Posts Tagged ‘discipline’

Paying 30 dollars a month for the Neothink membership is the best

Paying 30 dollars a month for the Neothink membership is the best 30 dollars to spend a month and you are learning the Neothink Inside Secrets and Mark Hamilton has been an inspiration to me and he has saved my life and with Mark Hamilton’s help I started to make more money and joining the Neothink Club House and becoming a member of Neothink is in everyone’s good and best interest and buying books from Mark Hamilton is the best money that I ever spend on and rewarding Hamilton books has given me confidence, honesty, discipline and fair play!

Mark Hamilton is one of the hardest and diligent workers that I have known

Mark Hamilton is one of the hardest and diligent workers that I have known. I believe that Mark Hamilton is a good listener that in turns helps him to achieve those important attributes in order to become a good teacher. I always learn something new when mentors me. Mark Hamilton has demonstrated very high qualities. He has continuously shown that with discipline and hard work a person can achieve their goals. These values when learned at a young age can be assuring and rewarding, not only at a young age but even when you are older you can appreciate them more. The most important value to me is responsibility. This high value comes through in his mentoring skills. Lawrence Severson

Mark Hamilton is very considerate for trying to bring twelve visions into reality

hello my name is Sean from new York city the Neothink society is very impressive as in what’s going on in society today it also opens your mind to a better way of thinking Mark Hamilton is very considerate for trying to bring twelve visions into reality it will be very helpful for family and friends once it is put into action it teaches heath, wealth, happiness, discipline, honesty and control plus how to be a self leader when I first got the literature it was something exciting to learn especially since I was intoxicated by deception in the ac with no hope whatsoever I don’t know everything still learning and still have mysticism’s but I will like to thank mark Hamilton and everyone else in the society for giving me a thinking process of calmness and different knowledge thank you


hello  my name is Sean from new York city the Neothink society is very impressive as in what’s going on in society today it also opens your mind to a better way of thinking mark Hamilton is very considerate for trying to bring twelve visions into reality  it will be very helpful for family and friends once it is put into action it teaches heath, wealth, happiness, discipline, honesty and control plus how to be a self leader when I first got the literature it was something exciting to learn especially since I was intoxicated by deception in the ac with no hope whatsoever  I don’t know everything still learning and still have mysticism’s but I will like to thank mark Hamilton and everyone else in the society for giving me a thinking process of calmness and different  knowledge thank you

The literature offered by Mark Hamilton

I think one of the things people miss about the literature offered by Mark Hamilton is that there are actions that need to be taken in order to enjoy the success that is described.

If a person honestly reads, and then -acts- on the techniques taught they will see radical improvements in their performance, either in their own business or where they work for someone else. Even if you only employ the techniques and forgo the rest of the stimulating and invaluable insights and breakthroughs your life will improve. You will begin to understand the way the brain can be operated to reach, and even seemingly surpass its capacity.

Finally, if you are someone who decides to employ the techniques, be warned. The productivity you experience can be overwhelming at first, so just relax, do your best to follow through with the discipline, and try not to fear the obvious success that awaits you by doing so. It can be hard to accept success when you have been conditioned your whole life to believe you are not capable, and do not deserve it. Take a deep breath and keep going forward.

Robert R

March 2025