Posts Tagged ‘cosmic source’

Mr. Mark Hamilton is a gentleman of total HONEST Integrity!

Mr. Mark Hamilton is a gentleman of total HONEST Integrity! His character, well beyond reproach and refutation, is absolutely wonderful. The Neo-Think Society is the perfect answer for resolving this current world condition to alleviate poverty, suffering, war, sickness and illnesses and anything that would be considered detrimental to the establishment of a healthy Free Society.
The Prime Literature of the Neo-Think Society, when properly comprehended and implemented, gives every person valuable information that allows that person to really understand his true worth and potential as a value creator that empowers each and every one to live the life that was meant for every one to live beyond all dishonesty. That person then learns how to abandon the bicameral mindset and all mysticism to become his OWN AUTHORITY. Then he is able to receive “ten second miracles” and allowed to “ power think, manifest true Neo-Think Genius” and in general integrate his mind into The Supreme Cosmic Source Existence which is the basis of the entire Omniverse inclusive of the infinite Universes within. Mark Hamilton’s Philosophy stands as a “hall mark” and is truly far beyond any Philosophy that has ever been revealed. This has given me true VISION and the unrelenting courage to pursue the DREAMS of my life with the utmost confidence.
The Twelve Visions Party is the absolute answer for solving the ills of government on a Global basis. The involvement of Government would be greatly reduced to the role of” protection only “ dramatically reducing the burdens of taxation and exploitation that adversely affects societies on a global basis. The rule of “prime law” vouch safe’s the role of Government to a place that would immensely benefit everyone everywhere! The Prime Law Article 1. “ No person, group of persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual’s self, property or contract.” Article 2. Force is morally and legally justified only for the protection from those who violate article 1″ Article 3. No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 & 2.
I am a very serious Entrepreneur! Mr. Hamilton taught me that the way to wealth is to own your own business. I shall forever be grateful and appreciative to Mr. Hamilton for all of his teaching and instruction. I am now involved with many sound and practical affiliate businesses which serve as valuable income streams in my life. And soon, with the proceeds of these businesses, I shall be able to finance and start my OWN!
Many people are hurting today. Thousands are living terribly wretched lives of financial lack and poverty! Nuclear Holocaust is hovering and immanently threatening to reduce the planetary population. Millions of people will die! Something has to be done and very quickly if humanity is to survive!
Neo-Think Society is the absolute answer to cure this condition once and for all. Mr. Hamilton, you have my loyal and enduring support!
You are my True Brother and I shall always have the highest Regard , Respect and Love for you!
Very, very Respectfully,
Carl M.

Mark Hamilton’s Philosophy stands as a “hall mark”…

Mr. Mark Hamilton is a gentleman of total HONEST Integrity! His character, well beyond reproach and refutation, is absolutely wonderful. The Neo-Think Society is the perfect answer for resolving this current world condition to alleviate poverty, suffering, war, sickness and illnesses and anything that would be considered detrimental to the establishment of a healthy Free Society.
The Prime Literature of the Neo-Think Society, when properly comprehended and implemented, gives every person valuable information that allows that person to really understand his true worth and potential as a value creator that empowers each and every one to live the life that was meant for every one to live beyond all dishonesty. That person then learns how to abandon the bicameral mindset and all mysticism to become his OWN AUTHORITY. Then he is able to receive “ten second miracles” and allowed to “ power think, manifest true Neo-Think Genius” and in general integrate his mind into The Supreme Cosmic Source Existence which is the basis of the entire Omniverse inclusive of the infinite Universes within. Mark Hamilton’s Philosophy stands as a “hall mark” and is truly far beyond any Philosophy that has ever been revealed. This has given me true VISION and the unrelenting courage to pursue the DREAMS of my life with the utmost confidence.
The Twelve Visions Party is the absolute answer for solving the ills of government on a Global basis. The involvement of Government would be greatly reduced to the role of” protection only “ dramatically reducing the burdens of taxation and exploitation that adversely affects societies on a global basis. The rule of “prime law” vouchsafe’s the role of Government to a place that would immensely benefit everyone everywhere! The Prime Law Article 1. “ No person, group of persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual’s self, property or contract.” Article 2. Force is morally and legally justified only for the protection from those who violate article 1″ Article 3. No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 & 2.
I am a very serious Entrepreneur! Mr. Hamilton taught me that the way to wealth is to own your own business. I shall forever be grateful and appreciative to Mr. Hamilton for all of his teaching and instruction. I am now involved with many sound and practical affiliate businesses which serve as valuable income streams in my life. And soon, with the proceeds of these businesses, I shall be able to finance and start my OWN!
Many people are hurting today. Thousands are living terribly wretched lives of financial lack and poverty! Nuclear Holocaust is hovering and immanently threatening to reduce the planetary population. Millions of people will die! Something has to be done and very quickly if humanity is to survive!
Neo-Think Society is the absolute answer to cure this condition once and for all. Mr. Hamilton, you have my loyal and enduring support!
You are my True Brother and I shall always have the highest Regard , Respect and Love for you!
Very, very Respectfully,
Carl M.

March 2025