Posts Tagged ‘crossroads’

Change is possible

Throughout history, mankind has been put in situations that forced change. It started with consciousness. When we were able to say I am, that is when we began to understand our power to change our situation. We developed the ability to control fire, invented the wheel, and eventually we learned how to fly. Mankind changed from being controlled by nature, to being able to have some control over nature itself. We have the power to create a world how we see fit. We can unite to create peace through love or we can separate and start wars because of fear. Throughout history we have faced the choices to go one way or the other. Somehow, we ended up here. We will continue to face crossroads. Slavery in the late 1800’s forced us to decide. Oppression and genocide in the early 1900’s again forced us to decide. Today, we are faced with a less clear decision. Our government has been deceiving us through a controlled media. They have been coercing us and trying to steal our rights. They have been suppressing us using a monetary system that they control with the Federal Reserve System. They are doing all of this in such a way that the average american is unaware. Slowly but surly, they are attempting to take away that which america has always stood for. A government for the people and by the people must be re-established. The choice that we must face today is just as relevant as slavery was in the late 1800’s and genocide was in the early 1900’s. Today, we face a dying freedom to be that which we are. We are being forced to open our eyes, the eyes that have been shut by a political and social spell that has been cast by the elect. We need honest people to lead this country. The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party represent a nation of true Americans who want to bring fully integrated honesty back into a government for the people and by the people. We are the revolution! Together, change is possible!

I am amazed everyday by what I learn with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.


I am amazed everyday by what I learn with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  I’m still pretty brand new with all of it but it is nothing short of phenomenal.  Things that never quite made sense all of my life, now do.  I am a single mother of two and am considered by others and myself an intelligent person.  After many trials and tribulations that can only be described as stuff you see in the movies, I was struggling with many areas of life.  Mark Hamilton’s literature and the Neothink Society have helped me with all of that and more.  I can’t thank him enough.  The ideas presented are just what everyone needs to at least hear and put thought into.  This world is in quite a crossroads and upheaval.  Anything new is always scary but if viewed with an open mind is very refreshing.  We all need to consider new and refreshing things with an open mind.  That is not only encouraged with Neothink but wanted.  I’m intrigued and excited to continue on this path with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society and encourage all of anyone to discover it for yourself; and make your own conclusions, don’t allow them to be made for you.  You will be amazed as well.  

November 2024