Posts Tagged ‘dear mr’

Through the Neothink manuscripts, I have come to see the …

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

Through the Neothink manuscripts, I have come to see the dark side of governments.

Your Neothink series gave me more independence in life by showing me …

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

Your Neothink series gave me more independence in life by showing me how my thoughts are influenced and why.

I have been diligent in following what I was able in your formulas for success …

Dear Mr Hamilton,

I have been diligent in following what I was able in your formulas for success, but it’s been an uphill climb.

I want to take this time to personally thank you for opening my eyes to what is truly going on …

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

I want to take this time to personally thank you for opening my eyes to what is truly going on regarding the U.S. government.

You have personally changed my life, into a cyclone of joy …

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,

You have personally changed my life, into a cyclone of joy. In the spring of 2005, I received my first heirloom of the

NEOTHINK Inside Secrets.

Just wanted to take a few minutes to drop you a line about the improvement in my life

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

Just wanted to take a few minutes to drop you a line about the improvement in my life which has resulted from Neothink.

Prior to reading your material, I had a feeling that something was not right with how things operated in this world. The sleaze bags seemed to always get ahead, the hucksters seemed to always profit and the politicians just kept on deceiving everyone.

I have read all three of the manuscripts and gleaned so much from them.

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton:

I have read all three of the manuscripts and gleaned so much from them.

You should not worry that those people can stop you

Dear Mr Hamilton,

You should not worry that those people can stop you.

My journey with you began with a pamphlet.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

My journey with you began with a pamphlet.

Then it was the first of my Heirloom Packages-The Package of Neothink Inside Secrets. From within the pages of Inside Secrets I fine-tuned my life. Long suppressed desires were awakened, through the division of essence.

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton of Neothink

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton of Neothink,

It is both a pleasure and an honor to write to you my testimony of what your work has meant for me and done for me.

January 2025