Posts Tagged ‘crooked politicians’

Mark Hamilton is a very intelligent man…

Mark Hamilton is a very intelligent man who cares about people, the American people and all people. He is in the medical science field and has been trying to cure disease, cancer, ageing and whatever destroys the human body. He has spent his life on this work, does this sound like a bad man. When Mr. Hamilton gets on the brink for a cure the government shuts him down. The government is are true enemy, they lie to us all the time to save there easy life styles, for example they will say that 80% of the American people are for or against something when there wasn’t even a pole, I was never poled were you. They tax us until there is nothing leftism sure you can understand that. They write the laws to their own favored and we Americans must pay for their lavish lifestyles. Mark Hamilton is a very honest and wonderful man, he truly does look out for our best interest. Mark Hamilton just may be our only hope of getting our country back, DON’T SCREW IT UP. Don’t trust the government. Look around you, what has the government done but make our lives more miserable, by steeling every dollar out of our pockets they canters nothing left. We need something different besides republicans and democrats which are only careered politicians. It is time for a party who truly cares about the American people and not their own pocket. I’m talking about the NEOTHINK SOCIETY THE TWELVE VISION PARTY TVP. If you’re looking for a savior, Look at Mark Hamilton, if you’re looking for the devil it’s your own government. We must take our country back and let Mark Hamilton lead the way. I am a proud American and we all must stand together and take it back. This is our country not those lying steeling crooked politicians. Don’t trust the government and there lies.
The sooner we stop acting and being treated like troglodytes (cavemen) the sooner we will gain our own just freedoms, to make up our own minds to our own decisions to produce our own values without burdens enforced on us by our governments.
Beef cows in the pastures are quite content to graze, not knowing that they are being fattened up for the slaughter. Over half the world is in this mindset not realizing that they are only cannon fodder. As far as the governments are concerned they are disposable. These are the people that need to wake up to this reality.
Mark Hamilton has done this very well in educating as many fortunate people as he can in an honest way. Mark Hamilton explains this very well in his twelve visions, which the
Twelve Visions Party platform is based on. A truly remarkable piece of literature, and the only viable way for us to achieve our freedom from a useless and most of all destructive authority figure known as government.
Thank you

Who is Mark Hamilton and what is Neothink?

Who is Mark Hamilton and what is Neothink?
I’ve had over 5 years of experience reading and studying the Neothink literature and here is my take on it.
But first let me just say that if you are here because you have been led to believe that this Twelve Visions Party is all some kind of scam, then please keep an open mind and get all of the facts before you judge instead of just drinking the media kool-aid.
The author Mark Hamilton is arguably the first person since MLK with a grand, world-changing vision for mankind. Only this time, it’s not just a dream. It is so much more. For the first time in history, our civilization has the knowledge, the tools, and the motivation needed to bring about the long sought after “promised land”. We no longer have to suffer under oppressive governments, crooked politicians, lazy bureaucrats, corrupt businessmen, dishonest media journalists, and all others who live by force and deceit.
For the first time we can bring forth a true economic stimulus that will last for hundreds of years instead of the temporary, band-aid stimulus our government keeps selling us. The Twelve Visions Party is not a cult or another partisan group with a narrow agenda. They are made up of ordinary Americans who realize that Big Government is not the solution, it is the PROBLEM. The hard work, creativity, and ingenuity of millions of people are being drained and stifled by a few career politicians, many of whom have never ran a business or worked an honest job a day in their lives, yet they desire to control those who do.
The Twelve Visions Party seeks to rid the government of this destructive “ruling class” once and for all. So what will be the benefit from this?
Imagine becoming a millionaire without having to lift a finger.
Imagine having total financial freedom and living the life you were meant to live. Imagine having a job that you actually loved and couldn’t wait to get to every morning. Imagine yourself having superior intelligence. Imagine having perfect health, even in old age. Imagine discovering and never losing that falling in love feeling with your partner. Imagine becoming slim and sexy, without even trying!
Unfortunately, many of us are so hopelessly stuck in dead end ruts that we cannot even begin to imagine this small but very REAL possibility. But once you actually SEE The Twelve Visions for yourself, something will change inside you. You may try to ignore it at first but the seed will be planted and it will continue to grow. It’s already happening to millions of people and it will happen to you too if you just trust yourself instead of the various authorities and influences surrounding you.
All great visionaries are usually hated and attacked by those in positions of authority who are most threatened and afraid of losing their false power over people. This has been well documented throughout history. From Socrates to Jesus Christ, Joan of Arc to MLK, there are many who have been silenced because they advanced ideas of the individual over the establishment.
We must not let this happen to Mark Hamilton. The career politicians and their allies in the mainstream media seeks to discredit and destroy anyone or any group who opposes their big government agenda to crush individual rights. If they succeed in brainwashing the public with lies about The Twelve Visions Party, then everything we stand for as freedom-loving Americans will go the way of disco.
We can already see this happening now with increasing government control over banks, car companies, and mortgages. And now there are those in power who are planning to control businesses who did NOT take taxpayer bailout money.
This is only the beginning folks. Left unchecked, the parasitical elite will increase their criminal aggressions against all honest, innocent, value-producing people until there are none left.
Once again I implore you to look beyond the illusions that are being created for you. Read for yourself the constitution of the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law at . This is not about politics. This is not about money. This is about you and your loved ones. Your future is under attack. Will you stand up? Will you surrender to the lies and distortions? Make your decision. The world is waiting.

March 2025