Posts Tagged ‘desire’

All, the attention Neothink is getting today can only lead one to believe that …

All, the attention Neothink is getting today can only lead one to believe that we are indeed generating the attention we desire much to our delight but it would seem some would find it a bit out of line for there comatose way of thinking!


I would like to share this to every one who by wish and desire, accidentally read my letter. I am no extraordinary person, nor exceptional; just like you….Who Aimed At Improving My Life And The Life Of Others Around ME. Instead, me looking for them, they found me….that is why I get an invitation letter from the Neothink society to come and join. Before I decided to joined, I read all the books I got from them and I was very thankful….the BOOKS are priceless. IT CHANGE MY LIFE. THE WAY I LOOK AT IT. The invitation promised, as well as the books, that you will become a millionaire without lifting your finger….and its true. Come and join…I will share to you how you can be a millionaire too….while others are skeptical, about it…they just come and go. To become a millionaire is not easy, it’s a responsibity ….if you can handle it …you will become one….that is why you need to know and read the books. Come and join the NeothinkSociety.Com

The information you have written is priceless.

Mark Hamilton
The information you have written is priceless. It has given me new insight, energy and desire. I hope your works will remain available for a long time. Best regards.

I fully support Mark Hamilton and the Twelve visions party

I have been a Neothink customer for 16 years. There has never been a more mind expanding collection of printed materials in history! Upon exposure to these profoundly integrated and honest collection of words, I have been transformed. I fully support Mark Hamilton and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY/Twelve visions party in their vision of reaching the ultimate goal of a truly free society and biological immortality to all who desire it. The time has arrived for Neothink integrations and foundational principles to be brought to the application phase for all the world! I hope to contribute in any way that I can. Thank you Mark Hamilton!
Marc M.

Ongoing Appreciation

As the minutes go by, I am realizing more of the building of my greatest desire, from about age 14, which was and is to developed an efficient mental state that would allow me to achieve whatever value I choose to set as a goal. With the “Prime Law” as my Guide and my integrating other Neothink-Science to my life, I am confident, counter-productivity, is not an option for me. With an exhilarated disposition, thank you, compassionate and brilliant man; Mark Hamilton.

If there are no taxes where does the government get the funds to provide protection of the country? Is that just privatized so private companies provide that service to the populace?

If there are no taxes where does the government get the funds to provide protection of the country? Is that just privatized so private companies provide that service to the populace? Thank You
May. 31, 2010
Government could get its funding in many ways, which are all voluntary and in a direct value exchange dynamic. Government will provide the level protection that the citizens demand. Just like with any service, the provider (government) will tell the customer (citizens) how much it will cost. The payment for the service will come from those who desire the service, just like any other service. It is much like paying for insurance. If government gets underfunded it is the fault of the citizens for not providing the sufficient payment and demanding superior performance. It is most likely that the government, with its authority granted by the citizens, will utilize competing privately owned businesses to carry out the physical movements of protection. The specific details of how the government will get paid for its service is not an issue of concern and will probably vary among different jurisdictions, but it will always be a voluntary function.

Recommended Reading


I highly recommend reading literature by Mark Hamilton. Anyone with an open mind and a desire to improve their life will benefit. I personally have made great strides in my awareness and consciousness since I began this journey in 1996. I am still reading and growing toward my bright future as I apply the knowledge and tools learned from this fine literature.
Michael B

Mark Hamilton has been a voice of change for me personally and professionaly. In my opinion, he is truly “THE REAL VOICE OF CHANGE” that our culture is begging for. His writings and Mentorship has given me that perfomance and value-driven life that we all desire. Bravo to the society of Neothink and Mark Hamilton. My sincere gratitude!


I highly recommend reading literature by Mark Hamilton. Anyone with an open mind and a desire to improve their lives will greatly benefit. I began reading these books in 1996 and have have used what I have learned to raise my level of knowledge and consciousness. I will continue my journey into a bright future!
Michael B

Mr. Hamilton, just a word of thanks to you

Mr. Hamilton, just a word of thanks to you, for having us in your heart. From the information about the Neothink Society, that I have read, I am so pleased to learn that you have a passion for “freedom and justice for all”. I can relate to the desire that you made so clear, in your writings, that you want to see our country and our world at peace and our families living without a forceful negative government. Your teachings have shown me the beauty of a strong family life and deep respect for this beautiful land that we live in. It is a pleasure to embrace the Neothink Society. Peggie P

March 2025