Posts Tagged ‘destination truth’

Destination Truth

To all who read, I ask you to ponder how your lives are now? Do you feel truely free? or do you feel we are slowly watching our GOD GIVEN liberties being crucified for the profit of the few? Do you feel that you are oppressed by the powers at be? How many of you want a more fufilled life? Are you sick and tired of being a slave to your job, your government or circumstance? Are you seeking? Well, about four months ago in September of 2009 I prayed for answers because I felt as though I was living in bondage. I was living, but felt dead inside. I knew I was meant to do more, accomplish more and be more. I was searching for my true “essence” in life. Are you? If so, Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the TVP-”twelve visions party” have a message you need to hear. Four months ago I was miserable, I worried constantly, I was angry and frustrated, and I was always the victim. I hated everything. My life was out of control, but if you saw me today you wouldn’t think I was the same person described above. Mark Hamilton, the Neothink society, and TVP-”twelve visions party” have shown me how life is meant to be lived. I have begun to live differently, to live with “Fully Integrated Honesty”. Mark Hamilton writes about this in his manuscripts. I have had my eyes opened, so to speak. I now accept responsibility for my actions and live up to standards I set for myself and no one else. I now have goals and a direction in my life, which I can definitively say are a direct result of my studies of Mark Hamilton’s many works. I don’t know what I can say to you to show you what Mark Hamilton, The Neo-think society and TVP have done for me, as it is a personal journey with deep mental and emotional euphoric roots. What I can tell you, “the reader”, of this my testimonial, is that you are an exceptional person for seeking the “truth” or what we in the Neothink society call “Fully Integrated Honesty.” Maybe you should give it a try. I leave you with best wishes and many future blessings, James William Munn

March 2025