Posts Tagged ‘declaration of independence’

Thanks to Mr. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society…


Thanks to Mr. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society being selected to join the Society is the utmost stimulating event that I have ever had happen to me. Thank you Mark  Hamilton.

After receiving and reading the 3 manuscripts that were written and published by Mark Hamilton I was very able to see that he is true to his name a literary genius. Changes in my life started happening soon after I finished reading his manuscripts. At  first I began to feel better physically .My business started growing beyond belief and is still growing. My home life with my wife and children has become so amazingly smooth that it looks as though it were a fairy tale.

The next awakening that I received after reading and understanding the Twelve Visions Party in manuscript #2 it became very clear to me that the TVP is so simple that I cannot imagine why more of us did not recognize it sooner. It’s probably due to the fact that we all have lived our lives in the bicameral mode until now. This is the point in our training that Neothink takes hold of our thinking. This brings the ten second miracle  to our minds and is available to everyone.

The wonderful thing about the Neothink is that it trains a person to think for themselves. Thinking for one’s self leads us to what is the purpose of life? The purpose of life is to  live happily. This has brought an aura of utopia into my life  as it does to all members of the Neothink Society. It will be a very special day whenever everyone reaches this level in their lives.

The Neothink Society has laid the foundation for the last piece of the puzzle  to be completed. Our forefathers laid the first piece of the puzzle by writing the Declaration of Independence. The Twelve Visions Party will provide the solution for the final piece to be snapped into place.

The future of mankind looks very promising and with the guidance and leadership of Mark Hamilton the transition to a new life will be smooth and rewarding. We need him Mark Hamilton to lead and make sure that our health, happiness and wealth will be available to all during our lifetime.

I am writing this in all sincerity Mark Hamilton. You have my vote and support.


I’m grateful that I can say what a great value the NEOTHINK Society


I’m grateful that I can say what a great value the NEOTHINK Society has been in my life with the publishing of the Neothink manuscripts have been in my life and that of my family.  With the coming of the Twelve Vision Party, just maybe we can get our people elected to office, and get our country turned around to the way it was when our founding Father’s first paid the price for our country’s, Constitution,& Declaration of Independence & Bill of Rights. That they wrote for our Nation.
The thing I have learned from reading My NEOTHINK manuscripts is that I can become and have whatever I want in this life.  I thank-you Mark Hamilton for allowing me to join the NEOTHINK Society, providing me the opportunity to find my Value that I can be to the NEOTHINK Society And to those care about life. That’s what these manuscripts, have taught me about who I can become, and have in this life.  I thank-you for inviting me to-be a member of NEOTHINK Society, I have You to thank My friend, And I’m honored, To associate with other people of like mind.
I know what it’s to be shunned from life, I Thank-you for giving me my life back and excepting me as your friend and value to our NEOTHINK Society.                         
Sincerely Your Friend
Wells M

Mark Hamilton has diligently worked for many years…


Neothink Society has built a foundation of truth for my family. Today’s society is built upon generations of lies and deceit led and controlled by the upper echelon of old money and deeply buried truths. It is time to break through the illusions, unveil the deeply rooted truths masked by fear. Society as we know it today, no longer holds the promise for our children and our children’s children.  We must bust through to the other side of truth, our inherited birthright built upon our genuine forefathers, Our Constitution, Our by-laws, Our Declaration of Independence, Our Rights  I ask you to pull away the illusions, allow your heart of hearts to Know. Fully remember why we are here, Wealth, Health, Peace NOT for ONE but for ALL!  Mark Hamilton has diligently worked for many years TVP party challenges to the very core the non-functional, self serving, mind controlling Republican & Democratic parties…they’ve had us All fooled and filled with fear. Are you intelligent, dissatisfied with control?  We invite you to empower yourself with intelligent life affirming action. Do you want change? Take action Do something to create the change you are just dreaming of now…Join

Thank you for your time and consideration,


March 2025