Posts Tagged ‘dear life’

I started questioning life in general at an early age


I started questioning life in general at an early age. Always wondering why things were the way they were. Always thinking that life should be better than what I was seeing.
I am now 45 years old, on my second marriage, and mother of 4 beautiful daughters. Nothing has ever gone the way that I supposed it should go. Seemed the harder I tried the worse things got.
Upon receiving my very first letter from the Society last June, things started getting better. I must tell you that when I received that first letter I was definitely at a very low point in my life. I had even thought of suicide. I opened it and read the first paragraph and threw it on the table declaring that it was a bunch of bunk!
But I did not throw it away and I was pulled back to reading it everyday. I responded to that letter and my life now has meaning. I consider that first letter from the Society to be the most important piece of mail I have ever received.
I read all literature from that point that I received from the Neothink Society with a religious conviction. THIS WAS IT!!! This was what I had been searching for my whole life! Answers to my biggest questions. Answers that nobody else had ever offered.
I am now a very PROUD member of the Neothink Society!
Applying the knowledge gained, from reading the Society’s literature, to my everyday life, has allowed me to add more value to my life than I have ever known. The LOVE I have found here is what I ALWAYS said life should be about. EVERYTHING about the Society IS what life should be for ALL!
So… If you receive a letter or an invitation from The Society of Secrets. HOLD on to it for dear life! YOU want to be a member!
Mark Hamilton and ALL of my Neothink brothers and sisters, I am thankful each and everyday for ALL of you! With EVERY ounce of Neothink Love,
Deb H

March 2025