Posts Tagged ‘difficult times’

Your writings have moved me through some very difficult times

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton
Your writings have moved me through some very difficult times. First in Michigan’s socialist corruption and now the national and California corrupt boondoggles. When times are bad such as now the honest methods of dealing with life as espoused by yourself lead me through, head up and ready for all comers. The age old problem of governments and social engineering stealing the life and free will of the free born continues.
Please continue your fine work. I pray that we will regain our freedom to choose our associations and that more people will exercise that freedom.
James Burge ( 60 year old plumber, father, Vietnam vet, Freedom Lover)

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

After having received a copy of the literature from the Neothink® Society, I was amazed at what I read from it. Then I thought to myself, “Why didn’t I get this book sooner? And why was it only now being offered to me?” At first I was very upset because I felt that I needed to know and to have the information from the Heirloom to help me through the difficult times that I was facing with the economy taking such a downturn. But after having read through the material a few times and after having experienced personal growth, I realized that the reason why I did not have access to this information before was because I simply was not ready for it.
How true it is that even in today’s tumbling economy and the availability of this information, many people are still not aware that it exists. The information in these multigenerational manuscripts is invaluable. This information changed my life for the better. It made me aware of the fact that I had the ability to become a self leader and be in a position to help others. With the present state of the economy, I would advise anyone to acquire this information and obtain the results you want to attain in your life today.
Jacqueline B

March 2025