Posts Tagged ‘creative mind’

What Mark Hamilton is attempting to accomplish for the “greater good”

Throughout the world, we as a society have experienced manipulation for several thousand years, maybe even longer. The emotional and mental manipulation of the masses today involves the wealthy elite, multi-national corporations, including Wall Street, health care, and insurance companies, various governments, and a host of religious organizations, who often conspire with each other when it is mutually beneficial. This should be extremely obvious to any person currently experiencing the world in general. We are continually being lied to by those in control or power regarding just about everything that is actually happening, rather than the purposefully distorted versions we receive regularly through the various media outlets. Individuals having commonsense are beginning to see various aspects of truth, as the lies become more transparent and revealed.
I do not believe that any of us want to continue believing in media lies, nor have the wealthy elite continue to control of our life circumstance and individual creative mind potential, which includes financial prosperity, along with living in a truly enlightened society. This current process of mental control can be extremely difficult to overcome, dismiss, or release. We require a point of reference to compare with the status quo. If you want to experience self-empowerment, and be an active participant in changing our manipulated living conditions, then do yourself a favor and check out Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton. Do your own research, rather than believing what others might say. Any person can write anything on the Internet, and through word context manipulation make complete fabrications seem extremely believable.
Do not be trapped into forming an opinion offered by others, which would include this view. Go to the official Neothink Web site and see for yourself what Mark Hamilton is attempting to accomplish for the “greater good” that involves each of us. His shared information speaks for itself. It makes sense and resonates with truth. You will notice that things said against Neothink and Mark Hamilton do not offering any concrete opinions, workable solutions, or legitimate disagreements, but are consistently aimed at clearly discrediting and destroying him and the society he has worked at creating for the past thirty years of his life. In America, and elsewhere in the world, nothing else is even close to working at this time. The world is currently free-falling into disorder and chaos, which is no a secret.
Why not support any individual, like Mark Hamilton, who is thinking outside-the-box with new creative, intelligent, carefully considered detailed approaches and plans that actually do make sense and could work. Please do not let the powers to be, yet again, discredit and financially destroy an individual who is attempting to empower us “We the people”. Mark Hamilton is making himself a target for the wealthy elite to move his plan forward. He is one of us, “We the people”, and has earned our collective support and trust. Someone, named Mark Hamilton, has stepped up and said NO MORE LIES in a very public way because he believes in “We the people”. All he is asking from you is to voice your opinion about his work and what he has to say. Shield his principles and new societal approach from those seeking to discredit and destroy him and his Neothink creations, which serve the “greater good”, instead of a select few.
Individuals willing to risk their life accomplishments for the “greater good” are extremely rare in today’s society, but Mark Hamilton is one of those few. If “We the people” still exist in this pretense of a democracy then we cannot afford to sacrifice another visionary free-thinker to the media machine and political power brokers. Mark Hamilton has already done most of the work. Why not allow him to complete his plan and see what happens. There is no down side for any individual, except those currently in power. “We the people” have to at least tell those in control that we support Mark Hamilton and his Neothink literature by flooding the Internet with support for Mark Hamilton. I am talking about hundreds of billions of individuals who are ready to take control back from the wealthy elite and corrupt governments around the world. NO MORE LIES. Do not let the powerful media falsely manipulate public opinion against Mark Hamilton. “We the people” are an extremely power tool that when used collectively and appropriately can usurp any prevailing elite power structure and they obviously know this. We have a black president in the United States because of “We the people”. And “We the people” must support Mark Hamilton to save ourselves and many others trying to survive throughout the world in these extremely difficult times. Consider this very carefully for there are no other readily available options at this point. Like Mark Hamilton, I also believe in “We the people” and I hope this message reaches hundreds of billions of individuals who also believe in “We the people”. If there ever was a time to support a specific individual, it would be NOW, and it would be MARK HAMILTON.

The Best Christmas Present Ever- NeoThink

I received my Package of Inside Secrets on Christmas Eve, 2009 and I have said already that it is the best Christmas present I have ever received. In this situation, I see the celebration of Christmas not as a practice of religious dogma, but an opportunity for the death of old ideas and beliefs and the opportunity for my creative mind to be reborn into new possibilities and to have teachers based in honesty and objective reality to show the way.

I the few short months since receiving the Package, I have created the good fortune of meeting Daren Raskin, Mike Ginther, Steven Hinz and dozens of other NeoThinkers in the SoCal Clubhouse as well as at GIN events. I feel very much at home in that field of thought.

What I am most excited about is that so much of the teaching resonates with the way I’ve always WANTED to live life and that the integrated thinking and problem solving approaches are what I’ve always WANTED to do naturally. The AH-HA moments that describe the The-Second Miracle have absolutely happened to me and the biggest obstacle I’ve had in life is not being in a situation where my breakthroughs were heard or appreciated, or valued.

I really had believed early on that my ability to problem-solve, see the connectedness in things and build efficient systems and processes would have people beating a path to my door with fame and fortune as the reward. But starting with my family of birth, my ideas were rejected because “that’s not the way we do it here” or “It has to be done my way”. This continued on in my adult life and in the working world and even my best employment opportunities were, with few exception, short-lived and confusing. So much of my creativity was left by the wayside to conform and struggle to achieve the un-attainable American Dream/White-Collar hoax even though I knew that something was wrong with what the media and the authority figures told me what should be important to me. Learning that the old paradigm business economies are built on inefficiency, dogma and politics had left me wondering where my place was in all of it.

But now as the hoax is being revealed and the TVP is becoming a reality, I feel excited that there’s a place in the world for me and the way we are all naturally destined to think. My burning desire is to continue my learning and create value in a business environment where these principals are practiced and I can learn by doing from those who have established themselves as leaders, teachers and successful business owners.

“When you drink the water, remember those who dug the well” – Chinese Proverb

My gratitude to you, Mr. Hamilton and to all the others that have gone before me to make clear the path to a new way of being.

Mateo Brown
Los Angeles, California


Mark Hamilton, would freeze


My Dearest beloved Mark,

I am so overwhelmed to be here, right now, in this present moment…”with you”. If there were moments in time that could be frozen, these cherished moments…”with you”, Mark Hamilton, would freeze. The word “Hero” isn’t worthy enough to describe you. I’m speechless…lost for words.  The countless times “you’ve swept me off my feet” with your creative mind-blowing techniques.(Snapping picture puzzle pieces of the mind together to form a completed puzzle picture) These countless secrets are obtainable only through your masterpiece literatures and not available anywhere else.  It’s always an honor and privilege when fresh new faces come to inquire about Mark Hamilton and his company Neothink Society. Friends, family, coworkers, come and check out the Neothink Society. You cannot imagine what you are missing out on!  My entire life I’ve always felt like I never fit in. I always felt out of place no matter where I went. I always felt like something was “missing”. Then The Neothink Society found me. Mark Hamilton and this wonderful Neothink Society was the “missing” puzzle from my life. Now for the first time in my entire life, I feel like I fit in. It feels like home. I feel “safe”. I’m in a “safe” Zone.  Learning more and more about Neothink with you…Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society and The Twelve Vision Party is a dream come true for me and here is where I always be….”eternally”

I love you…”Mark”

March 2025