Posts Tagged ‘countless lives’

Mark Hamilton Is An Extraordinary Giver

A wealty businessperson taught me a couple of years ago that there are only two types of people in the world – givers and takers. I have found that information very valuable because it has empowered me to make better choices regarding the company I keep. I choose to surround myself with givers.

Mark Hamilton the founder of the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party is a very special individual an unquestionably a giver. Mark Hamilton is a value creator who is sharing his powerful essence to help everyone everywhere prosper. Reading the Neothink multigenerational manuscripts is definitely enriching countless lives throughout the globe.

I am extremely pleased with the progress that I am personally experiencing as a result of applying what I have learned from integrating with the Neothink Society’s Prime Literature.

I am happy to share with you that the Neothink Society is based on fully integrated honesty. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that The Twelve Visions Party is the puzzle piece to provide the environment of change for everyone everywhere to live the life we are meant to live minus the dishonesty.

Wealth, Health, Peace 888-859-6859.




It’s time to recognize
a legend’s on the rise…
peace and love

he’s showing mankind
a neo way of mind…
peace and love

He’s gonna change the world
touch every boy and girl…
peace and love

time to make history
put an end to misery…
peace and love

Just can’t thank you enough
for your token of love
peace and love

For the world’s most deepest
highly guarded secrets…
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

Yeah make the poor wealthy!
yeah be happy be healthy!
peace and love

Yeah make discoveries!
Yeah solve some mysteries!
peace and love

Yeah take a fun journey!
yeah join a cause that’s worthy!
peace and love

Yeah immortality!
yeah heart of the T.V.P.!
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. …. twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

It’s time to take a stand
tell eveyone you can
peace and love

Tell your neighbors,friends,lovers
T.V.P”s like no other
peace and love

Fellow americans
blacks,whites and puertoricans
peace and love

Let’s join one another
T.V.P. sees no color
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P…. twelve vision party!

T.V.P.’s amazing
countless lives we’re saving
peace and love

Mark your dad would be proud
if he could see you now
peace and love


It’s time to recognize
a legend’s on the rise…
peace and love

he’s showing mankind
a neo way of mind…
peace and love

He’s gonna change the world
touch every boy and girl…
peace and love

time to make history
put an end to misery…
peace and love

Just can’t thank you enough
for your token of love
peace and love

For the world’s most deepest
highly guarded secrets…
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

Yeah make the poor wealthy!
yeah be happy be healthy!
peace and love

Yeah make discoveries!
Yeah solve some mysteries!
peace and love

Yeah take a fun journey!
yeah join a cause that’s worthy!
peace and love

Yeah immortality!
yeah heart of the T.V.P.!
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. …. twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

It’s time to take a stand
tell eveyone you can
peace and love

Tell your neighbors,friends,lovers
T.V.P”s like no other
peace and love

Fellow americans
blacks,whites and puertoricans
peace and love

Let’s join one another
T.V.P. sees no color
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P…. twelve vision party!

T.V.P.’s amazing
countless lives we’re saving
peace and love

Mark your dad would be proud
if he could see you now
peace and love


This is what I have learned from Mark Hamilton


Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,

Countless lives have been dramatically changed by the effect of your life’s work. I know because I am one of them. In the beginning, I just knew without question that this was what I had been missing. Mark, I know that you fully understand what I have gone through, but for anyone else whom may happen across this, please open your mind past the 9 to 5, LEFT vs RIGHT world you are ’conditioned’ to and keep reading for just another few minutes: I can remember getting goose bumps and feeling my blood move through my veins in such a way that all I wanted to do was continue reading the 5 or 10 page pamphlet that led me to the first Mark Hamilton literature. I was so excited and pumped up that my only mission was to order this book, and that is just what I did. It was certainly the biggest book I had ever set my mind on reading! The thing is, it was the easiest reading book I had ever read. It sucked me in like the best movie you’ve ever seen. This was in 1998. Since then I have purchased 10 more Mark Hamilton masterpieces.  Each one just as satisfying, reliable, factual, innovative, and FULL of ‘new thinking techniques’- or better known now as Neothink. Something that is as natural as apple pie!!! People do not recieve lessons in Bethinking from the standard education process. Make no mistake, this is no accident! You see, EVERY individual person living in this world today, and all that have EVER lived, at some point or another each realize that what they really crave and desire for themselves and especially their children is really very simple, Perfectly free FREEDOM! This is the essential purpose of consciousness for it leads to everything that matters. For, if I am not FREE then I am not ME!!!!!!!!! This is what I have learned from  Mark Hamilton. And there is so much more to learn and discover, wouldn’t you like to be one of the few to see this? Of course you would. It is only natural. And this is THE point. Mark Hamilton has not ‘invented’ this way of thinking, but he has mastered it. And all he wants is to pass this knowledge down the line “knowing” that as it grows, so will individual FREEDOM!!! THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT COULD EVER WANT TO STOP THIS TRAIN’S MOMENTUM ARE THE SAME PEOPLE THAT HAVE “KNOWINGLY” ELIMINATED THE BRAINS NATURAL NEOTHINKING

CAPABILITY FROM YOUR EDUCATION!!!!!!! So please look at little bit closer at anything calling itself the Neothink Society for it can surely bring a positive influence to you and your children’s existence. And for Earth’s sake, you must inquire about any political movement describing Twelve Visions as a base for the next Party, and do your own research and make your own decisions. If only 60 million Americans would do this, our grandchildren would look at our current “way of things” the same as we view the “dark ages”. Think about it. Research it. Learn it. Because you already know it…

Underdog Chris

Love, Love, and More Love


They all changed my life, words cant simply express it, I Found The Real Me, and its because of Mark, he created the essence that blossomed into what had changed countless lives throughout the world. The perfect life is truthfully out there for everyone, you just have to find it. I cant wait to live mine. Thank You God

March 2025