Posts Tagged ‘dear mr’
Your Neothink Society
Dear Mr Hamilton, My life was moving but standing still and I could not see the light I was introduced to your Neothink Society and my life really changed so much for the better. May the light that flows from above, ALWAYS FLOW THROUGH YOU AND EVERYONE IN OUR SOCIETY. Blessings FROM above. thanks D.
Neothink wants to save life
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
My heart is with you, I am a older person I lived my life through the hardships to find a decent way to live, I never found it until the later end of my life.
I encounter the teaching of Neothink it is the knowledge put aside for what is called power, legal law, and justice is how the world is known. None in those comments is honesty includes so many mistakes have been made, ignoring the honesty for one self and for all. That is the only think the society Neothink which has been brought forward from century ago to teach and reverse is honesty throughout humanity. Jesus started honesty and he was destroyed, life grew powerful anyways, honesty went forgotten, power now rules the world. What the society of Neothink is about is only the simplest honesty in every hart in human life. So everybody in plant earth can live in harmony with each other. It would take a lot to explain now a days, power, law and justice is included it drove the world to destruction. Peace and harmony does not excite any more, for the simplest thing honesty being ignored and Neothink is urgently working to restore it to all humanity in the plant earth. Neothink is in danger, the power and the law shows the strength to destroy the honesty they do not want to understand. Earth is a planet that belong to the universe and is govern from the Universe, we do not know how long the planet earth will exist, think about, what human life has built and destroy for as far back as the records go. The Universe can be distinguished in no time without warning, no human power will concur the will of the universe. Neothink wants to save life not destroy. What is wrong with that? Human power has lost its ability Neothink doesn’t need weapons, bomb atom bomb it just restores trust and harmony in human life, which has been put aside and forgotten. So let it be.
Thank you
Martha O
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
My family and I are extremely excited to have been acquainted with you, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party(TVP). We want to thank you very much for the knowledge we have acquired from you. We also want to let you know that because of you and your literature, we have had a paradigm shift and our lives will never be the same again.
We are proud of you Mark and we will not hesitate to let the world know that your ideology, your philosophy, and your principles, are clear manifestations that you are a gentle man with integrity. You are a gentleman with the sense of duty and determination to create SOVEREIGNTY, WEALTH, AND FREEDOM for all Americans.
Mark, my family and I have also come to the realization that you are a devoted gentleman with the hope to shine your inner light on those in need. Thus, my family and I are loyally ready to work with you and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP). Together, we can extricate the rest of humanity. This is our mission and we will accomplish it.
My family and I are proud to tell the world that among other values, the success of the Twelve Visions Party will eliminate dishonesty and thus promote peace and tranquility among humankind. The Twelve Visions Party will give mankind the opportunity to live the lives they were meant to live.
Unfortunately, the silencing of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Twelve Visions Party, will mean a CONUNDRUM for my family and I, our loved ones and the world at large. Therefore, I want to remind my fellow Americans that, “bad things happen when good people do nothing”. As such, my family and I are hopping that every good American will help clear a path through which Mr. Mark Hamilton can emerge along with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), never to be stopped again.
Thank You Mr. Mark Hamilton, thank you everyone. Long live the TVP.
Sincerely yours,
Tony Charles
Many Thanks To Mark Hamilton!
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I will never be able to repay you for everything you have done for me. Reading your literature and being a part of your Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party has completely changed my life.
I am an entirely new person since you stepped into my life. I don’t know where I’d be without you, however I know I would not like that place in the least bit!
Learning your knowledge and applying it in my life has given me countless blessings. You are a truly wonderful man who deserves world wide recognition and the Nobel Peace Prize if you ask me.
I feel so blessed and lucky to be part of your Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. I have finally found my home after decades of searching.
Thank you,
Jeff Smith
The Twelve Visions Party…
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
The Twelve Visions Party (TVP…focused by market business persons) will very soon come to be the “logical-grass-roots” choice (spearhead) of the future in and for most cultures (countries) around the world because politics does not work…it has never “worked”. Why not?
Higher authorities (political, etc.), the world over, exist to usurp the societal wealth and values from entrepreneurs (market businessmen & businesswomen) and all of those (in dead-end, specialized jobs) who would wish to be (via their dreams, our dreams). The politicians buy votes (with money they do not earn), assuring their power, to control and rule over us.
Societal usurpers do fill a void (mutant & hallucinating) in our “conscious” brains (minds) thus providing the decision-making, dictating that we, seemingly, continue to desire. That must change and it will change because the TVP is not focused on a person or even many persons…it is “whole new level of thinking” (that does not include mysticism) that will focus and provide civilization the power of self thought, self realization and thus self determinization. Dissatisfaction is very strong with the present state-of-being and will be the determinant driving the TVP forward…the time is now!
Politicians (and other higher authorities) are increasingly viewed as a problem (rightfully so) by individuals desiring an opportunity to forge ahead (gain wealth). And, whom (“sane-thinking” we are talking about here) on this planet doesn’t want that?
Sadly, many disillusioned individuals have already disengaged from, are in process of giving up OR worse yet…have already given up their dreams, as usually backed by a good plan, to legitimately gain traction (get ahead…gain opportunity & wealth) in this illogical, upside-down anti-civilization that we struggle, survive and exist in. Living the life we (the majority of us) were meant to live is less likely these days (ie.: financial worries, etc.) and lifestyle is almost not attainable…“if” it is achievable…is it sustainable? (ie: will the politicians, and other higher authorities, create more laws, rules and regulations to take our wealth away…that assumes that we have some? The answer is…yes, they will continue if we allow them that luxury). The American Dream and dreams in most countries around this planet are vanishing…….however, there is hope……there is the TVP!!
We (my wife and I) will celebrate with our family the 1st birthday of our first beautiful Grandchild, a Granddaughter, on August 23, 2009 (tomorrow). What a little joy she is…what happiness she brings…amazing is a word that doesn’t begin to express how we feel in her presence.
We want a never ending exciting future especially for her, but, also…of course…for our children and ourselves.
We want the exhilaration-of-life (future), not the burden-of-life (past and present).
The TVP brings us clarity of what needs to be our priority and focus now!!
Thank-you…Mr. Mark Hamilton for working tirelessly in bringing this wonderful alternative (the TVP) to us…what an awesome, societal value!
We need it, we want it, we support you, we are with you, we are engaged!
Again, thank you for all that you and the primary TVP teams have done and are doing…sincerely,
Paul & Ariadna (Ara) Severin
We were about to give up when a year and a half ago we discovered the Neothink
Dear Mr. Hamilton:
We have dedicated our life to develop a new method of education to create a new kind of human being for an honest and upright society. After that, we have knocked on many doors to market and implement such a wonderful technique but, illogically, we have found nobody interested in developing such a wonderful tool for humankind, and could not understand the reasons behind it. We were about to give up when a year and a half ago we discovered the Neothink Society and since then our life has gone through many changes. I will name only a few of them: My wife has recovered her health that had gotten worse in the previous years. Although I am a Psychologist I recognize that with NeoTink’s simple formula, our relationship went to a higher level, allowing us to enjoy more our life together. Your ideas, through the NeoThink philosophy, have given us a deeper comprehension of life and all the injustices committed every day. At the same time it has provided us with new tools to improve ourselves, our relationships and our businesses. It has helped us to finally put together the whole picture of life giving it a new meaning and dimension with new beliefs. But MOST IMPORTANT for us is, that it has given us hope again that, with the new course NEOTHINK is redirecting society, it will allow us to finally find ways and people interested in applying our educational system globally to produce the geniuses the world needs.
Thank you Mark!
Armando and Lilian Elias