Posts Tagged ‘different things’

Mr. Mark Hamilton,

Mr. Mark Hamilton,
I was thinking of the downstream focus again. I, yes, was re-reading volume two, of the old NC number, and will follow my way to the site as stated by you. When I look at all the different things that interest me, I feel I am overwhelmed of which one to concentrate on first of the various ideas I have for success. I know everyone had been following me, which is part of the problem as others got in the way and were preventive which became very annoying to me. I am sure you realize this first hand. I re-read vision number one, and thought of writing a book and also thought of inventions, or building invention, then thought of a business (two in particular ) and then also thought of then painting and drawing. So, what is the prime basic common denominator of all those together? Illustrate my own book of inventions while describing the landscape of what happen in the past that prevented me from success in the past? Maybe? Do know I went to a lawyer today. I spoke to him in regards of the forged checks of my TCF account that seems to forever lingered, it should had been resolved by the banks firstly! While sitting there talking to him for about two hours, it eventually lead into the wrongful conviction case of time I did. Well, my case is really odd, a victim of circumstances like Vision one had explained. Circumstances were inevitable in the past as a result of the twisted consciousness of others, for the reason why I just don’t socialize much with anyone anymore. If I get a few of my issues solves, then I might mentally degree and feel there is finally some productivity in my life and feel happy for the first time since my Mom was alive. I spoke to the lawyer in regards to my Mom’s death as well. Her fourth husband, Rudy, was in the house and alleged he couldn’t hear a 38 caliber go off in his house while he was in the basement. He lied! He had a wife before my Mom that had dies the same way. I can’t seem to forget that day. I have testimony that the police department didn’t question. He tried starving my mom, Mr. Hamilton! Too, the case I was in the Department of Correction over? Compelling to say the lest, a victim of lies and a victim of circumstances. I was at someone’s house from 4pm to 8 am the next morning, I wasn’t even on the same side of town of the time of the alleged corner’s report which was at 10 or 11 PM at night. To there was lying on the sand by others and I knew it and while sitting there in the court room I couldn’t believe it I was just so angry. Well, the conversation between me and this lawyer lead into that eventually. He said he has someone that he knows that specializes in cases like this. I told him I want to talk to Terri and my Dad about it first, as it is a muti-million dollar case. Yet it is best explained only by myself, know one knows my life path back then except for me. A number of years back I did file an executive clemency, which was turned down as moot by George Ryan who was caught in selling drivers licenses. I filed a freedom of information act form to the police department to have my records released of any evidence and they didn’t as there wasn’t any evidence. They convicted me on a co horsed statement! So, I sat for 12 and a half years, and alls I did was go to the library or write and draw. So, I can’t get a job because of the prior conviction, it isn’t the conviction as much as it was lack of a work history. In there I was also an administrative clerk and I painted the place inside and out three times fixing all the crooked paint lines. In there was where all this began, me reaching out to be someone better and different and to have my voice heard in regards to many things. My mom always wanted me to write, so I wrote more letter and other things then anyone can imagine! Too, in there was where I developed the plans to protect America from terrorism, fact. All of that was forwarded to Donald Rumsfeld and the CIA and even Department of Homeland Security etc, all over 6 dollars on a two for one of a pack of smoke I had to pay someone for of so many envelopes and these nutty bars they sold in there. And, I’m a good man, yet not like what all these so and so’s think. I am very serious minded. I had been working with crumbs as far as money went and dealt with assault from a gang two different times, once I was hit with a rock on the Side of my face. These people never knew what I was involved in. Each and every day I only talk what I know if I hold a conversation. So, I mention things about protection of the USA and other countries, and renewable green energies, and etc the list is so long it is unfathomable to list. Well, I have to get some sleep. I been really pushing every neo-second I could, or nano second I meant. All of you have a nice day and a better tomorrow and sleep when you can for proper rest and keep up with the FNE like Mark said. It is retraining of the mind, it can and will work. POWER,WEALTH, HEALTH and success.
P.S. The books are correct, I am regaining my love with Terri at the perfect rate. Her and I have love and we are in love like the book said. I wish everyone peace and wellness and happiness in their life and try not to be downplaying on others that are not so fortunate, one of them might had been the one who protected America from a jail cell with a pen!

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for including me in your family of Apprentices. Wish I could have done more with it.
In the beginning, I honestly did not think all this was true.
When all the guys started getting together & talking about different things. needless to say my ears perked up. It is all so interesting. I especially liked the part of honesty. I have had more stolen from me than most people have. I never thought of people stealing ! Didn’t realize there were that many dishonest people in the world. In this program, we are taught honesty, love, compassion for others, how to live with ourselves & make an honest living,
In the Neothink world we all will be prosperous & happy. What more could a person want ?
Mr. Hamilton, I too am concerned about you. You know how cruel the media can be. I know you will be honest about everything, but if you could soften the Religious part a bit,
you know how the south is so religious, with churches on every corner & probably the rest of the country also. I notice also a lot of the members refer to religion as thou they haven’t changed much.
I some how feel, this isn’t exactly what you wanted, but the best I can do. I have a difficult time with my eyes & have not advanced in the level as I would like. Hopefully that will come about soon.
Love & Caring
Peggy L

My Life is Changing for the Better

I have been involved with the Neo Think society only a few months so far, and have read most of the three volumes, but not finished yet. The literature that I have been reading has opened my eyes immensely to see through illusions of today. I always knew the unreal situations that happened in this anti-civilization society of my 50 years of living on earth was just not right.
I have seen different things happen with laws being passed by government and political figures that just did not make any sense. Maybe because of those senseless laws are why our country is in the mess were in now. By passing these senseless laws that doesn’t create any value for the people, then the reasoning behind it is GREED!
I want to thank Mark Hamilton for finding me and sharing with me the intelligent information of the TVP and the secrets of these three volumes.
Learning to be a Neo Thinker and a value creater is very exciting, life seems to be more exhilarating now knowing their is more to life than just being stuck in a stagnating rut.
Learning how we all are suppose to be living our lives with immense love, happiness, and value creating for our family’s, friends, neighbors, for everyone!
That type of thinking with Neo Think is absolutely TRUE and should be applied in our every day lives for the goodness sake of all mankind. With the Twelve Visions Party in control, I could say their would be NO more homeless people, their would be NO more hungry or starving people, and creating cures for diseases faster. Everyone would be Neo Thinkers and would be glad to create values for mankind.
Mr Mark Hamilton, I think your a genius.
Thank You for the knowledge I have received and I’m looking forward to more insight into the TVP in the near future. Dave N.

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society Have opened my eyes…

Whoever reads this I would like it to be known that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society Have opened my eyes to a new and wonderful world. At times I compare him to Neo in the movie “Matrix” in the sense that until now our own leaders have kept us in the dark about the real workings of the government and how we are living on the bread crumbs left after they take us to the cleaners to keep us in the poverty cycle. Now I think about how our society would be if there was no artificial need in this world i.e.: health care, housing, employment, food supply, schooling at all levels, a world where NO ONE would have to worry about the basics needs because all would be taken care of.

Now with that said let’s consider the aspect of aggression, not only on ourselves as individuals but also a nation, consider a world at peace no war, no conflict. So the question becomes why we are so aggressive the answer is plain old greed. I ask you to ponder how different things could be if everyone was WEALTHY and I don’t just mean being a millionaire but a multi-millionaire many times over, and we all can afford to pay for what we need and want.

Right now we are at cusp of a new beginning in HUMAN EVOLUTION and that is to see the real reason why we have not gotten further than we have the status quo cannot continue we need to truly need to change our paradigm of how view our country and the world.

In closing do you remember the scene in “Independence Day” when they figure out how to defeat the invaders and they send the plan around the world using Morse code and one of the men makes the statement to the effect the Americans came up with a plan its about time, and I say to you now it is time.



In the beginning, I honestly did not think all this was true.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

Thank you for including me in your family of Apprentices. Wish I could have done more with it.

In the beginning, I honestly did not think all this was true.

When all the guys started  getting together & talking about different things. needless to say my ears perked up. It is all so interesting. I especially liked the part of honesty. I have had more stolen from me than most people have. I never thought of people stealing ! Didn’t realize there were that many dishonest people in the world. In this program, we are taught honesty, love, compassion for others, how to live with ourselves & make an honest living,

In the neo-think world we  all will be prosperious & happy. What more could a person want ?

Mr. Hamilton, I too am concerned about you. You know how cruel the media can be. I know you will be honest about everything, but if you could soften the Religious part a bit,

you know how the south is so religious, with churches on every corner & probably the rest of the country also. I notice also a lot of the members refer to religion as thou they haven’t changed much.

I some how feel, this isn”t exactly what you wanted, but the best I can do. I have a difficult time with my eyes & have not advanced in the level as I would like. Hopefully that will come about soon.

Love & Caring

Peggy L

Mark Hamilton helped me realize there was more to life…

Hello my name is Many L. and I have been a member of the Neothink society for less than a year and have learned so much already. Mark Hamilton, his literature, and his Neothink Society have meant so much to me in so many ways. The Twelve Visions Party will mean so much to, my loved ones, and to the world. HE has shown me what I am missing in my life, and pointed me in the direction of what I want to be and do in this world.  Before becoming a member I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and never really thought about it. Mark Hamilton helped me realize there was more to life than a dead end job or the same boring rut every day. He is teaching me that you can make any job successful l and enjoyable.  I have never been this happy at my job, and it’s all thanks to Mr. Hamilton and Neothink. 

When I started reading the material I was given I was twenty pounds overweight. And after following the eating habits instructions I lost all that weight in just a few months. I have never looked or felt this good in my life. I owe my happiness to Mr. Hamilton and Neothink. All of the different things you can learn are priceless and very important to the history of mankind.

March 2025