Posts Tagged ‘creating wealth’

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, and Thanks to Neothink.

I received my first letter of invitation to join The Neothink Secret Society in October 2006.  I read thro’ numerous manuscripts and went through Neothink mentoring under Mark Hamilton. I have found that it is a Genuine Organization founded on Love, Truth, Honesty and Sincererity dedicated to Peace and tranquility amongst men thro’ a new approach to Business with  the objective of creating wealth. It is not given to sinister social, political, religious lives of Dishonesty, Fallacies and Illusions.  As an apprentice under Mark Hamilton, I have learnt thro’ the discoveries of Neothink, how to identify my Life’s Passion and transform it into a Living thus Creating Values for others to Produce and make a living too.  Though I have not yet attained, all I know is ” I am not what I used to be. ”

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, and Thanks to Neothink.

Mark Hamiltons’ Twelve Visions® world


Electoral reforms will be inspired by citizens realizing that both the Republican and Democrat parties have been corrupt as well as inept at representing the public interest. In today’s world we need a networked model of governance that elevates intelligence (Neothink®) to the forefront – decisions made must be in the public interest and be sustainable by consensus and conformance to reality, not purchased by bribery from special interests who seek to loot the commonwealth and/or abuse their public power to pursue the ideological fantasies of an extremist minority. Mark Hamilton’s growing grassroots movement – The Twelve Visions® Party – is the vehicle to achieve these overdue reforms. Ultimately creating wealth, health and peace.

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, and Thanks to Neothink.

I received my first letter of invitation to join The Neothink Secret Society in October 2006.  I read thro’ numerous manuscripts and went through Neothink mentoring under Mark Hamilton. I have found that it is a Genuine Organization founded on Love, Truth, Honesty and Sincererity dedicated to Peace and tranquility amongst men thro’ a new approach to Business with  the objective of creating wealth. It is not given to sinister social, political, religious lives of Dishonesty, Fallacies and Illusions.  As an apprentice under Mark Hamilton, I have learnt thro’ the discoveries of Neothink, how to identify my Life’s Passion and transform it into a Living thus Creating Values for others to Produce and make a living too.  Though I have not yet attained, all I know is ” I am not what I used to be. ”

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, and Thanks to Neothink.

March 2025