Posts Tagged ‘creating solutions’

Mark Hamilton as pioneer of the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society…

Mark Hamilton has done more benevolent things than I can imagine for opening up people’s minds to the reality of existence. He has given me the option to join him on the path of enlightened thought which was a turning point for my life. Here on the path problems are destroyed by solutions constantly. I can think of no other person or mentor who has brought me to a reawakening of myself. Quite simply he is the smartest person I’ve ever listened to and read. Mark Hamilton is a true genius creating solutions to millenniums of mysticism, reinvigorating humanity from tragic limitations.
Ever since high-school I remember having the dream of owning my own business and creating values for people that understand what value is. Now I have multiple opportunities to start my own business. No longer do I wonder if my businesses will take off or what business to start first. The beginning of my life as an entrepreneur has begun. The entrepreneurial spirit I now possess will never be able to be taken away from me and it will only become more integrated and rich with time. This is funded by the greatest pieces of literature I’ve ever read and the people of the Neothink Society. The simplicity of word through concepts is universally understood in the prime literature. The sheer magnitude of knowing the secrets of life is enough to make anyone truly wealthy, as wealth often precedes monetary riches. I have always been open minded living in the realm of possibility, now I’m in a network of geniuses who think like I do. I imagine my future and its positive effect on the world. The adventure is something certainly worth living. My conscious integrated thinking has been supported by Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society throughout this journey.
Being stagnant in a nine to five job will evolve into a creation passion that hasn’t been felt since childhood. Positive energies that have been written off as unsustainable now gain ever more leverage, duration, and capacity. Fully integrated honesty enlightens the truth creating pure love that supplies the universe with greater entropy. Man creates his rewards of existence through living by principles that are just. Never before have I seen, heard, and most importantly taken part in something with such agreeable, essential, fundamentals of life and existence. Nature feels the power of consciousness taking control of earthly forces. This is man’s leaping point to the cosmic mind of the future for the masses. Man’s conscious desire to learn is as limitless as the universe itself. The searchers of the world can now rest for they have found what they were looking for.
The founding fathers created this great country with the greatest document known to govern nations. Now the time has come to integrate what the founding fathers could not foresee. This is done through the Twelve Visions Party. This anti-political “political” party knows how to do this through one simple and brilliant integration known as the Prime Law. The common denominator of people as individuals with identical rights allow us all to experience what our ancestors and ourselves have been denied until now. The bipartisan political system has shorted the world for too long. With the success of the Twelve Visions Party the people of the U.S.A will experience freedom that hasn’t been experienced since the first settlers arrived. Think of how the invention of the personal computer changed technology and business, this is how the Prime Law will change politics and government. Together with the geniuses of the world and the technology we currently possess the future is a blank canvas ready for great beauty, health, wealth, and peace. Harmony will envelop the world for the first time in human existence.
The Twelve Visions Party makes everyone rich by bringing the cost of living down. The demise of the Twelve Visions Party will certainly not stop the convergence of the malevolent deadly forces that currently exist. Mark Hamilton as pioneer of the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society must not be silenced. His literature details life’s advantages through a new level of thought. With our current government it will be of no surprise to see the government with its forced backed entities try to shut down this pivotal movement in human history. Dejection through injustice shall no longer be accepted or tolerated. The time to rise to the revolution is now. Those who do shall never be forgotten. If the people allow this to happen then the tragedy of life will continue. If we don’t then humanity will reap the rewards for eternity.
Kevin E

Mark Hamilton has done more benevolent…


Mark Hamilton has done more benevolent things than I can imagine for opening up people’s minds to the reality of existence.  He has given me the option to join him on the path of enlightened thought which was a turning point for my life.  Here on the path problems are destroyed by solutions constantly.  I can think of no other person or mentor who has brought me to a reawakening of myself.  Quite simply he is the smartest person I’ve ever listened to and read.  Mark Hamilton is a true genius creating solutions to millenniums of mysticism, reinvigorating humanity from tragic limitations.  Ever since high-school I remember having the dream of owning my own business and creating values for people that understand what value is.  Now I have multiple opportunities to start my own business. No longer do I wonder if my businesses will take off or what business to start first.  The beginning of my life as an entrepreneur has begun.  The entrepreneurial spirit I now possess will never be able to be taken away from me and it will only become more integrated and rich with time.  This is funded by the greatest pieces of literature I’ve ever read and the people of the Neothink Society.  The simplicity of word through concepts is universally understood in the prime literature.  The shear magnitude of knowing the secrets of life is enough to make anyone truly wealthy, as wealth often precedes monetary riches.  I have always been open minded living in the realm of possibility, now I’m in a network of geniuses who think like I do.  I imagine my future and its positive effect on the world.  The adventure is something certainly worth living.  My conscious integrated thinking has been supported by Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society throughout this journey.

Being stagnant in a nine to five job will evolve into a creation passion that hasn’t been felt since childhood. Positive energies that have been written off as unsustainable now gain ever more leverage, duration, and capacity.  Fully integrated honesty enlightens the truth creating pure love that supplies the universe with greater entropy.  Man creates his rewards of existence through living by principles that are just.  Never before have I seen, heard, and most importantly taken part in something with such agreeable, essential, fundamentals of life and existence.  Nature feels the power of consciousness taking control of earthly forces.  This is man’s leaping point to the cosmic mind of the future for the masses.  Man’s conscious desire to learn is as limitless as the universe itself.  The searchers of the world can now rest for they have found what they were looking for.

The founding fathers created this great country with the greatest document known to govern nations.  Now the time has come to integrate what the founding fathers could not foresee.  This is done through the Twelve Visions Party.  This anti-political “political” party knows how to do this through one simple and brilliant integration known as the Prime Law.  The common denominator of people as individuals with identical rights allow us all to experience what our ancestors and ourselves have been denied until now.  The bipartisan political system has shorted the world for too long.  With the success of the Twelve Visions Party the people of the U.S.A will experience freedom that hasn’t been experienced since the first settlers arrived.  Think of how the invention of the personal computer changed technology and business, this is how the Prime Law will change politics and government.  Together with the geniuses of the world and the technology we currently possess the future is a blank canvas ready for great beauty, health, wealth, and peace.  Harmony will envelop the world for the first time in human existence.  The Twelve Visions Party makes everyone rich by bringing the cost of living down.  The demise of the Twelve Visions Party will certainly not stop the convergence of the malevolent deadly forces that currently exist.  Mark Hamilton as pioneer of the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society must not be silenced.  His literature details life’s advantages through a new level of thought.  With our current government it will be of no surprise to see the government with its forced backed entities try to shut down this pivotal movement in human history.  Dejection through injustice shall no longer be accepted or tolerated.  The time to rise to the revolution is now.  Those who rise will never be forgotten.  If we the people allow the movement to be disintegrated then the tragedy of life will continue on through death.  If we don’t then humanity will reap the rewards for eternity through biological immortality.

Kevin E

March 2025