Posts Tagged ‘daily basis’

Unfortunately, people need to understand that everyone is entitled to express their opinion …

Unfortunately, people need to understand that everyone is entitled to express their opinion or ideas, especially the ones that could benefit humanity and the survival of our planet! NEOTHINK or NEOTHINK (new tech and ideas) is around us on a daily basis!

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

My name is Larry D. Barnett and I am the president of a corporation that was inspired by my mentor and directional compass Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. I must begin by telling you as a child I was raised and cemented into the church and that is to say the least. God was always first and foremost and was the reason I had anything or the reason I will ever have anything if you can truly wrap you mind around that. I was truly convinced that there was a higher power called GOD that controlled everything and held us accountable for all the wrong things we consider to be wrong or what we have been taught to believe was wrong. Now to say the least this was one hell of a guilty trip I was on and the constant mental anguish I felt thinking of my judgment day punishment. THEN MY LIFE CHANGED. I RECEIVED MY LITERATURE FROM MARK HAMILTON AND MY LIFE BEGAN FOR THE BETTER. I cannot put into words the change the Neothink Society has made in my life. It has given me a true and pure outlook on life and how it truly should be. LIFE SHOULD BE SUSTAINED AT ALL COST AND NOT PREPARED FOR DEATH AS WE ARE TAUGHT IN THE ANTICIVILIZATION. I truly want to share all of the new insight and enlightenment I receive on a daily basis just by association with the Neothink Society and it beliefs. I will do whatever it takes to assist in the progress of our society and the TVP success. I will not stop until I give my family the opportunity to experience the life they are suppose to live. PEOPLE PLEASE TAKE A MINUTE AND JUST THINK “COULD I HAVE BEEN TRICKED BY SOME BAD PEOPLE FOR ALL THESE YEARS AND NEVER ASKED MY OWN QUESTIONS TO FOUND OUT WHAT REALLY IS”. Please just go inward and ask yourself because this is life and death and our fight is for LIFE!! Don’t let anyone stop you from giving to your family what we all want and that is happiness and a long, long life to enjoy it. I have found that path with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and I will never turn back I will only push forward in our quest to save our world from destruction at the hands of the anti-civilization. MARK THANK YOU AND I WILL STAND WITH YOU UNTIL THE END AS WE ALL WILL!!!!!!!

The writings of Mentor, Mark Hamilton

Have you ever felt like you’ve been sleep walking all your life and suddenly wake up to find that life has passed you by? Do you have moments of deep reflection and wondered if you’ve created anything of value for another? This is how my life was, prior to the discovery of NEOTHINK and the writings of Mentor, Mark Hamilton
My life has changed dramatically from when I first received the invitation to become a member. Having gone through the 12 levels of apprenticeship, to where I am today I can attest to the fact that the knowledge, confidence, and friendships I’ve gained is irreplaceable.
To see the progression of the Society makes my heart glow. To read the testimonials of the newer members and to know that they will be where I am today and how happy and excited I am for them, I can’t even begin to imagine what it feels like to Mark. I do know that I am forever grateful for all the valuable knowledge both he and the other writers have imparted to us. With this said, I’d like to share what has happened to me personally.
When I first started reading the Multigenerational manuscripts, I could not stop reading. I found myself deeply immersed in the writings and found that something very profound was happening to me. It was as if I became a part of the book. I truly knew that I was integrating on all levels.
As was promised in the letter I too found it hard to believe that wealth, health and prosperity could be a reachable goal. But, I stand corrected. As with anything in life, in order to reach a goal and be successful, you need to realize that it is in the (process).. however long it takes. Knowing that it is the JOURNEY to and not a final destination that keeps me going on this path.
I’ve been able to integrate the neo-thinking process in my life and work, on a daily basis. For instance in building both an on-line and off-line business. Realizing it takes time to build and not being dependant on instant gratification helps me to keep focused.
Relationships has never been better, be it with my family, friends, co-workers, and other members of the society. I’m also in the process of meeting, being mentored by, and partnering up with people whom I’ve only read and or dreamt about in the past. If you’ve been desiring a better life, please by all means, don’t ever give up. Have faith and keep on learning and applying the principles. You’ll eventually end up with opportunities in abundance.
Keep learning and have stick-to-itiveness, you’ll be glad you did.
Thank you Mark, thank you so much for giving myself and my family the opportunity to be part of the bigger picture. It’s an honor.
With heartfelt appreciation, Giesele B

The Honest Value of the Twelve Visions Party

As a youngster and young man I was told there were 2 parties, no choices. Following the 2 parties was the American way. Like many Americans I was born into a family of one dominant party focus. Through family direction I followed the leaders, Yes Followed the leaders.
From the beginning I followed, and did what I was told. I was told there are leader so I had to follow their decisions. I needed to be respectful of, and follow the leader’s decisions. Never rock the boat.
I always know there was something wrong with this concept. So Wrong!
But as a follower, I didn’t truly get it, could not snap the pieces of the puzzle together.
Today through the Neothink Generational Manuscripts and the Twelve Visions Party, my eyes and ears are opened to the true integrated honesty and reality of the dishonestly of government officials/ career politicians who are carelessly and meticulously manipulating our lives and our futures.
I am saying what happened to our government all of a sudden. The integrated honestly is our government officials have for many years, worked in a self-centered manner.
The difference is that, I am now aware of this reality, through the readings and works of Mark Hamilton.
I am transitioning from a muted follower accepting dishonesties and illusions, to a self-leader asking questions.
I am now wide awake to the corruption and greed that is around me.
Now as a Value Creator, I am willing to step up and be a leader, I am losing the follower mentality, and actively, on a daily basis, study then create activities that will help mankind live a life of love, happiness, and even wealth.
It is time to address the illusions and bring in the honesties that will help all mankind.
Live The Lives each man and women are meant to live.
Today I am a very happy value creating man who is gaining ongoing happiness by creating values for others. I understand the way to achieve happiness and pursue that direction.
Mark Hamilton and Neothink have given me the tools to turn my life around from a follower to a happy effective Value Creator for society. Today, I know I can contribute to the happiness of all men and women and even help make all the people rich including the poor.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes and seeing reality!!!!!
Steve F.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for creating Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party

The Twelve Visions Party is greatly needed here in Alaska. As I go about my life I have observed on a daily basis the look of hopelessness and despair on the faces of the psychologically asleep people I come in contact with on the bus commuting to and from work; the homeless people standing on the street corners holding up signs; when standing in line at the post office, grocery store, Wal-Mart, the bank and fast-food restaurants. Right now, our newly elected mayor is making the issue of the homeless one of his top 5 priorities.
There was a time I experienced depression, hated coming to work, and got sick a lot because my job was making me “sick.” I grew tired of my current job, but didn’t want to apply for another job because I came to realize that it wasn’t “the job itself” that was depressing and making me sick. It was the whole idea of “working for an employer – working for someone else” that was making me depressed and sick. I wanted something else, something more. I tried a number of home-based businesses that didn’t work. Then one day something wonderful, something magical happened…
Neothink entered my life and like magic my depression went away. So now when I go to work I feel good knowing that I have found something better, something higher. For it is through Neothink that I am learning how to apply the Law of Attraction and will:
1. achieve the excellent health I crave via the best nutritional supplements Electric Life
2. achieve financial success and freedom from working for another via The Global Information Network
3. meet my soul mate
Thank you Mark Hamilton for creating Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party and bringing their message to the world.
Melanie P



Hi, Mark,
I am pervin, almost 10 years ago since 2001 i received Neothink, Neothink system, the first immortals as children,Neothink discovery and more books.After that time just reading everyday, but i can’t concept nothing yet,in the mean time i lost everything,(job,business, relationship,love i mean all living life which is not describable) but i am still reading those books daily basis, some time looked ok, but most of the time after reading getting more bad situation. I don’t know what’s my fault, may be personal nysticism so difficult way on me, or may be i don’t understand anything yet. However recently i join to the neo-think society as you suggest to me, attend everyday conference, i am doing that but still not doing good, thinking process never come deeply,i feel something bothering, so how can do better for my real life? Pleased let me know about my situation. Although i know, you know everything about me. but specially i need help from you, if you don’t mind. Because my life is very harder way moving on, which is understandable but uncontrolled. I am very unsuccessfull person.I wanted save my life and family life. Thank you
Pervin Banu

The Twelve Visions Party is greatly needed here in Alaska.  As I go about my life I have observed on a daily basis the look of hopelessness and despair on the faces of the psychologically asleep people I come in contact with on the bus commuting to and from work; the homeless people standing on the street corners holding up signs; when standing in line at the post office, grocery store, Wal-Mart, the bank and fast-food restaurants.  Right now, our newly elected mayor is making the issue of the homeless one of his top 5 priorities.
There was a time I experienced depression, hated coming to work, and got sick a lot because my job was making me “sick.”  I grew tired of my current job, but didn’t want to apply for another job because I came to realize that it wasn’t “the job itself” that was depressing and making me sick.  It was the whole idea of “working for an employer – working for someone else” that was making me depressed and sick.  I wanted something else, something more.  I tried a number of home-based businesses that didn’t work.  Then one day something wonderful, something magical happened…
Neothink entered my life and like magic my depression went away.  So now when I go to work I feel good knowing that I have found something better, something higher.  For it is through Neothink that I am learning how to apply the Law of Attraction and will:
    1.  achieve the excellent health I crave via the best nutritional supplements Electric Life
    2.  achieve financial success and freedom from working for another via The Global Information Network
    3.  meet my soul mate
Thank you Mark Hamilton for creating Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party and bringing their message to the world.
Melanie P

Dear Mark:
This is an addition to the above regarding my strong feelings about the TVP AND NEOTHINK AS A WHOLE.  I had to be sure of some of the things before I make a statement.  It is regard to the FDA.  Like I mentioned above that I am hearing impaired and that there always seems to be something “good” about how the government, be it Federal or Local, seem to give specific guidelines about helping the handicapped.  Based on my personal experience, as well as reflected by the many others of us within the same category of receiving medical treatment such as a COCHLEAR IMPLANT, a lot of questions have arise out of this kind of treatment and how the FDA had a negative impact on the many individuals around the country.  First of all, for those who are not familiar with the COCHLEAR IMPLANT, this is an implant where surgery was done behind the ear to reach the cochlear and an implant was placed there where we are able to retrain our nerves to gain back hearing.  In many cases like nine out of ten, people with this type of medical treatment were able to gain their hearing back and were able to lead a normal life style like any hearing person. Less than one percent of them had to wait a longer period of time before hearing start to return to them as in my case. 
The point I am trying to make is that, this type of treatment was originated in Germany.  Many near by countries around Germany picked this medical treatment up on a daily basis as if it is part of the medical circle like a normal way of keep their medical skills updated.  BUT here in the United States of America,  it took nearly 25 years before the FDA made an approve to allow such treatment to arrive here.  This delay, excuse the terms, this unclean rotten delay has made the deaf community as a whole so dam furious.  Why the long wait?  Many of them are now doing things they wish they had done some 25 plus years ago since their deafness prevented them from taking part in the mainstream of economic, educational and sciences growth.  Mark my words here, some of these deaf people, better yet, former deaf people are now have practices like dentistry, legal counseling, psychiatric and many other fields of business in the general aspects of accounting like any normal hearing person can do since they now have  the means to communicate better just because the gain some hearing back to be able to talk to anyone like normal hearing people.  Why the 25 year of wasted. 
It was not hard to figure out. It was for business competition for congress to be sure that their connections are served FIRST. John Hopkins University hospital and some other places in New York, of which I don’t have the names, were big connections.  One of the reason I am doing a lot better with my life is because I’ve gain some hearing back and one of the reason I am moving up the corporate ladder is because I gain some hearing back but the big question is WHY NOW? WHY NOT 25 PLUS YEARS AGO.  I AM A FAVORITE EMPLOYEE OF COSTCO AS ONE WHO IS ABLE TO SEE TO IT THAT THEY MAKE AN EXTRA 30 THOUSAND PLUS WEEKLY SALES IN THE ONE DEPARTMENT WHERE I WORK IN THE BAKERY WHERE MY IDEAS ARE BEING DUPLICATE THROUGHOUT THE 400 PLUS COSTCO WAREHOUSES.  HOW’S THAT FOR THE BIG BUCKS. THEY COULD HAVE HAD THIS 14 YEARS AGO WHEN I STARTED EMPLOYMENT WITH THEM. I WAS BORN IN A BAKERY IN 1942 RAISED IN ONE AND GOD KNOWS HOW MUCH BAKING POWDER I’VE SNIFFED IN MY BLOOD.  WHAT A LOST! 
I want to add just one more thing. It might be worth the research. Former President Reagan had cancer treatment in Germany and not the United States, because Germany has better methods of treatment for some types of cancer other than CHEM THERAPY like we have here.  What’s the problem then? Chem therapy makes you loss your hair, weaken your skins and effects many other parts of the organs while in Germany none of these side effects happens.  The real point here is that we have laws in our country that does not allow some of those medical treatment be used here in the united States and that if done means we break the law.  So it’s ok for the high and mighty to be treated illegally in another country and get away with the law. Again what is the root of the problem here.  Competition among the medical fields since it will have made medical treatment a lot cheaper for many caner patients and for the insurance agents to participate in their accounting practice.  Preventing such treatment because of the laws is nothing but an illusion to stagnate human health and destroy the living hell out of many folks.  This hurts a lot.  Glad you won’t see me in tears here, buddy. Do you have a hand gun I can borrow. It really makes me want to shot someone. 
I couldn’t let the addition part to my first e-mail to you let go. I was losing sleep over this. I just had to add it and I hope in each and every way it will rock the boat until all those so call “high and mighty” illusions are overboard and eaten by the sharks.  Please forgive me for the delay of sending this in, but I just need to meditated on the matter a while and now I feel better that I let it go.
Again, I stand by my one contribution to make as stated above.
Frank L

The Neothink literature that Mark Hamilton has written…

The Neothink literature that Mark Hamilton has written and published has been a turning point in my life and offered advise that I desperately needed in these tough economic times.

Here’s my story:

I’m a 33-year old single man that has been guilty of working 60-80 hours each week since graduating from college.  Although I collect a nice salary and have at least an average level of intelligence, I just could not seem to get ahead.  I’ve read books about the stock market, real estate, and other investment vehicles but nothing really seemed to give me the guidance that I so desperately needed.

The first Neothink manuscript arrived last May and I have finished reading the third manuscript at the end of September and I can feel that a new path has presented itself to me.  No longer do I wait until something presents itself to me in hopes of getting ahead.

Since September, I have had the courage and tools to make three small and separate real estate deals that are the beginning of my own financial independence.  Although I remain somewhat socially awkward I have been out on more dates in the last two months than I have been in the past five years.  I’m still single but am gaining confidence and honestly believe that the love of my life is just right around the corner literally.

The TVP party will be a tremendous asset to our society and allow people to break free from their daily rat-races.  I’m fortunate enough to be able to take calculated risks and will gain my own financial independence without this added benefit.  However, the TVP will free my family, neighbors, friends, and co-workers from the stress and mental anguish of wondering on a daily basis; “what will I do if I lose my job this week?”.

With love in my heart for humanity and my fellow man, my vote will be cast for any member representing the TVP.

Andy B

The Honest Value of the Twelve Visions Party

The Honest Value of the Twelve Visions Party

As a youngster and young man I was told there were 2 parties, no choices.  Following the 2 parties was the American way. Like many Americans I was born into a family of one dominant party focus. Through family direction I followed the leaders, Yes Followed the leaders.

From the beginning I followed, and did what I was told. I was told there are leader so I had to follow their decisions.  I needed to be respectful of, and follow the leader’s decisions. Never rock the boat.

I always know there was something wrong with this concept.  So Wrong!

But as a follower, I didn’t truly get it, could not snap the pieces of the puzzle together.

Today through the Neothink Generational Manuscripts and the Twelve Visions Party, my eyes and ears are opened to the true integrated honesty and  reality of the dishonestly of government officials/ career politicians who are carelessly and meticulously manipulating our lives and our futures.

I am saying what happened to our government all of a sudden.  The integrated honestly is our government officials have for many years, worked in a self-centered manner.

The difference is that, I am now aware of this reality, through the readings and works of Mark Hamilton.

I am transitioning from a muted follower accepting dishonesties and illusions, to a self-leader asking questions.

I am now wide awake to the corruption and greed that is around me.

Now as a Value Creator, I am willing to step up and be a leader, I am losing the follower mentality, and actively, on a daily basis, study then create activities that will help mankind live a life of love, happiness, and even wealth.

It is time to address the illusions and bring in the honesties that will help all mankind.

Live The Lives each man and women are meant to live.

Today I am a very happy value creating man who is gaining ongoing happiness by creating values for others.  I understand the way to achieve happiness and pursue that direction.

Mark Hamilton and Neothink have given me the tools to turn my life around from a follower to a happy effective Value Creator for society.  Today, I know I can contribute to the happiness of all men and women and even help make all the people rich including the poor.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes and seeing reality!!!!!

March 2025