Posts Tagged ‘current society’

I have an amazing journey to share with all of you.

I have an amazing journey to share with all of you. As a young girl, I was always interested in researching everything I could. I never took anything at face value. If it did not make sense I searched further for the right answer. I always looked up to the stars and enjoyed them wondering what they really were. I noticed that through the years the moon seemed to be getting closer to our world. As I grew older, I remember people saying, Do Not get involved with the “System” (meaning the government) as it will eat you up. And now all of us know what that meant. It is eating us up. I disliked our society for many years as I do know that we are in a world of the right and the left, the good and the bad, We all have choices until we die. I disliked all of the abuses in the current society. And now they claim that all people like to hear “BAD” news and FEAR sells. They have shoved this down our throats for so long that it has become the normal with alot of people. What a shame.

In May 2007 I received a letter that changed my life. It was an invitation to my future. I responded to the letter, figuring that it was probably another sham. I started corresponding with Mark Hamilton, read his books and was completely shocked. It was the beginning of learning the answers to all of my questions. Mark Hamilton was kind enough to Mentor me once a month for one year. What a beginning to my most amazing journey.

I now am a proud member of Neothink (new way of thinking). I now have people, knowledge, abilities, health, and insight that I never knew existed. I can research anything and all of the answers are put in front of me. It is shocking. I can see right through the facade that the government likes you to believe and most people are still gullible enough to believe them. What a shame. We at Neothink call the present society, Anticivilization.

I have listened to people complain about this present society but either do not want to change it or do not know how and do not have the answers about how to change it.

Mark Hamilton an Neothink Offer a better Life…

I have spent my whole life, trying to buy a house, and make a decent living for myself. And have a family, But that hasn’t happened, not in this current society. I have spent the past 19month’s in a houseless shelter. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society an the tvp party, show me how I can achieve my dreams .Mark Hamilton an Neothink Offer a better Life for the Whole Country, not just the rich ruling. The way the country is right now, We all owe it to ourselves to welcome a better way of life! Our current Government apparently doesn’t know how to save the country.

The only hope I ever had was the Libertarian party

The benefits are extremely difficult to put on paper because it is so extensive it permeates my very existence. I have hope I have never felt before. I have never been in favor of our government because it does not represent the beliefs of our forefathers of our country. The whole reason they came to “the new land” was in hope flee from taxation without representation. The only hope I ever had was the Libertarian party but my vote never counted when I voted that way. This new party gives more than hope. I know there are bound to be obstacles to the progress of this political party. Just look at all the conspiracy theories of our government. I am not even very politically inclined but with all that I have been learning it is a very important step to our true freedom to address the government. I do not wish to lose my new found hope. I do not wish to lose the chance to excel in every area of my life. Our world needs new thinking and new concepts that validate “WE THE PEOPLE”. For how can we actually develop schools of geniuses??? How do our children survive when we ourselves are struggling with the current set up.

For the first time in my life I can say that there is a true way to develop a life worth living. Why is it that most heart attacks ending in death occur on Monday morning?? Why does our life create such intense reaction to the point of death??? That is just wrong to leave people with such stress and over anxiety that life is cut short because of our current society’s set up!!! So many things are wrong. Like the study of many illnesses and diseases that have no cure yet because the treatment of them makes more money than the cure. Why is it that the development of medical progress is dependent on financial gain verses true cures. So many questions unanswered. Why are we living in such stress that many lives are unnecessarily cut short?

In the short time I have spent with neo-thinkers all my hopes are addressed. I am more than welcomed. I am a valued member. I have met some of the most dynamic individuals through the society that have added extreme value to my life. I feel a very intense connection that creates value and insight into my own live. I never felt so much value in my life before. The things I have been learning go beyond the law of attraction. Rather than manifesting good. With neo-think I am manifesting not just a tidal wave but a tsunami of totally awesome and rewarding benefits!!

I plan to continue learning and expanding my mind with the hope that Neo-think will win. Neo-think has to win for all of us. If we are trampled by our government then the United States government can only be compared to the actions taken at Tienanmen Square in Communist China- against their own youth (neo-thinkers) . This is so shameful because the Neo-thinkers were trampled over by tanks and murdered by their Country because of their protest. Let us protest and the wrath of the United States government will trample beyond imagined torture. We fund Trillions of dollars to the government and to think that the government will not retaliate is delusional. Mark Hamilton will provide wisdom and strategies to expose the United States government for what it is. Not only he will require protection but protection will come. Unknown how this will come about but it will. It will be manifested as strong as a tsunami since we will need to blast through in similar fashion. Who will be prepared for what will hit them??? The power of it is beyond imagination. In order to win we can not be quiet little lambs led to be slaughtered. We will have to roar like the lion.

And remember the great words of Thomas Jefferson when he said “WE THE PEOPLE”. We the neo-thinkers are “THE PEOPLE”.

SIncerely Your fellow neo-thinker Angie Rivera

March 2025