Posts Tagged ‘dear friend’

I am grateful to the remarkable Neothink writings, and web meetings that …

My dear friend Mark Hamilton,

I am grateful to the remarkable Neothink writings, and web meetings that you have given to me to enjoy.

Mark Hamilton, I have never met you in person, yet I consider you a dear friend …

Mark Hamilton, I have never met you in person, yet I consider you a dear friend and mentor.

I am excited and I am grateful to have you as friend and mentor

Dear Mark, I hope this testimony will be of some help. My greater help will be on a different level. It is invisible but it is strong. My 50.000 hours work for the increase of my abilities will now come into action.
It would be helpful if I could names of persons and institutions and what they are doing against the Secret Society and your personal work. Please, keep me informed about the developments.
I am excited and I am grateful to have you as friend and mentor. (Although my work is especially in the non-material planes of the Universe I do need and appreciate your knowledge about material things, especially making all the money I need for my activities.)
Dear Mark, your call of today started a new chapter of my life. My dear Friend, let us fight together. We will win!!!
Your friend Rupert.

The Future of the Species and Planet

Dear Friend,
I am a new member of Mark Hamilton’s society and the Neothink concept. I am in the process of completely reorganizing my life. Because of the hectic pace associated with this reorganization, I have not had time to become as immersed in Mark Hamilton’s Neothink views as I hope to be a couple of years from now. My opinions are based on a reading of the manuals, my knowledge of people who are members, and how it all is synchronized with my view of life. I would like to emphasize that I have not been converted, so to speak. In the process of observing life, and growing up, I came to the same conclusions as Mark long ago.
In my opinion the Neothink philosophy is all about the future of humanity and the future of the very planet we live on. Mark’s views represent a radically enriched future, because of a reorientation of our priorities. This reorientation occurs because of Neothink. Try to remember the outlook you had as a young child. The innocent point of view, when you were sure that life was probably fair. You did not understand yet, that a high percentage of the population could not afford health care or legal representation. You did not understand yet that the deck was stacked in favor of large corporations. You did not understand yet that money controlled the government.
Mark Hamilton, his society and Neothink represent the best prospect that I have encountered for creating that fair and prosperous future for all people.
• It is a future where all disputes among nations are settled with something other than force.
• It is a future where we do not run the risk of annihilation because there are no nuclear weapons.
• It is a future where the United States does not feel compelled to spend as much on defense as the next 35 nations combined. We only have self-defense forces in this new future.
• It is a future where all kinds of capital (human and economic) flows freely across what used to be called borders.
• It is a future that realizes that human intelligence, human consciousness, and economics are the most powerful forces in our (human) universe.
• It is a future that rejects radical mysticism of all types and combines love, intellect and economics to raise the standard of living of every one.
• The combination of love, intellect and economics recognizes the fragile environment and produces a sustainable economic structure in a Neothink future.
• It is a future of radically extended human life spans. The health care system in this future is oriented toward prevention and life extension for all people.
• It is a future where the elected representatives in government represent all people, not just wealthy special interest groups.
• It is a future where all people have access to a fair legal system.
• It is a future that I will be proud to give my children and a grandchild if we have not figured out the eternal life thing by the time my life is exhausted.
Pessimists will look at this vision and say it will never happen. My reply is I know that it is going to happen. I am just not sure how long it is going to take.
Walter Johnson

My journey with Mark Hamilton has been a great success for me and for my family.

My name is Royd D.Garcia. I was born on March 7th 1972 in the City of Newark in the State of New Jersey. I’ve been a member of the Neothink® Society since September of 2005.
Around the time I received my first “Multi Generation Manuscript” I had already been married 7 years and living in an apartment with my wife and our two year old son. Prior to receiving, what I consider to be priceless books authored by Mark Hamilton, my life had been spiraling downward into what seemed to me at the time to be a hopelessly dismal future. Often I would resort to drugs and alcohol to escape from my own reality in which of course did not make matters any better. Before I realized it, the damage had already been done. I slipped into a state of depression that if not for a dear friend who understood and helped me snap out of it and my strong love for my family, I would have taken myself out.
Upon reading the works of Mark Hamilton it became very clear to me why my life had gone the destructive, almost fatal direction that it did. As If the books were not enough, Mark Hamilton had committed himself to mentor me for a whole year, free of charge. I must take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for what this man did for me and a countless number of others. I believe that if it were not for him I would have slipped back into a dejected state.
My journey with Mark Hamilton has been a great success for me and for my family.
Today I’m happily married with two children, own a house, make my own decisions and hold my head up high. No longer do I wake up dreading the day before me. No longer do I have a desire to drink, smoke, or use any destructive stimulants to hide behind reality. I’m no longer the victim. The principles I have learned from reading the literature and effectively applied have improved my life immensely. Going forward I now accept one hundred percent responsibility for everything that happens to me in my life.
In 2007 I began to congregate with other members and it was during this period when a few of us decided to team up together and take it to the next level. With guidance and direction from our mentor Mark Hamilton, we formed a business. We would provide services such as monthly clubhouses, intro meetings and workshops. Today we are still in business and continue to grow our business to provide better clubhouse meetings, coordinate regional events, and build our State party.
My partners in the business along with the members who participate in our clubhouse are some of the most loving, trusting, people I have ever met. These people have become family to me. I can’t help but to get a little emotional at this point because these people are the ones who lift me up no matter how difficult the challenges that lie ahead may appear. Despite these challenges they manage to keep their spirits high and keep their focus moving forward. I can’t give enough emphasis to how grateful I am for these people.
I must be candid in stating that politics has never been of any interest to me. The journey I’m taking on now is not within my essence but I feel it is necessary to accomplish our goal of making the Twelve Visions World a reality. I have had the honor and privilege of working side by side with integrated, honest, and determined individuals who of which together are building the foundation and continue to build The Twelve Visions Party® of New Jersey.
What the Twelve Visions Party means to me is hope for our future, our children’s future and thereafter. After reading Mark Hamilton’s “Twelve Visions” that he so magnificently shared with us in his book, I realized that these visions are not fantasy and could very well be actualized. My goal is to become the best I could possibly be and to help make the Twelve Visions a reality.
The Neothink® Society is where I belong. It has shown me how to live a better life. I support Mark Hamilton and admire his tenacity and persistence in creating a better life for the good of himself and of all humanity.
I am very proud of our New Jersey Team and I look forward to the day that we as a Society can all live a prosperous, healthy, and happy life.
-Royd Garcia

Neothink Society


Hello Mark Hamilton
When I was a child I somehow knew that religion was not right at all.
Then I somehow knew there was something very wrong, but could not figure it out my friend, until the year 2000.
That is when I started to buy the Mark Hamilton’s literature.
I have not read any books that would change this world my dear friend.
It is time for a change, but the masses or most of them are in a spell.
We must break the spell of stagnation and free the Geniuses of society.
Only the Twelve Vision Party can do that by the Prime law.
I do hope you can be the President of the USA and wash away all this irrational and evil world that I do not like.
You Mark Hamilton have given me hope, and to all the children of this world, which I is a treasure trove to me.
I love the Twelve Visions World you Mark Hamilton have created.
You are a blessing to me and all children of this world so much.
I LOVE children, so innocent in this world.
You are their savior and I wish I can help you, but I am helping you Mark Hamilton by giving my many testimonials right.
Last, but not least I have found true LOVE, from this Anti-civilization.
She has a heart of gold and is a nurse in Gana Africa, but lives in New York City.
It is possible to find LOVE in an anti-civilization!
I LOVE her so very much my dear friend.
If, people only knew about love of the Twelve Visions World they would NEVER go back to the old way of life and even mental retards.
I will do whatever it takes to free society of this curse brought by these Bullies called Politicians.
Before, I was very negative against them, but since I read the Heirloom literature three time, something happen.
It’s like a great heaviness was lifted, from my shoulders.
Finally am free like a bird stuck in a cage for forty years!
What a relief it is Mark Hamilton.
I will say this again you are my HERO and so is Albert Einstein!
Can you please try to find me the book called Neothink Physics, please for me dear friend.
I would love that very much!
Back to you Mark Hamilton and your only shot to change the world.
You are making all my dreams come true.
HONESTY is the only POLICY for all of us.
I will soon be using Neothink and change the world in this little city of mine.
The love in the Twelve Visions World is like thunderstruck.
Thank you for the Heirloom literature and many other books, plus audio cassettes Mark Hamilton my tutor.
You are just like Miss Annabelle and I am like Ian the kid who love the UNIVERSE, just like me.
Now I do not let force of nature dominate me ever again my friend and teacher.
You are the best friend I can have and my friend know that too!
I can never get enough of you literature breathtaking!
I do not need to hate the politicians, but there are pitiful, since there days are numbers and that is enough JUSTICE for me.
Not only the politicians are at fault, but organized religion and most, if not all egoistic judges and lawyers too.
I will keep doing my best to make this a better world, since my new girlfriend is supporting me.
I love to give some of my testimonials to you to dump this irrational world to the curb!
Once we all enter the Twelve Visions World ,then we the people will make a big celebration and you and your family are invited, if it takes every last breath in me my friend.
You deserve it and more.
I am forever great for what you are doing for me and the whole word and we LOVE you very much for it!
Bless is the man, that walketh not in the council of the ungodly(politicians)nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful(politician)for his(you)tree beareth great fruit.
Remember you told me in the secret meeting that I was a only a seed, but now I am growing into a beautiful tree of life call biological immortality.
In closing you have change my life and I will never go back to a routine rut of stagnation my friend Mark Hamilton!

Good night my HERO!

My journey with Mark Hamilton has been a great success…


My name is Royd D.Garcia. I was born on March 7th 1972 in the City of Newark in the State of New Jersey.  I’ve been a member of the Neothink® Society since September of 2005.

Around the time I received my first “Multi Generation Manuscript” I had already been married 7 years and living in an apartment with my wife and our two year old son. Prior to receiving, what I consider to be priceless books authored by Mark Hamilton, my life had been spiraling downward into what seemed to me at the time to be a hopelessly dismal future.  Often I would resort to drugs and alcohol to escape from my own reality in which of course did not make matters any better.  Before I realized it, the damage had already been done. I slipped into a state of depression that if not for a dear friend who understood and helped me snap out of it and my strong love for my family, I would have taken myself out.

Upon reading the works of Mark Hamilton it became very clear to me why my life had gone the destructive, almost fatal direction that it did. As If the books were not enough, Mark Hamilton had committed himself to mentor me for a whole year, free of charge. I must take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for what this man did for me and a countless number of others. I believe that if it were not for him I would have slipped back into a dejected state.

My journey with Mark Hamilton has been a great success for me and for my family.
Today I’m happily married with two children, own a house, make my own decisions and hold my head up high.  No longer do I wake up dreading the day before me.  No longer do I have a desire to drink, smoke, or use any destructive stimulants to hide behind reality.  I’m no longer the victim.  The principles I have learned from reading the literature and effectively applied have improved my life immensely. Going forward I now accept one hundred percent responsibility for everything that happens to me in my life.

In 2007 I began to congregate with other members and it was during this period when a few of us decided to team up together and take it to the next level.  With guidance and direction from our mentor Mark Hamilton, we formed a business. We would provide services such as monthly clubhouses, intro meetings and workshops. Today we are still in business and continue to grow our business to provide better clubhouse meetings, coordinate regional events, and build our State party.

My partners in the business along with the members who participate in our clubhouse are some of the most loving, trusting, people I have ever met. These people have become family to me.  I can’t help but to get a little emotional at this point because these people are the ones who lift me up no matter how difficult the challenges that lie ahead may appear. Despite these challenges they manage to keep their spirits high and keep their focus moving forward. I can’t give enough emphasis to how grateful I am for these people.

I must be candid in stating that politics has never been of any interest to me. The journey I’m taking on now is not within my essence but I feel it is necessary to accomplish our goal of making the Twelve Visions World a reality.  I have had the honor and privilege of working side by side with integrated, honest, and determined individuals who of which together are building the foundation and continue to build The Twelve Visions Party® of New Jersey.

What the Twelve Visions Party means to me is hope for our future, our children’s future and thereafter. After reading Mark Hamilton’s “Twelve Visions” that he so magnificently shared with us in his book,  I realized that these visions are not fantasy and could very well be actualized.  My goal is to become the best I could possibly be and to help make the Twelve Visions a reality.

The Neothink® Society is where I belong.  It has shown me how to live a better life. I support Mark Hamilton and admire his tenacity and persistence in creating a better life for the good of himself and of all humanity.
I am very proud of our New Jersey Team and I look forward to the day that we as a Society can all live a prosperous, healthy, and happy life.

-Royd Garcia

Neothink and my true friend and mentor Mark Hamilton

To anyone who is in love with oneself and wants to change the world, all through your life you know that you are important, that collectively as a conscious thinking human being that you are the most important person in the hole universe, don’t you? Well if you don’t you should. let me tell you about my growth in life at this point in life after being blessed with Neothink and my true friend and mentor Mark Hamilton and fellow members who truly care about ones future, weather you believe it or not we are all in for a momentous change and growth in every country in the hole world, everyone is madder than dog shit in tax, everybody is demanding change, we as conscious thinking individuals all have dreams we want to achieve and will for we as conscience thinking people see through appearances and the lies that authorities have been shoving down our thoughts for 2300 years, huge change is here to stay, I’m here for the rest of my life to create values and help everyone I can to start living ones life and be free, and full of joy, and love, thank-you my dear friend Mark & fellow members i love each and everyone of you.

The Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party Movement

Greetings everyone I am Reverend Dale R of the Church of the Universal Life. I’ve been associated with the Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party Movement for about 3 years now. Mark Hamilton has been My Mentor, a very dear Friend in Deed.  I am a very Proud owner of Mark Hamilton’s Manuscripts.  Over the past 3 years I have , along with the other “original 300” members’ have listened to Mark discuss his visions of the S.O.S. Clubhouses , future Advertising, and bringing together the Twelve Visions Party.  The Extent of Passion, Love, and focus, from Mark Hamilton towards this Puzzle.  Pieces for bringing in the Twelve Visions World. has been  no less than outstanding.  There is no Doubt in my mind that Mark Hamilton has our best interest in mind. Mark Hamilton also comes from His Heart.  I always tell everyone that I speak to ,to ALWAYS  speak from the Heart, listen from the Heart, and come from the Heart in all things.

March 2025