Posts Tagged ‘dear brother’

An open letter to my brother…

Dear Brother, I am writing you to let you know some really good news.
I know that you have been a seeker most of your life…and that you are still looking for answers. It can all be found in Mark Hamilton’s Neothink materials for they will set you free from your bi-cameral dilemma/impasse. First know that what you have been seeking…has been seeking you…and remember that everything has a reason; karma-related!
Life is a series of choices…in how we make our choices will bring other results as well.
As a family…we really weren’t given any information or advice on how to grow up…it was just assumed that somehow we would catch on…as our parents never taught a mythology on how to deal with the outside world.
Our parents didn’t know, so they couldn’t teach us anything beyond necessary body maintenance. But we knew that we weren’t given the total picture; because of the struggle and difficulty of making in this world. We never had any plan or idea on how to accomplish that plan of making it…beyond a livelihood.
Now…I understand, it wasn’t any more their fault…nor was it was their parents fault and so forth.
Therefore, we spent most of our lives looking for that road-map towards success and personal happiness. Not realizing at the time that it all falls back on the individual to decide and make the life choices himself. Form of self-leadership.
And this form of self-leadership comes by following a mentor/teacher…a teacher who knows more of what life is; and how you can make it better!!!
So…like you, I started reading books, going to seminars…teachings; to find the answers that I sought. Finally came to Buddhism…when I picked-up Gradual Awakening by S. Levine…mid 80s. And that book started my journey into Buddhism…by the 1990s I was following Sogyal Rinpoche, author of Tibetan Book of Living & Dying.
And by 2000, I was seeking refuge…to begin my training as a vajrayana student.
This went on until just recently…until six months I started receiving Mark Hamilton’s first of three volumes secrets of secrets. And within a week…my depression stopped; and my enthusiasm came back to my art; and resulting Friday Nite Essence.
Which meant…that I was motivated with a game plan…road map as it were…showing the methods in determining one’s own fate…and not leaving it to another?
In order words…a way out of the impasse and towards self-fulfillment at the highest level!!!
We may have the good karmic fortune to find a teacher…but it takes effort to maintain that special link.

March 2025