Posts Tagged ‘dark ages’


Hi Mark Hamilton,
I want to start off first by saying I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR THE TWELVE PARTY AND NEOTHINK. THE TWELVE PARTY HAS BEEN A GUIDE LINE FOR ME AND MY FAMILY. We knew that there had to be more to life than what we was living neothink can help all of humanity.
WE REFUSE TO GO BACK TO LIVING LIKE WE WAS IN THE DARK AGES. WELL YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF TO THAT LIFE. Mark I want to thank you for pointing us in the right direction. I can honest say that you have always been up

I want the world to know what the value of Mark Hamilton, his literature

Testimonial of TVP from Darin P:
I want the world to know what the value of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Twelve Visions Party are to them. The value they are to my family and I are the same they are to you.
At a time when people I trusted in the Assembly’s of God churches had tried to abuse me out of racism and unprofessional personal problems, Mark Hamilton, his literature and the TVP were there showing me why they were like that with me, guiding me by their literature into the life I was meant to live, and did not realize it.
I moved out of that area after I found out that the environment was sick due to isolation and stagnation and that this sickness was the reason they attacked me and other innocent people.
Isolation creates stagnation and stagnation makes people sick in body, mind and heart. Some areas are simply unhealthy to live in, i.e. the “boon-docks” out in the middle of nowhere where people are sick, hiding from the general population, and have no minds. I have witnessed that such people are mystical, primal and evil. Bicameral, undeveloped and anticivilized. Just as Neothink literature revealed to me.
Some may be offended at my descriptions of these human beings, but sick people need help and some people you just can’t help. They are my descriptions and not put downs.
As that environment tried to suppress and use me, as they do their people, i.e. as guinea pigs to study and learn from like they were still in the Dark Ages, Mark Hamilton, his literature and TVP placed value on my life and I realized who I was…that I was more normal than they were, and took me in a new direction showing me who I was as I began to tap my deepest motivational root.
If you live around sick people, you will catch their virus unless someone gives you medicine. That medicine was MH, TVP and the awesome multigenerational manuscripts as it kept me sane as I saw before me in their literature that I was and what was happening to me in a sickened and dead environment.
The people that started trouble with me were people I trusted because they carried a sacred name, Christian. They were sick and dead racists and adulterers and that is why they started trouble with an innocent person. Sick people can only see their sickness. They cannot fathom the innocence of their victims.
I value the honesty and value of human life that Neothink has for humanity. I believe that they literally saved my life because I was naive to the evils of small and isolated communities and trusted the Christians who also carried the same viruses due to cohabitation with them. Pastors and evangelists catch the airborne viruses of their laity and congregations because they are among them. But Neothink saved me from getting their sicknesses and I moved once I saw that they were evil people in and out of church due to the stagnation of their environment. I separated from the sick people.
Now I have my own business in real estate and my 2-girls are going to be safe from the diseases of the anticivilization. It was not God or Christians, whom I trusted in, that saved me from their evil families, i.e. the undead, it was Neothink because their values stand out among the world, including to Christian values.
For example, Christians teach love, but they don’t teach that it is unhealthy to love sick people. Sick people want to die and take you with them. MH and TVP showed me the morality of self-value and to apply this to their relationships.
Now that I am safe from sick and deprived people, my success is at hand. I have my own Mortgage Specialty business showing people the face value of their mortgages to save them from poverty. It’s a Neo kind of mortgage professional service that I know will replace the bicameral real estate agencies as the years go by because they work by slow and old standards.
Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party are unlike civil authorities today who have to create illusions in order to rule because they lack the genuine honesty of this Club. If you try to be something, you’re not it. People like honesty and if you’ve got it, people will listen to you. MH and TVP integrate honesty into business and life in general because they have honest motives. This is why they are rising over the present rulers. People are finding out that this Club has the answers they need. Come and see for yourself.
People that have to resort to lies and smut on honest and deserving people don’t have the natural honesty it takes to help people grow and live life in liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
If there were no more Mark Hamilton or TVP, like God’s Hand, helping this nation and world, due to a scandal from present authorities, this world will end in nuclear holocaust. Without Neothink, look in the future of a nuclear blast killing off you and your family because that is what Neothink are stopping from happening to this world. Not the Christian churches, but Neothink, are saving you and your families through science and not mystical religion. Get real, people. Get a dose of reality.
But don’t let fear of war scare you straight. Let the values of neothink show you who you are and how to have world peace.
Mr. Darrin M. P
Neo-Realty Investments



MARK HAMILTON is OUR FUTURE. He is bringing us into the future where we will be completely free. The politicians of today want to keep us in the DARK AGES where they can control us and tell us what we can and cannot do.THE FUTURE WILL BE GREAT IF WE FOLLOW MARK HAMILTON. It will be PURE MISERY if we stick with todays politicians. TODAYS POLITICIANS will continue to STILL our FREEDOMS until we have none left. If you want TRUE FREEDOM then listen to MARK HAMILTON before it is too late,

To an uninformed public:


To an uninformed public:

There is hardly a day goes by when I am not aided by the teachings and values that I have learned from the Neothink Society.  Mark Hamilton is a living, walking breathing inspiration.  While he is present with us on this ailing planet, he supports us with his powerful, harmless, nourishing visions.  He is a true visionary, who has dedicated his life to improve the human condition.  He actually proves to us that we, as human beings in an evolved state, can revolutionize the way we think.  Imagine that.  We can actually become conscious human beings who can control the way we think.  Not the way others want us to think, but the way we, ourselves want to think.  He has taught us that we have choices to consciously change our lives for the better, in business, and the arts, and education.
Without Mark Hamilton to remind us that we don’t have to accept war as an option to solve differences, without him to remind us that we don’t have to accept greed as a way to live, without him to remind us that we don’t have to accept disease as a normal part of our lives, without him to remind us that we don’t have to support corruption in our government, we will suffer great losses–greater than you can imagine.  I dare say that we need to do our part in avoiding extinction through the hellfire of advanced weaponry.
We don’t have to live in the dark ages.  Join Mark Hamilton in his efforts to prove that honesty is a great weapon to fight evil.  Honesty  never lets you down, and Mark Hamilton never will, either.  All you have to do is to test the waters, so to speak, and find out for yourself.  He asks, “Who are you going to listlisten to?”  Those that  never have to prove what they are promising,? and are you going to listen to those who blindly believe what can’t be proven, and want you to accept their “beliefs” as being written in stone?  Mark Hamilton is a literary genius who can identify the difference between good and evil, and has a valid format for change that can literally bring happiness, wealth, and well being  into your life,  His sense of humanity  can transform your life for the better, beyond your wildest dreams, as he has mine.  Mark Hamilton has done more than enough for us.   It is time for us to support his work.
You will have nothing to lose to explore what the Neothink Society can do for you.  Join before you realize too late that the opportunity to lift your  hoodwinked life out of the darkness is happening now, and this Neothink organization  really cares about you, and that you must act soon.
Best Wishes to you and your loved ones.
Joan P

Why is Mark Hamilton so different to many authors?

My name is Nicole.  I live in the UK. What Mark Hamilton has given me since I was sent an invite to read his books is a family that is helping me to integrate and progress to achieve my goal using honesty, Discipline, focus Thought and Control. It can be tough at the beginning but I did not give up and I will carry on learning, even when I fail because that is what I want.  In the UK, we have started a small but strong group each week.  There is friendship, care and nothing is too much to ask, we have fun, there is honesty, respect and hard work.  I love it!

The whole world seems to have gone back towards some dark ages mentality rather than using those tremendous and affordable technologies to benefit the survival of the human race instead of war, massive destruction of natural resources, diseases and famine for example.

Personally, I have always felt that life had wonders to offer to all searchers wanting to bother to find out.

Why is Mark Hamilton so different to many authors? Well his literature brings you back to basics.

He is reminding us that honesty is the only policy, to reject fear because it destroys love  He has shared with us his 12 visions of a New-World. The TVP has the welfare of each citizen ready to change.  He is showing us the way forward to an exhilarating future, where health issues are no more because our brilliant researchers will have available cures and beyond even, a world where crimes will no longer exist and where people will no longer be poor. Imagine now, ALL WILL BE RICH EVEN THE POOR!

Mr Hamilton YOU HAVE MY VOTE.  Thank you for the opportunity to share your visions.  I do realize that you will be criticized or even accused to “push your books” That would be a sad day to see people freedom of choice gone too!  Anyway, is this not the selling method employed by most firms these days? I do not believe it is forcing anyone to buy if not wanting to do so.

Your books are read all around the globe, that is what matters.

March 2025