Posts Tagged ‘devout muslim’

I have to sincerely thank Mark Hamilton


So my whole life I’ve been listening to Adults, Teachers, Church people, PARENTS, Relatives with strong political views and even some devout Muslim acquaintances, and pretty much just giving them the same “Uh Huh” lip service as I never really completely believed, or more than likely even agreed with them. I am 43 years old now and what I BELIEVE is Nobody has the whole ball wrapped up as far as God / Creation is concerned. And furthermore I have noticed the harder persons attempt to install their ideas in you, the less sure they seem to be deep down in their “HONESTY CENTER”, therefore they protect themselves and “their” ideas vigilantly.

Now upon first reading and getting into the Neo Think Society and ideas, I nearly did what all my previous “PEERS” did and started feeling threatened. On noticing this I thought “Ah Hah”, So I kept an open mind and kept absorbing the information
only to find out the people I respected the most had very similar values to what Neo Think is all about.

Therefore I started applying the ideas to see what would happen. Right now where I live construction is definitely slower than it’s been in a long time, and while I’m only a one/two man subcontractor low profile company that does no advertising other than word of mouth. I have had more work than normal, including a recent small contract with the largest landscaping firm in the country, and my clients keep introducing me to or threatening to some huge or very high end customers that I wouldn’t imagine ever working with/for. My wife is happier than ever and even agrees with me when I talk Neothink.

To bottle it up I have to sincerely thank Mark Hamilton and his Neothink Society for one, letting me know my “REBEL” side was just waiting for the right reasoning to come along and make real sense. Secondly for putting Honesty above and ahead of all else, that pretty much says it all. Thirdly for making me notice those inherited / non rational ideas I had floating around in my head still that have actually been holding me back for a lifetime.


Andrew L.

March 2025