Posts Tagged ‘deceit’

Let this become the GREAT AWAKENING that Mark Hamilton…

It is so important for the American people to build upon the whiff of freedom that Mark Hamilton is releasing into the American awareness. There is a slow awakening shown by the Tea Party and others who love freedom that America is being co-opted by parasites who curry favor by offering goodies to the public with no visible means of payment. The payment the political parasites seek for themselves is POWER. Let this become the GREAT AWAKENING that Mark Hamilton and all of his supporters bring to America’s consciousness – that freedom and prosperity do live and do very well indeed without the political ruling class of studied deceit!
John M

The writings of an author named Mark Hamilton

To Whomever is reading this testimonial of mine I would like to thank you for taking the time to hear my words and understand how Neothink has changed my life. First I would like to begin by saying that for most of my life I have been searching for the truth and for what my purpose is for being in this world, I always knew that there must be more and I found it thru the writings of an author named Mark Hamilton. His knowledge and deep understanding has helped me to see the world in a different way because of the way I feel from within myself. I realized that I had the power to control my life and not blame others or circumstances for my failures, it gave me confidence and helped me understand why the world is the way it is and that all of mankind has the power to change their lives and live the life they were meant to live and to bring value to society and the world. Since this discovery my whole life has changed for the better, in every aspect of it, from my marriage to my finances and to being a good father to my son. I wake up every day now with a smile on my face and looking forward to going out and talking to people and helping them realize their potential, it gives me great joy in knowing that I’m doing something worthwhile and not expecting something in return for it, wealth comes to a man who gives more to others than he takes from. Creating a better world for all mankind is what I want to do and meeting other like-minded people who share this feeling is what Neo-Think is all about, helping people realize that no matter what the ruling class of people try to keep you from knowing so they can have power over you and keep you from taking their power away from them want you to think. They will do whatever they can to create illusions to discredit people who are trying to help others and change the world for the better. Do not be fooled by their deceit, it is what they will do to keep mankind from realizing that they have the power to control their lives and be free and happy because they now know that no one can tell them how to live, and that they alone have the ability to be whatever is in their hearts, and to create values for others which is the purpose of human beings TO CREATE! I hope you will think about this when you hear that Mark and his writings and the people who are with him and believe in this goal to really make the kind of changes with honesty and integrity that the masses deserve will look and see them for what they are. I hope you too will find the child within you to read this knowledge and see for yourself that it is good and will lead you to freedom from all the negativity in the world. Together we can change the world and make it the kind of place we all desire. With Love and Honesty.
Jeff C

This is a great privilege for me and my time spent getting to know the Neothink Society

This is a great privilege for me my time spent getting to know Neothink Society
And what this stand for, the Neothink Society founder Mark Hamilton I received an invitation…and this came
At a time of great need I loved reading so regardless of what waste happening in my life the hurts deceit lies on the job Cannot figure out why certain conditions exist until after beginning to read Mark Hamilton manuscript the truth seen I Became excited for the first time for along time and will never forget this how i felt that this is real people that Think in such great ways,
Which my testimony to this great truth is life changing for me after all that I’ve learned and com to know The effect is lasting and as found great value in living and so much more this is realty ,because of the person iv become their is non other path that can measure up to this standard my children and grand children will com to know There is a true standard I’m not a politician but the TVP which is the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society founder Mark Hamilton Will succeed, because the function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose With the prim law no more rule of man.
Craig D.

The writings of an author named Mark Hamilton

To Whomever is reading this testimonial of mine I would like to thank you for taking the time to hear my words and understand how Neothink has changed my life. First I would like to begin by saying that for most of my life I have been searching for the truth and for what my purpose is for being in this world, I always knew that there must be more and I found it thru the writings of an author named Mark Hamilton. His knowledge and deep understanding has helped me to see the world in a different way because of the way I feel from within myself. I realized that I had the power to control my life and not blame others or circumstances for my failures, it gave me confidence and helped me understand why the world is the way it is and that all of mankind has the power to change their lives and live the life they were meant to live and to bring value to society and the world. Since this discovery my whole life has changed for the better, in every aspect of it, from my marriage to my finances and to being a good father to my son. I wake up every day now with a smile on my face and looking forward to going out and talking to people and helping them realize their potential, it gives me great joy in knowing that I’m doing something worthwhile and not expecting something in return for it, wealth comes to a man who gives more to others than he takes from. Creating a better world for all mankind is what I want to do and meeting other like-minded people who share this feeling is what Neo-Think is all about, helping people realize that no matter what the ruling class of people try to keep you from knowing so they can have power over you and keep you from taking their power away from them want you to think. They will do whatever they can to create illusions to discredit people who are trying to help others and change the world for the better. Do not be fooled by their deceit, it is what they will do to keep mankind from realizing that they have the power to control their lives and be free and happy because they now know that no one can tell them how to live, and that they alone have the ability to be whatever is in their hearts, and to create values for others which is the purpose of human beings TO CREATE! I hope you will think about this when you hear that Mark and his writings and the people who are with him and believe in this goal to really make the kind of changes with honesty and integrity that the masses deserve will look and see them for what they are. I hope you too will find the child within you to read this knowledge and see for yourself that it is good and will lead you to freedom from all the negativity in the world. Together we can change the world and make it the kind of place we all desire. With Love and Honesty.
Jeff C

Mr. Mark Hamilton, in my opinion, is a truly remarkable visionary …

Mr. Mark Hamilton, in my opinion, is a truly remarkable visionary to say the least. A man of great honesty and integrity. I believe if I could somehow articulate the impact of his teachings on MY life, that it would read like some overstated fairytale. In reality, it would be understated fact. I couldn’t possibly thank him enough.
This man saw something special in me that I had trouble seeing for myself. Thanks to him, I went from seeing no possible way out, to seeing no possible way to fail. He gave me a knowledge that allows me to recognize deceit even if he himself were the perpetuator. Priceless.
Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions Party is something I believe we should ALL be lining up around the block to support. His belief in the equality and importance of EVERY SINGLE individual means that by default HIS success is EVERYONE’S success. So to is his failure.
I couldn’t envision how my life would be without being exposed to Mark Hamilton and Neothink. Well, actually I could, but why put myself through such misery? My outlook is so much brighter now that I have been. Yours will be too if you place a little faith In this man.
Mr S.D. W

Mark Hamilton and the literature of the Neothink Society…


This country was founded under high and visionary ideals.  Its founders saw a truly free society based on government by and for the People.  It was intended that our banking system be established under the same basis, but that didn’t happen.  Instead it remained in private hands and our beautiful free enterprise system allowed it succumb to the greed of a few people who like to hold power over others.  The rise in power of the banking system and its decline into corruption easily took with it the career politicians the people had put into power to protect us.  We have strayed very far from the free society our founders envisioned.  We have systematically given up more and more of our rights and much of our freedom.  The debt-ridden society we now have is not free for most honest people who continue struggling to maintain a reasonable existence.  The “American Dream” seems to be a lost hope, but the current system does serve a few very well.  These are the ones who put all their resources toward maintaining the status quo and perpetuating the degradation through deceit.  My family and friends are not free because, in their personal integrity, they buy into the rhetoric from the political, financial, and medical systems that merely bleed them dry and sap their vitality.  They are not left with the energy, resources, or inspiration to bring forth creativity that could benefit their families, communities, or perhaps society as a whole.  All this tremendous potential is wasted and lost for the sad purpose of maintaining a deteriorating status quo.

Mark Hamilton and the literature of the Neothink Society teaches its readers to open up their own visionary abilities, to see through the rhetoric and clouds of deceit, to recognize the essence of truth in everything, to think for themselves and to act on the evidence of what is truly beneficial  and life-enhancing.  The evidence of this is plainly evident in my life and in the lives of thousands of others who now think and act with clarity.  Humanity is moving toward this kind of living. It is our next step in evolution.  When people are awake in this way they can see clearly that a society only functions well through honesty and integrity.  It has generally come to be accepted that power is obtained and maintained largely by neglecting these ideals.  Neothink is at the forefront of helping us waken to this understanding and living our own fully empowered lives.  This is inevitably a great boon to ALL people, no matter what their current status.  It has already worked for countless numbers who were otherwise “lost” through misfortune.  It is easy to see that the Twelve Visions Party is founded on those principles that best promote the ideals of individual freedom and pursuit of happiness intended by our country’s founders.  Read the twelve visions forming the whole of the Party’s agenda and ask, “is this the kind of society I want?’  It’s as simple as that.  

Rejoice this day, and always –

March 2025