Posts Tagged ‘different outlook’

When I first came into contact with Neothink and Mark Hamilton …

When I first came into contact with Neothink and Mark Hamilton, the timing could not have been better in my life. I was in a time of my life of rebuilding a new foundation and I was not sure what my beliefs were and why I believed what I believed. It was a time of deep questioning and searching.

When I read the Neothink literature and listened to Mark Hamilton’s talks, my experience was that it plugged me back into my life purpose and what it is that I am doing here with the gift of my life.

As I continued on my journey through Neothink, I felt completely healed on all levels, whole again, appreciated, recognized, and seen fully for the gifts and values that I bring into and create in the world.

Neothink has given me a completely different outlook and set of tools for getting my life on track, to where I want it to be.



I look back in time to just a few short years ago and I see changes. Looking within myself I see a different outlook on the way I view the circumstances of the world today.

It used to be that it appeared that darkness held us firmly in its malevolent grasp and there was nothing I could do to penetrate the tightly woven fabric of what appeared to be a grim reality.

That has all changed in the short 5 years since Mark Hamilton invited me to be a part of something huge and wondrous; The Neothink Society.

No longer does it seem impossible to have impact on the way things appear to be. Why is that? You may well ask. Simply put, the darkness is all about illusion, not reality. Anything that is built on lies, deceit and illusions is not strong. It has weaknesses. It has an Achilles heel.

It has become increasingly easier to penetrate that fabric of lies and see what is and what can be done to unravel it. Most of the answers are in the prime literature written by Mark Hamilton and the rest is within each of us.

Individually, we can take small steps. As a group, a collective conscious body, we can take long strides that accomplish the purpose of the conscious, integrated mind.

The world is not so grim and dark anymore. There is light, more and more of it everyday, and it has begun to dissipate the darkness, illusions and mysticism of the bicameral mind.

We all have some, you know, but it grows less and less influential in our lives as we continue to question and act on the clarity of the answers we each find, both in the prime literature, and within ourselves.

Don’t be daunted by the enormity of the task in front of us. Make no mistake, it is enormous, but it is also fun! Do you think you have something better to do than improve the quality of your life as well as the quality of many other lives? I think not.

Keep your chin up, your eyes bright and focused, and a genuine smile on you face and move ever forward with positive determination and just watch those tasks become increasingly easier and easier.

You will have a spring in your step once more. Your heart will beat with new strength and your sense of purpose and well being will become infused in all that you do.

You will also find that it extremely contagious and the joy that it brings to those around you will be worth every bit of the effort that you put into it all.

These are just some of the changes I see within me and you know what? I’m liking, more and more everyday, that hansom guy that gazes back at me from within the looking glass..

March 2025