Posts Tagged ‘dishonest politicians’


It has been almost 5 years since I first heard of Mark Hamilton. I have read his three heirloom volumes. I discovered some things that I had know all my life but never could put a name on. I discovered other things that really opened my eyes. Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer with a mentality advanced far beyond most of us. Now that he has created the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) the powers that be will do their best to destroy him. The dishonest Media and the dishonest Politicians see him as a threat to their existence. The past year should open everyone’s eyes to just how corrupt, dishonest and out of control our government and the news media have become. The TVP is the best and perhaps the only hope of our country’s and perhaps the whole world’s survival. The TVP will put an end to the Government for the Government and against the people and change it back to what it is supposed to be. That which the writers of the Constitution of the United States of America foresaw. Government for the protection of the individual rights. I spent 8 years in the service of this country and even though I am in the twilight of my years, I would still fight for her today. I feel that is what I am doing here is fighting for my country and for Mark Hamilton. If the Politicians and the Media are not stopped they will destroy this country and all of us. The Twelve Visions Party must succeed.
Jerry P.

Mark Hamilton and his literature

A few years ago, out of the blue, I received letter in my mail that has changed my life completely. It was from the Neothink Society and what I read seemed too fantastic to believe. But I was unable to throw it in the trash because everything in the letter rang so true. Deep within I knew I had to follow through and learn more about this incredible organization and its leader, Mark Hamilton.
I purchased their literature and from the time I read the first chapter I knew that what I had been searching for the past decade or so of my life had found me! The concepts I read about rang so true and resonated to my very soul. I knew that those words were written by, not only a true genius, but by a person who had been able to strip away all of the layers of half-truths and falsehoods, placed on society as a whole, for generations. The world and my place in it finally made total sense.
I am now able to see how all good people of the world have and are being duped by unscrupulous people in positions of power and authority. Their dishonest actions and statements designed to hold people down while they are being bled of the values they have toiled to produce, are so obvious now that the truth has been revealed by the Neothink Society and Mr. Hamilton. All of the illusions propagated on the unknowing public cannot stand up in the very bright and honest light shone on them by the Society. How simple and basic; to protect the rights of the individual, is the only function of government. I can now spot these cheaters and their pathetic antics a mile away.
It is time that the good people in this world were allowed to see what I can now see with ease and total clarity!
Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party must be allowed to keep educating people about how the universe really does and should work. Their message must never be smothered by the self-serving and dishonest politicians and religious leaders of the world. Please allow yourself to be exposed to their message so you too can cleanse the sludge from your minds and be able to once again think for yourselves with clarity and be able to judge for yourselves what is right for you. Freedom to think and do for yourselves, as long as it doesn’t infringe on the individual rights of others, is the very basis of all free societies and these rights are about to be taken away if you allow the power-hungry elites to censor and silence Mark Hamilton and his literature as well as the good people in the Twelve Visions Party (TVP).
I know we are all feeling more and more helpless as more regulation, taxes and rules are being foisted on us daily. We must not allow our rights of freedom of speech to be taken away! Please fight for your rights by protecting your basic freedoms and do not allow this to happen to the Neothink Society, TVP and Mr. Hamilton. Your children will be even more enslaved to taxes, regulation and helplessness than we are.
If allowed to continue unchecked by dishonesty, Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and their political arm the TVP, will bring freedoms and unchecked prosperity to not only the U.S., but the whole world as each country follows suit. Our children and grandchildren will never experience the fear and negativity that we are increasingly experiencing in our world today as their rights, and the rights of every individual on earth, are protected. Prosperity for all never before seen in history will be upon us in a very short few years if allowed to spread their message.
Please everyone, for your sakes and the sake of your families now and in the future, keep your eyes wide open and think for yourselves. Don’t buy into the fear-mongering and dishonest hatred that the dishonest power elites are foisting on the fully integrated and honest Neothink Society members, Twelve Visions Party and above all, Mark Hamilton. Our future generations will thank us!
Daryl R. S
Proud Canadian and NeoThinker!

My life changed with Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark

If you are reading this testimonial is because the Government and the Media are trying to deceive and alarm the innocent people by portraying you, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Vision Party as a hoax and dishonest persons. I am writing to let you that I stand behind you and support The Twelve Vision Party as a way to liberate the people from stagnation and propel our country to a better future.

Why are those agencies so interested in bringing your business down and defamed you and the Neothink society. I can only say that the government is afraid of loosing the power it has enjoyed for so long thanks to the deception of dishonest politicians, crooked lawyers, and corrupted media.

They are afraid that the majority of honest, and hard working citizens of this country are waking up and seeing through the lies and deceptions they have impose upon us, and that we no longer are willing to tolerate.

Today we are seeing how their illusion is crumbling, and why we need true honesty in this country, why we need a new vision on how this country and its citizens should evolve to become the nation we were meant to be in accordance with our Constitution.

I will say that my life changed with Mark Hamilton when I received is first letter inviting me to purchase his literature, as read the letter I felt a sense of serene joy because I knew deep inside me, that buying that book could help find the answers I had been searching for all my life but could not find in any library, which was, who am I. At first I was hesitant to buy it, because I did not want to spend the money, however, that night I could not sleep, I kept thinking of the possibility that I could miss this unique opportunity to discover the secrets that all successful persons knew and spending the money would be an investment in secret knowledge.

Discovering my Friday night Essenes has taken me sometime. However, the child of the past was still in me, always in me, now I can apply the ten second miracle to my life and become the person I was meant to be. Now I can begin integrating my thinking to achieve true happiness, because now I know that I can reach out and achieve what ever my mind can conceive, as long as honesty rules in my life.

Mr. Hamilton, becoming a member of the Secret Society and accepting me as one of your twelve apprentices has been one of the most enlighten experience of my life, helping me to discover my inner self through your literature, lectures and your continuous support has busted my level of belief in myself to heights otherwise hidden.

Thank you so much, your humble apprentice and friend,

Marcos L.

I want to thank Mark Hamilton


while reflecting on the holiday season i want to thank Mark Hamilton for the political movement that will change the condition we are currently trapped in. honest men and women have step forward to further this great cause to free society from the burden of dishonest politicians and corrupt business people, who are lazy and living off the backs of those who create wealth for society. that will slowly start to change the winds of change is moving in favor of the oppressed class that has been held down. thanks for prime literature. Larry Johnson

March 2025