Posts Tagged ‘dear mr’
Thank-you…Mr. Mark Hamilton
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
The Twelve Visions Party (TVP…focused by market business persons) will very soon come to be the “logical-grass-roots” choice (spearhead) of the future in and for most cultures (countries) around the world because politics does not work…it has never “worked”. Why not?
Higher authorities (political, etc.), the world over, exist to usurp the societal wealth and values from entrepreneurs (market businessmen & businesswomen) and all of those (in dead-end, specialized jobs) who would wish to be (via their dreams, our dreams). The politicians buy votes (with money they do not earn), assuring their power, to control and rule over us.
Societal usurpers do fill a void (mutant & hallucinating) in our “conscious” brains (minds) thus providing the decision-making, dictating that we, seemingly, continue to desire. That must change and it will change because the TVP is not focused on a person or even many persons…it is “whole new level of thinking” (that does not include mysticism) that will focus and provide civilization the power of self thought, self realization and thus self determination. Dissatisfaction is very strong with the present state-of-being and will be the determinant driving the TVP forward…the time is now!
Politicians (and other higher authorities) are increasingly viewed as a problem (rightfully so) by individuals desiring an opportunity to forge ahead (gain wealth). And, whom (“sane-thinking” we are talking about here) on this planet doesn’t want that?
Sadly, many disillusioned individuals have already disengaged from, are in process of giving up OR worse yet…have already given up their dreams, as usually backed by a good plan, to legitimately gain traction (get ahead…gain opportunity & wealth) in this illogical, upside-down anti-civilization that we struggle, survive and exist in. Living the life we (the majority of us) were meant to live is less likely these days (ie.: financial worries, etc.) and lifestyle is almost not attainable…“if” it is achievable…is it sustainable? (ie: will the politicians, and other higher authorities, create more laws, rules and regulations to take our wealth away…that assumes that we have some? The answer is…yes, they will continue if we allow them that luxury). The American Dream and dreams in most countries around this planet are vanishing…….however, there is hope……there is the TVP!!
We (my wife and I) will celebrate with our family the 1st birthday of our first beautiful Grandchild, a Granddaughter, on August 23, 2009 (tomorrow). What a little joy she is…what happiness she brings…amazing is a word that doesn’t begin to express how we feel in her presence.
We want a never ending exciting future especially for her, but, also…of course…for our children and ourselves.
We want the exhilaration-of-life (future), not the burden-of-life (past and present).
The TVP brings us clarity of what needs to be our priority and focus now!!
Thank-you…Mr. Mark Hamilton for working tirelessly in bringing this wonderful alternative (the TVP) to us…what an awesome, societal value!
We need it, we want it, we support you, we are with you, we are engaged!
Again, thank you for all that you and the primary TVP teams have done and are doing…sincerely,
Paul & Ariadna (Ara) S
I owe that to my mentor Mr. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society
Dear Mr. Hamilton
It saddened me to here that the Government would even think of stopping Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party. Before I was found by Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society I was sleep walking through life. 30 pounds over weight, angry at the world because I felt the World owed me. Angry at my self because I felt I let the world past me by. Then I got the letter in the mail which simply said, I can teach you how to become the person you were born to be. I’m now at the my perfect weight, My confidence has returned and I know I can be do or have anything I want on this green earth. I’ve learned that when you are around like minded people, together you can become a master mind and become the Genius that you really are. I’m no longer afraid to stand up for what I truly believe in. I owe that to my mentor Mr. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. I understand how some people are afraid of change. But if you want things in your life to change. You have to change things in your life. You can not continue to do the same things you have always done and expect a different result. So I thank Mr. Mark Hamilton every day for bringing me into the Neothink Society. I look into the mirror every morning and smile because I love myself again.
Marcus M.
New York City
Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for providing a real choice!
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
What Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) mean to me, personally.
My thoughts…
Fortunately (very fortunately), I have experienced an increased intensity as applicable to some of my thought processing as of late. This has happened a few, fleetingly, yet…albeit, euphoric, times allowing the integration of and building on existing thoughts (the snapping together of a few puzzle pieces).
Was driving to work yesterday morning and engaged in Power Thought for just a few brief minutes…but, what a revealing few minutes they were…the elusive solution to a problem that I had been grappling with for several days came to me, easily, via those intense thought-integrating minutes…what gratitude I felt with the solution in-hand…what an “aha” moment!!
Now, I am feeling resultant clarity from the increased depth and breadth (wider scope) of my thinking which provided that “aha” moment as related to the problem solving and solution providing experience rarely before known to me, the emphasis being on “rarely”…I know, now, that those “new integrated thinking experiences” were glimpses of the Neothink modality.
My mind space is evolving…this is so exhilarating! Eureka!!
Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for authoring the amazing books that have focused me.
This journey, most assuredly, for me…must and will continue!
Toward that continuation, I am forward looking to the building of unique thought integrations (Neothink) and experiencing the resulting exhilaration that will come from providing solution(s), not even considering the potential of wealth-building opportunity(ies), to a puzzle problem of significant impact within society knowing that the ultimate desire will be to contribute positive value(s) to society.
I have submitted my name as a participant candidate to contribute on the “Alternative Energy” solutions Neothink team that is presently forming.
The dragon: All politicians, all religious leaders, and all other societal cheaters / value usurpers & destroyers will continue controlling us* through continued legislation of more and more laws, rules and regulations; thus, killing entrepreneurship (the societal lifeblood) and “if” we allow, via votes, them (the dragon) that continued luxury.
*By us is meant…all cherished, societal value producers and value creators.
TVP is the dragon slayer, it is the answer (our answer), it is a need (our need)…this is an invitation to join TVP now and engage.
The TVP, at this point in the history of mankind, is the only logical, fact based (in full context) viable party (it is an a-typical, party that will be administered by non-political market-minded businessmen and businesswomen) that can and will serve and save us, ALL OF US, from the anti-civilization that we live and survive in currently. Notice that I did not identify the TVP as a “political” party. Times, right now, are as tough as I have ever experienced in my life (especially, from a financial standpoint)…I am and feel timeless at 60 plus years of age because of the 12 visions of
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
What Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) mean to me, personally.
My thoughts…
Fortunately (very fortunately), I have experienced an increased intensity as applicable to some of my thought processing as of late. This has happened a few, fleetingly, yet…albeit, euphoric, times allowing the integration of and building on existing thoughts (the snapping together of a few puzzle pieces).
Was driving to work yesterday morning and engaged in PowerThought for just a few brief minutes…but, what a revealing few minutes they were…the elusive solution to a problem that I had been grappling with for several days came to me, easily, via those intense thought-integrating minutes…what gratitude I felt with the solution in-hand…what an “aha” moment!!
Now, I am feeling resultant clarity from the increased depth and breadth (wider scope) of my thinking which provided that “aha” moment as related to the problem solving and solution providing experience rarely before known to me, the emphasis being on “rarely”…I know, now, that those “new integrated thinking experiences” were glimpses of the Neothink modality.
My mind space is evolving…this is so exhilarating! Eureka!!
Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for authoring the amazing books that have focused me.
This journey, most assuredly, for me…must and will continue!
Toward that continuation, I am forward looking to the building of unique thought integrations (NeoThink) and experiencing the resulting exhilarations that will come from providing solution(s), not even considering the potential of wealth-building opportunity(ies), to a puzzle problem of significant impact within society knowing that the ultimate desire will be to contribute positive value(s) to society.
I have submitted my name as a participant candidate to contribute on the “Alternative Energy” solutions Neothink team that is presently forming.
The dragon: All politicians, all religious leaders, and all other societal cheaters / value usurpers & destroyers will continue controlling us* through continued legislation of more and more laws, rules and regulations; thus, killing entrepreneurship (the societal lifeblood) and “if” we allow, via votes, them (the dragon) that continued luxury.
*By us is meant…all cherished, societal value producers and value creators.
TVP is the dragon slayer, it is the answer (our answer), it is a need (our need)…this is an invitation to join TVP now and engage.
The TVP, at this point in the history of mankind, is the only logical, fact based (in full context) viable party (it is an a-typical, party that will be administered by non-political market-minded businessmen and businesswomen) that can and will serve and save us, ALL OF US, from the anti-civilization that we live and survive in currently. Notice that I did not identify the TVP as a “political” party. Times, right now, are as tough as I have ever experienced in my life (especially, from a financial standpoint)…I am and feel timeless at 60 plus years of age because of the 12 visions of Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the TVP.
I feel privileged to commence with my real life soon (the life that I now know that I was meant to live) and I must say I do look forward to it. I do not want to dwell on looking backward at it. I am beginning to feel the pending exhilaration-of-life instead of the continuing burden-of-life which is the unfortunate fact. The facts supporting TVP speak volumes…the facts are the facts as long as they are comprehended in full context.
The twelve visions, embodied by the TVP, are wondrous gifts to all peoples given the applied logic and simplistic beauty of the extremely powerful concepts. Is business as usual working? Or not?
Party choices? Consider carefully. Choose wisely.
Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for providing a real choice!
Paul S
I feel privileged to commence with my real life soon (the life that I now know that I was meant to live) and I must say I do look forward to it. I do not want to dwell on looking backward at it. I am beginning to feel the pending exhilaration-of-life instead of the continuing burden-of-life which is the unfortunate fact. The facts supporting TVP speak volumes…the facts are the facts as long as they are comprehended in full context.
The twelve visions, embodied by the TVP, are wondrous gifts to all peoples given the applied logic and simplistic beauty of the extremely powerful concepts. Is business as usual working? Or not?
Party choices? Consider carefully. Choose wisely.
Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for providing a real choice!
Paul S
Many Thanks To Mark Hamilton!
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I will never be able to repay you for everything you have done for me. Reading your literature and being a part of your Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party has completely changed my life.
I am an entirely new person since you stepped into my life. I don’t know where I’d be without you, however I know I would not like that place in the least bit!
Learning your knowledge and applying it in my life has given me countless blessings. You are a truly wonderful man who deserves world wide recognition and the Nobel Peace Prize if you ask me.
I feel so blessed and lucky to be part of your Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. I have finally found my home after decades of searching.
Thank you,
Jeff Smith
My Dear Mark Hamilton
My Dear Mr. Hamilton. I just needed to write this because I know your there and you have listened. The Neothink Family and it’ readings came to me when I thought, all the years of my adult life (37 years) I’ve worked, volunteered gave to the less fortunate, stopped and cared for some one other than my self. I considered myself a person of value. I did not have much myself, but I figured that someone may of had less. This year 2009 In a four month period I was told I had Cancer and needed to have surgery. That I did. I had to return to work before my recovery, because my job denied my disability….14 )years on this job now. 4 weeks back at work I was fired after surgery not because I wasn’t a valued employee but because someone did not want me there. They got the I’s and T’s dotted on any and everything they saw fit…I filed unemployment that too was denied. The anger and hurt was so deep to how can they just do this, I’ve work all my life. I say all this to you because I receive the Miss Annabelle’ story It was like the night listen to my cries.
I was in a bad place within myself. Am I a citizen or just a counted number. I see why we age. Age is not a sickness or decease part of our soul, It’s when we have come to height of life and then told it wasn’t good enough. The soul and spirit just snatched out of the body and just the aged form of what was stands. Death just waiting to happen. .Miss Annabelle’s Story allowed me to Cry and cry really hard, because I know a change is coming. A change that will let me be proud of myself. Just because I am that I am ( valuable and worthy).
Thank You
What people should realize is only one thing…
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
What can I say? I truly and honestly don’t know where to start in trying to describe what Neothink has done around. But I don know one thing: it is no exaggeration to say that your material has literally changed my life in a matter of days. And I’m exhilarated in guessing where I’ll go from here. The sky isn’t even the limit now, I swear it.
What people should realize is only one thing: you have Neothink in you! We all do! We were meant to have it as human beings! The problem is only a few have been able to capitalize on it and use it to live a HAPPIER, MORE ROMANTIC, AND WEALTHIER LIFE!!!
The role of Mark Hamilton and his father’s is simple: to wake you up! To bring to light problems—and solutions to them—that have been holding you down without you ever knowing what hit you.
What is Neothink?
Since I cannot resurrect William Shakespeare—as only he can find the right words to describe the humanity and sweetness of Neothink, I’ll keep it clear and simple:
This material is the most logical, rational, but, to my surprise, even MOST ETHICAL piece of work I’ve ever not just personally read, but even heard of. The Bible, with its hidden destructiveness, does not hold a candle to these books. Matter of fact, in comparison, the Bible, Quran, etc. seem downright childish and silly and quite insignificant.
Finally, as I could never stop writing about Neothink, let me say this last thing:
If you’re interested in finally waking up to the real world (though to many it’ll seem like an entire new world/life altogether), support this man and his work.
If you’re interested in knowing how to honestly deal with people (friends, coworkers, bosses, siblings, your partner, your children, etc.) in a way that is healthy and not destructive to either party, support and read these books.
If you want to know why you’re not making the kind of money you’d like to make, read these books and support this man.
If you want to see thru the endless illusions of life and people (politicians, scheme artists, etc.) thrown at you and ingrained in your brain, read these books and support this man.
And on and on and on and on…………………………..
We will make this world a better place
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
THANK YOU !! For ALL of the hard work you have put into the TVP,our Country, human values,personal values and thank you for putting all this together to help us all remember….., that it all comes down to one simple thing,treating each other right. To be happy is the goal in life as we all know and I will certainly return, to write more of the ways you have helped me, my daughter, and everyone that I have come into contact with, since our first introduction! I will stand beside you in our quest to preserve Health,Wealth,and Peace.
We will make this world a better place…., with the help of honest hardworking people all over this great country. Together we stand, Together we smile.
Thank you.., and now lets get back to work saving this great nation!!
Make no mistake Mark…….., we will stand beside you through ANY trial…. Any storm…. Any endeavor…. ANY.
Lennie Sexton
Dear Mr. Hamilton
Dear Mr. Hamilton:
The literature that I recieved from you is immensely important to me. It gives me great inspiration and hope for a better world. Tell me what I can do to help stop this threat to you. Reading your material gives me the drive to go on, and to hope for a better future for everyone!
Leslie S
The information is priceless
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I’ve been reading & studying your books for a few months now. The information is priceless. For the first time I’m reading something that understands me and providing an explanation for why things are so backwards. When the movie Matrix came out I thought people would see things for what they really are. Surprisingly they didn’t. For years I would explain to friends and family members things that’s in your book. Like, the things you did as a child is your true passion, or work on your dream for at least 2 hrs. a day after work. Friends and family thought that was strange. Your books help me realize that most people just don’t think for themselves. Their afraid of their individuality (afraid of themselves). Limited to what’s in front of them. I’m afraid for them.
In 1983 I felt the recession when entering the labor force leaving high school. In 1995 I started inventing new products in an attempt to create new jobs. In 2000 I created events and programs to introduce the products to the market. Though the projects we’re win-win situations for everyone involved I still couldn’t get the proper support. In 2004 I became a 100% disabled veteran and gave up the fight to create jobs. Though I stood to make a lot of money that wasn’t the only reason for creating new products. From the way this country was going (still is) I predict a dramatic increase in violence in the near future due to lack of employment.
Your books is just what’s needed to bring the proper state of mind to the people in order to alter the destructive path we’re on. The books made me realize I need to get back to work. Hopefully it’ll be different this time. Thanks!
P.S. As a 100% disabled veteran (unemployability) we’re not allowed to own companies. We’re also on a fixed income that doesn’t allow us to make any extra money. To make matters worse, your not guaranteed your social security disability benefits (SSD), and if you haven’t worked for 5 yrs. without being granted your SSD your not eligible for SSD or SSI for life. Even if you paid 20 yrs. into social security, unless you go back to work and give up your veteran benefits (wonder if the guys/gals in our military know this? I didn’t).
This is what I have learned from Mark Hamilton
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
Countless lives have been dramatically changed by the effect of your life’s work. I know because I am one of them. In the beginning, I just knew without question that this was what I had been missing. Mark, I know that you fully understand what I have gone through, but for anyone else whom may happen across this, please open your mind past the 9 to 5, LEFT vs RIGHT world you are ’conditioned’ to and keep reading for just another few minutes: I can remember getting goose bumps and feeling my blood move through my veins in such a way that all I wanted to do was continue reading the 5 or 10 page pamphlet that led me to the first Mark Hamilton literature. I was so excited and pumped up that my only mission was to order this book, and that is just what I did. It was certainly the biggest book I had ever set my mind on reading! The thing is, it was the easiest reading book I had ever read. It sucked me in like the best movie you’ve ever seen. This was in 1998. Since then I have purchased 10 more Mark Hamilton masterpieces. Each one just as satisfying, reliable, factual, innovative, and FULL of ‘new thinking techniques’- or better known now as Neothink. Something that is as natural as apple pie!!! People do not recieve lessons in Bethinking from the standard education process. Make no mistake, this is no accident! You see, EVERY individual person living in this world today, and all that have EVER lived, at some point or another each realize that what they really crave and desire for themselves and especially their children is really very simple, Perfectly free FREEDOM! This is the essential purpose of consciousness for it leads to everything that matters. For, if I am not FREE then I am not ME!!!!!!!!! This is what I have learned from Mark Hamilton. And there is so much more to learn and discover, wouldn’t you like to be one of the few to see this? Of course you would. It is only natural. And this is THE point. Mark Hamilton has not ‘invented’ this way of thinking, but he has mastered it. And all he wants is to pass this knowledge down the line “knowing” that as it grows, so will individual FREEDOM!!! THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT COULD EVER WANT TO STOP THIS TRAIN’S MOMENTUM ARE THE SAME PEOPLE THAT HAVE “KNOWINGLY” ELIMINATED THE BRAINS NATURAL NEOTHINKING
CAPABILITY FROM YOUR EDUCATION!!!!!!! So please look at little bit closer at anything calling itself the Neothink Society for it can surely bring a positive influence to you and your children’s existence. And for Earth’s sake, you must inquire about any political movement describing Twelve Visions as a base for the next Party, and do your own research and make your own decisions. If only 60 million Americans would do this, our grandchildren would look at our current “way of things” the same as we view the “dark ages”. Think about it. Research it. Learn it. Because you already know it…
Underdog Chris