Posts Tagged ‘dishonesty’

The Neothink Society, the TVP …

Mr. Hamilton.
I am disheartened to think that a supposed ‘free’ society such as that the United States portrays to be would do such a thing. The Neothink Society, the TVP and you and your father’s hard work to provide information to people who want to live a better life and to have options other than our own federal government lays down as ‘the only way to go’ has opened my eyes to another way of thinking and it has been very refreshing to know that people can and will stand up to the status quo of this country. We are taught in school that we have the freedom to think what we want, do what we want (within the limits of the law), to believe in whatever religion we want, speak what we want, etc, etc. The Neothink Society is doing just that and we should (and I will) stand up to keep that right alive and well for the society as well as you Mr. Hamilton. I am a disabled Air Force Veteran who served this country with honor and worked to keep those above mentioned freedoms in tact. I will do the same for the society and yourself and best of luck in defeating the dishonesty.
Anissa W

Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions Party

I am sharp enough to know that this great republic was not made great by the current “powers that be,” but rather by its great people. America’s forefathers began in bondage and later began attaining freedoms for themselves, their progeny, and for naturalized Americans, through honoring “…Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – The Declaration of Independence.
I know that as a whole, the current powers that be ever increasingly stymie those great people who are simply endeavoring to pursue their inherent freedoms. Those powers have done so in dishonesty and tyranny born of their own irrational fears of losing their wealth, their power, and the chokehold that they have on the people. They have also taken their dishonesty and tyranny, while in pursuit of ever more ill-acquired wealth and power, outside of this country and into foreign lands. They have misused monies belonging to the people and have thrown America into debt on an unbelievably outrageous scale. They have created a nation of dependents living in fear and despair. They have polarized the people into rich – poor, powerful – powerless, those that feed off the broken backs of others – those that can’t see the way to feed themselves…you get the idea….
I also know that the great people of this great land are waking up to the dishonesty of those in power. They want their freedoms restored and they want a government that will not place a yoke on them, will not deal dishonestly with them, will empower them, and will help them learn how to make-themselves-over into value creators that can hold their heads up high with pride – once again restoring inspiration, creativity, dignity, and glory to America.
Those waking up need someone peaceful and great, bold and intelligent, to take the lead in offering a completely new type of political party with fresh ideas for a unique system of government. I know of only one such person and one such party – Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions Party. No doubt the powers that be will vehemently and dishonestly lash out at him, his party, and his Neothink Society; but no matter, because those Americans tired of the lies, those who know a good and honest man when they see one, will call out in support of him…they know they must, for their freedoms and livelihoods are stake…freedom of speech and freedom of assembly for all is at stake.
To me, Mr. Hamilton represents hope, knowledge, freedom, and abundance for all. It would be unethical and immoral to attempt to roadblock him, for in doing so they would be blocking honesty from reclaiming its rightful foothold in this country. Each individual has the right to present his or her ideas – unencumbered. No intelligent person needs the current powers that be, government officials, controlled media, slammers, flamers, mudslingers, and the like, to decide for him or her, just whom he or she may give ear to. Each person needs to decide for himself, or herself, whose ideas of government are best suited for the betterment of his or her own life, for the children’s lives, and for the country as a whole. The corruption and the controls employed in silencing honest opposition must and will stop…the people are calling for it. The great people of this land need honest representation, they will claim it, and they will have it. – Liz S., New York

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party

My name is Chuck M. I am 50 years old and live in beautiful North Idaho. Currently, I work as an insurance agent.
Over the past several months, I have sought out and read everything written and by Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society. Words alone cannot express the life changing value, how important, how influencial his work has been to my family and I. Even though I have never met Mr. Hamilton face-to-face, I consider him to be my “Life Mentor”!
During this period, I’ve also become very familiar with the ”Twelve Visions Party”. I’m sure by now, most of you can see the “dishonesty” in todays politicians/government! Now is the time for ”real honesty”, “real value’s”, etc.
I would drop everything, right here, right now, if Mr. Mark Hamilton called and asked for my help! I would do that whether it was to help him in his business, The Neothink Society or the Twelve Visions Party! I would consider it an honor, a privilege and a pleasure to assist Mr. Hamilton in any way possible. Thank You!!!
Chuck M

I praise with respect to you Mr. Hamilton

When I was 19 years of age, I had a dream that, I can move objects with my mind. My level of education was limited back in the days but, I was around and affiliated with high end associates, friends like politicians, attorneys, doctors, Christian leaders, etc… I did enjoyed the circle of these professionals but, I also discover the dishonesty, cheating and unprofessional from some of these members. After, this period of my life, I tried to become a successful person but, I was distracted and been diverted to the wrong way by these members of my circle of influence. For 32 years, working in one of the corporations, I noticed, taxes created by senators, Congress and politicians is all greed and it only benefits themselves. These are the members whom are destroying our society and just raising taxes, bank interests, credit cards rates to our society. However, I have only a $1000.00 in my bank account after 32 years in this corporation plus credit cards and I was loaded with debts. I praise with respect to you Mr. Hamilton. Your words of wisdom and your book “Discovery” really changed things around for me. Mark, now I really discovered my dream when I was 19 years old. I’m praying, Mark Hamilton, you’re the man of your words and I want you to continue your mission of NO RETURN!
Your Member,
Robert O

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, and Thanks to Neothink.

I received my first letter of invitation to join The Neothink Secret Society in October 2006.  I read thro’ numerous manuscripts and went through Neothink mentoring under Mark Hamilton. I have found that it is a Genuine Organization founded on Love, Truth, Honesty and Sincererity dedicated to Peace and tranquility amongst men thro’ a new approach to Business with  the objective of creating wealth. It is not given to sinister social, political, religious lives of Dishonesty, Fallacies and Illusions.  As an apprentice under Mark Hamilton, I have learnt thro’ the discoveries of Neothink, how to identify my Life’s Passion and transform it into a Living thus Creating Values for others to Produce and make a living too.  Though I have not yet attained, all I know is ” I am not what I used to be. ”

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, and Thanks to Neothink.


I want to say something really fast about the media; the media is OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENT! Now this may or may not be the first time you have heard this, but it doesnt matter, because we all know on some level our Government is dishonest. They go far beyond dishonesty but dishonesty would be the lowest possible level of their crimes, so let’s go with that.

When an honest man like Mark Hamilton trys to do what is honest, like trying to reveal the secrets to health, happiness, success, and love, the government dishonestly creates harmful illusions against this man’s efforts through THE MEDIA! The media that they control!!!!
They want to portray him as someone who is harmful to you, so they will create any lie or illusion to do so, and this is because the government does not want you to know the truth!!!! IF you know what is honest about the government you will understand that they are parasitical, illusion creating, thieves, that even murder innocent values, businesses, and EVEN INNOCENT LIFE! They have done this! While Mr. Mark Hamilton HELPS people to change their lives, all atround the world and here in America the government is TAKING LIVES!!!! Even if they don’t physically kill! For they create by design the burden that makes life unbearable to live. Men like Mark Hamilton and myself are fighting against all that drains then tries to kill, health, happiness, success, love, and all like values, but those values are to strong and can never die! Mark Hamilton is an honest man fighting for the people, fighting the honest fight. My advice to you is this don’t believe any form of Media instead think for yourself, search for yourself, and you will find the Honesty!


I want to say something really fast about the media; the media is OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENT! Now this may or may not be the first time you have heard this, but it doesnt matter, because we all know on some level our Government is dishonest. They go far beyond dishonesty but dishonesty would be the lowest possible level of their crimes, so let’s go with that.

When an honest man like Mark Hamilton trys to do what is honest, like trying to reveal the secrets to health, happiness, success, and love, the government dishonestly creates harmful illusions against this man’s efforts through THE MEDIA! The media that they control!!!!
They want to portray him as someone who is harmful to you, so they will create any lie or illusion to do so, and this is because the government does not want you to know the truth!!!! IF you know what is honest about the government you will understand that they are parasitical, illusion creating, thieves, that even murder innocent values, businesses, and EVEN INNOCENT LIFE! They have done this! While Mr. Mark Hamilton HELPS people to change their lives, all atround the world and here in America the government is TAKING LIVES!!!! Even if they don’t physically kill! For they create by design the burden that makes life unbearable to live. Men like Mark Hamilton and myself are fighting against all that drains then tries to kill, health, happiness, success, love, and all like values, but those values are to strong and can never die! Mark Hamilton is an honest man fighting for the people, fighting the honest fight. My advice to you is this don’t believe any form of Media instead think for yourself, search for yourself, and you will find the Honesty!

Most honestly written by:

Mark Hamilton Is An Extraordinary Giver

A wealty businessperson taught me a couple of years ago that there are only two types of people in the world – givers and takers. I have found that information very valuable because it has empowered me to make better choices regarding the company I keep. I choose to surround myself with givers.

Mark Hamilton the founder of the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party is a very special individual an unquestionably a giver. Mark Hamilton is a value creator who is sharing his powerful essence to help everyone everywhere prosper. Reading the Neothink multigenerational manuscripts is definitely enriching countless lives throughout the globe.

I am extremely pleased with the progress that I am personally experiencing as a result of applying what I have learned from integrating with the Neothink Society’s Prime Literature.

I am happy to share with you that the Neothink Society is based on fully integrated honesty. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that The Twelve Visions Party is the puzzle piece to provide the environment of change for everyone everywhere to live the life we are meant to live minus the dishonesty.

Wealth, Health, Peace 888-859-6859.

Positive Changes


Dear Mark Hamliton

I just want to thank Mark Hamilton for being in my life. Mark Hamilton’s books have been a life saver for me. Over the last several months I have made so many positive changes. I have learned to be a self leader and my mind grows stronger everyday. I talk to everybody about Mark Hamilton’s books and changes I have made in my life.

Confusion, dishonesty, depression, was running rampant in my life as a man, but I understand why and how to change myself, because of Mark Hamilton’s books. The power of neothink is a great way of thinking to save man kind and all of humanity.

Mystical Governments is tearing our world apart. Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society and Twelve Vision Party has a very good approach to help all of humanity to move toward honesty, integrity, a good positive attitude, wealth, health, and peace.

Thank You Mark Hamilton and Twelve Visions Party


Thank You Mark Hamilton!

Your valuable literature has changed my life permanently! I will never be the same after becoming enlightened and empowered by your wonderful writings. The fog cleared in my mind…the veil was lifted from my eyes. I can see right through to the essence of things now. I see through illusions, dishonesty and deception like never before! This has been invaluable to me! Thank you!

My life is on fire now with passion, exhilaration and abundance. I never knew life could be so fulfilling and wonderful. I keep your books close to me all the time. They are invaluable to me. My family and friends enjoy a better me and I do too. I can never thank you enough!

The Twelve Visions Party you’ve founded just blows me away! It is the perfect solution for the problems in this country. I can’t wait until I can go to the voting booths and cast my vote for a TVP candidate. It is high time that We, the people take back this country and make it exactly what it should be: a wonderful free enterprise filled with safety, wealth, abundance, health, and peace.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party!

February 2025