Posts Tagged ‘desmarais’

My new Life

For over two and a half years now I have been reading the works of Mark Hamilton and I must say that his books have had a profound affect on my mindset. I now have a clear and exciting picture of my future and the future of this planet.
The Neothink Society with its’ hundreds of thousands of members all around the world, many of whom I have had the privilege of being in contact with through various forums, events, webcasts has been nothing short of life-changing for this loner. I thank Mark Hamilton for introducing me to my enormous lost family of like-minded Neothinkers.
With the launching of The Twelve Visions Party and the many State affiliates now formed or forming has resulted in an avalanche of communiqués with many of my fellow Neothink Society Members. The love, encouragement and support that fills those communiqués is such a blessing to someone like me who felt alone in the world. I can’t imagine what the people of this world will do to survive the economic times we are currently faced with. If the future I foresee does not have a chance to manifest its’ selve through the Visions of the Twelve Visions Party in any and all countries that have Neothink Society Members in their populace; I shudder at the very thought. I for one am glad to have had the chance to read and think about the reality of what is happening all around us.
I feel confident that there actually is hope for this country and those countries who follow in our vision of a truly loving and honest way of life as described in Mark Hamilton’s’ writings.
Utopia is a dream where foolishness dwells because of lack of direction and a solide basis of building such a world. The Twelve Visions Party has not only the awareness of this solide building base; but it also has a plan where-by it can actually become a reality in our life-time if only we will let it become a reality.
Let us all give HOPE and VISION a chance to pull us out of Darkness.
Raymond Desmarais



Dear Mark Hamilton
Thank you very much for the three multigenerational manuscripts Package.I just finished reading it last night.
The best years fo my life has started,when I read the multigenerational manuscripts the third time.
What exited me the most was the love of the Twelve Visions World.
I learned to keep a cool head and not be negative,since I will not complete my quest in that state of mine.
I am very greatful to you for changing my life forever!
I now want to live forever.
I have lots of work ahead of me and will help in any way possible.
You are my hero Mark Hamilton!
The LOVE in the Twelve Visions World,which I am in now is awsome.
I was in a downword spiral for years,because of the anti-civilization
Everything is changing so fast.
I will be working closely with Raymond Desmarais here in Canada.
You are the best my friend.
The Twelve Vision Party will flourish in my Country very soon.
The love is outstanding in the Twelve Visions World.

Warmest regard,Robert C

March 2025