complete destruction. As I see it, Neothink Society and the TVP may give us a last chance to bring a real civilization of universe into full existence. And then love, happiness and wealth will flourish to us all in this planet, and we all know deep inside that this is what we as humans have really been destined to.  
Soraia M
Tequesta, FL

Thank you Mark Hamilton.


First I would like to start off by stating…….. Thank you Mark Hamilton.

Since becoming a member in the Neo-think Society in 2006, my life and the life of my family has changed tremendously for the better. We see hope for ourselves, for our family and friends….and for the world. We see that the world doesn’t have to be like this, it can be changed, We can save the lives of everyone!!!

Mark Hamilton, his literature and the Neo-think Society means the world to me. I have not found any one or anything that has presented to me the honesty and integrity that Mark Hamilton has for the Human Race. His desire to make a better world for all of us is very inspirational, and Heart felt.

Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Vision Party will move this anti-civilization to the Twelve Visions World and make this world a business/science/art world and remove all the dishonesty, in politics, religion, and government. It will be a safe, loving, nurturing and prosperous world.

To Stop Mark Hamilton, his literature, or the twelve vision party will totally devastate myself, my children and my family. This whole world will be devastated without them. Mark Hamilton’s 12 visions for this world is what is going to save this world!!!

To remove them or silence them is to remove all hope for a better world, for immortality, and for the survival of the Earth.

I want what Mark Hamilton, his literature and the Neo-think society is offering this world, my children want what Mark Hamilton, his literature and the Neo-think society is offering this world and my family wants what Mark Hamilton, his literature and the Neo-think society is offering this world. He is offering all of us a great life with love, prosperity, true honesty and immortality. Mark Hamilton has spent his whole life to make this possible for all of us and he is bringing it to all of us threw the Twelve Vision Party.


Dumping Dishonesty & Laziness

Reading Mark Hamilton’s multigenerational Manuscripts last night, I had another major change happen inside me. I could feel the energy rising, and I had the courage to face myself with greater honesty! Everyday that I can remove a little more dishonesty from myself is a GREAT DAY! In the future, as demonstrated in Mark Hamilton’s writings, only those who remove dishonesties from themselves will ever achieve incredible success. Thanks for these priceless integrations!

Yon Cole

Mark Hamilton and the Literature has helped…

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society’s, Honest, Rational, Integrated thinking is most valuable. Rational Honesty allows me to view life in a reality exists, Neo – Think Mentality. By taking the time to think, I can avoid irrational choices that are emotion based.

Mark Hamilton and the Literature has helped to identify and purge dishonesty and self – deceiving thoughts and behavior within me, and as a result, thinking in a Honest, Reality Exist Perspective.

The TVP Political Movement will bring Freedom, Individual Freedom, for Myself, the Family and the World. Freedom is Myself, my Family and the People of this Country and the World being who we were meant to be, Happiness and Prosperity, by way of Creative, Productive, Business, to afford to have and do what we want, with Millionaire Incomes.

With the Twelve Visions Party, Minority, will no longer exist. Being regulated to what we can do will be non – existent. The only function of a government is the protection of IndividualRights.                                                                                                                           In contrast, without the TVP Movement and Mark Hamilton and his Literature, the poor has No Freedom and Prosperity. Sickness and Disease will quite likely reach DisasterousLevels.                                                                                                                      Me and my Family and all the People of this Country and the World, would Live a Life Unfullfilled. Instead of Happiness and Prosperity, the People of this World will continue to Struggle, and it can and will get worse, without the TVP Movement.         Without Mark Hamilton and his Literature, the People of this World, will not Discover the Potential they have to use the Brain in a new way, Neothink. The means to be the person you were neant to be, to discover that there is more to Life than each Individual has now.   Thank you Mark Hamilton for the Literature and my Membership.                                      Greg  K

Thank you Mark

I want to thank Mark Hamilton for offering an honest view of the world. The TVP world view would certainly bring freedom back to the people. Turn on any television channel or radio station and you will be bombarded by political dishonesty. IMHO I prefer the government stay out of my personal life and defend my country!! Thanks again Mark.

The Neothink Society or the Twelve Visions Party!

My name is Chuck M.  I am 50 years old and live in beautiful North Idaho.  Currently, I work as an insurance agent.
Over the past several months, I have sought out and read everything written and by Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society.  Words alone cannot express the life changing value, how important, how influencial his work has been to my family and I.  Even though I have never met Mr. Hamilton face-to-face, I consider him to be my “Life Mentor”!
During this period, I’ve also become very familiar with the ”Twelve Visions Party”.  I’m sure by now, most of you can see the “dishonesty” in todays politicians/government!  Now is the time for ”real honesty”, “real value’s”, etc. 
I would drop everything, right here, right now, if Mr. Mark Hamilton called and asked for my help!  I would do that whether it was to help him in his business, The Neothink Society or the Twelve Visions Party!  I would consider it an honor, a privilege and a pleasure to assist Mr. Hamilton in any way possible.  Thank You!!!
Chuck M
Worley, ID

February 2025