Posts Tagged ‘deep sleep’

I discovered Neothink at a great time in my life.

I discovered Neothink at a great time in my life. I was 33 years old when I read my first manuscript and got so excited about the potential at one point, I had three sleepless nights in a row. It was the fourth night that I was finally able to fall into a deep sleep with the realization that I was in complete control of my own life.

Fast forward to today and I am into my third successful business venture since initial exposure to Neothink. I have earned in excess of $5,000,000 profiting from gaps I found in some of the biggest rip-off artists in corporate America. I am referring to Companies who prey on the naivety of the general public. Corporations who obviously bribed government officials so they could pose as public benefactors while blatantly scamming their customers. In fact these very same corporate entities spent countless millions in advertising to discredit my work and put me out of business.

With the first two ventures under my belt, I am now building a private media business that will easily out compete traditional media like TV, Radio and print in all formats. Why? Neothink has enabled me to use my experience to peer ahead and predict outcomes fairly accurately which gives me the opportunity to provide competitive services in a timely fashion.

I recently met an incredible accomplished woman who challenges and inspires me. We are getting married in August 2012 and already have our eyes on waterfront property. To think that 20 years ago I was on a fast track to the gutter and now control the fortunes of local businesses with my private brand of internet marketing. In fact I routinely charge $10,000 or more for online marketing services.

Anyone can do this!

I have a history of drug abuse, failed relationships and disappointed relatives. Reading Neothink actually saved my life! and made me more aware of my environment and situation. My lifestyle changed radically, my health improved dramatically, my creativity skyrocketed and I cut ties with negative people. So when I say anyone can improve their life, I’m speaking from hard core experience.

The fact that you are reading this means you are looking for something better. Open your mind and trust your gut on this. Be the skeptic, read every sentence, question everything, prepare to be amazed!


Dwain B

TVP is our only way to live Happily & Peacefully !!!

Mark Hamilton is one of the most honest, loving, life lifting & wonderful individuals living on this planet.
This man stands for fully integrated honesty!!! His multi-generational manuscripts changed my life. It awakened me from a deep sleep and guiding me toward
the life I was meant to live and forgotten about.
His writings can do the same for anyone!!! It’s a priceless value to experience a more meaningful life, the most meaningful life!
The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is the only way to reach a real paradise on earth and end the current confusing, upside down, stagnation filled, painful life most people live.
The Neothink Society is a unique place where one has the chance of meeting people whom they can connect with on the deepest of levels! Everyone should come and try to
experience it for themselves!

If anyone tries to block or stop the movement and success of TVP and the Neothink Society it must be based upon lies and illusions. We should always stop and ask ourselves “Ok, that’s what he says but what is the benefit and intention behind it? What does such a parasite gains and what do all the people really receive?
If TVP doesn’t succeed it’s simply Good Night and Goodbye!!! I personally don’t even want to consider or think about what would happen in that case!!!

Long live Mark Hamilton, TVP and the Neothink Society!

Happiness, Peace, Health, Wealth, Love and Prosperity awaits all of us once the TVP succeeds in its mission!



March 2025