Posts Tagged ‘corruption’

Mark Hamilton’s eye opening information has changed my life

The time and money spent on Mark Hamilton’s eye opening information has changed my life. The world is being run by people who are better off blowing smoke over the masses of people, so that the corruption cannot be detected by the uninformed. It is no wonder Mark is trying to be shut down, teaching people to think for themselves can be dangerous to the people in power.

Hello Mark Hamilton,

Hello Mark Hamilton,
This is really deep. I don’t consider myself apart of the wordily things in life therefore, I stay away from the corruption of our society. It has been a pleasure being apart of the Neothink family and I do look for honesty and righteousness. I can offer this one advice. We are human beings with Civil Rights, Constitution rights, and Human Rights according to our government.
With this said, use your knowledge to fight the government to have those rights. What I mean about this is use their laws to fight them back. Start with the United States Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights codes of conduct and prove they are denying you of justice and equality. I’m here with you; I support the cause but have not been financial able to participate like I wanted. Stay strong and keep the faith and we will overcome.
Thank You,
Charlotte DeVance

I think that the neothink has already become apparent here in Cleveland’s counties

I think that the neothink has already become apparent here in Cleveland’s counties with so many corrupt government county officials being hauled into court and convicted by the old establishment in an attemt to hide the even higher up corruption that persists still by this move clouding the citezenry into thinking that “we are doing our job for you “while the real corruption goes on in the state and fed levels which mandated the investigations to cover their own corruption and fleecing of the American people. Example : The speaker of the house wanted to order a bigger jet so she would not have to stop and refuel .so much …….the whole of the senate wanted to order all new fleet of planes when America is down so low as it is and to burden her more
Just some thoughts ,
Rick S

Thanks to Mark Hamilton

I believe that our road to success is the one and only one of moving ahead in a society which contains now so much corruption and disdain for its own people.
I believe that the TVP party and its content has to be viewed as the only savior in our own mess we got our self’s in and created since corruption and greed has taken over by officials and groups who carriers many diseases throughout the world.
Society can only be corrected and adjusted by changing the attitude of the people and starting at the bottom.
We and I from the Secret Society and TVP party has the knowledge and the now how to turn away from corruption and greed by being honest about ourselves and our goals.
Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the support he is getting throughout the world and his believe in the party and society, it can and will achieve the goals of a more humane society.
I have opened my eyes and felt through reading the heirloom packages and listening to speakers and meetings I attended too, that It changes my outlook and my honest feeling towards myself and others and have learned to be an integral part of a group who are believing in the party movements and future.
No, other party can offer such insight and revelation going forward.
Adrian G


My life before Neothink

Before I discovered Neothink I was a lost child and young adult searching for a way out of this horrible life I was living. Soon after I found a way out of poverty, misery and complete un happiness thru Neothink society. This society has help me so much in areas of my way of thinking and handling everyday life. Each day it get better and better. Without the help of Mark Hamilton and our society I would of been a failure in life and not reaching for higher goals in life like I once new before I discovered Neothink and desired so baddly. Now I have many ideas and goals I have set and mainly I want to help and protect this world from corruption but witout Neothink and Mark Hamilton that wouldn’t of come to be. Thankyou Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton very much.


I’ve enjoyed reading the Neothink literature


Dear Mark,

This is the first time I have written to you, since I prefer to process all the information before I develop an opinion.  I hope you are able to continue your work.  Although controversial for some, I believe the vision and mission of the organization has the best interest of people at heart.  I’ve enjoyed reading the Neothink literature and appreciate a fresh perspective on life.  I am convinced that the lessons within the literature make a positive difference in folks lives.  I commend you for dedicating your life for such a worthy cause.  I believe the basis of your lessons is to inspire and lead the common person to believe that they can accomplish great things, once they strip themselves of centuries of negative thoughts and fear.  These negative thoughts and fears have been instilled by the very people we trust.  Not because they mean to hold us down, but out of ignorance.  Although, there are always opportunistic people everywhere that will violate our trust (just look at the widespread corruption in some governments and misguided religious organizations).  If we are ever to evolve as a human race, I believe people need to follow your type of lessons and free themselves to become the best they can be without sacrificing others in the process.  Many people are successful but not happy.  Your lessons helps us understand and find our individual happiness.  At this time, I will not be an active participant in your organization, since I have my hands full in a successful career and helping my wife raise our children.  I do hope to get a chance to see your organization flourish and reach out to the masses to help our generation become the example for future generations to come.

Kind regards,

Walter C

Because of Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s writings…


Neothink opened my eyes and let me know that I wasn’t alone about he way I thought about and saw how politics and religion affected me and the people around me. Because of Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s writings I can now speak freely about the corruption around me and KNOW that there are others who feel and think as I do. Thank you, Mark, for freeing my mind and my voice. I can now move on to finding others around me who think like I do and start spreading Neothink to all those whose inner child cries out for the change needed to make this a better world. A better day is coming soon, and Neothink is the forerunner to all of it.

Anthony B

Twelve Visions Party To The Rescue!


Thank you Mark Hamilton for starting the Twelve Visions Party. I am so glad to be a part of something so life changing and wonderful.

This country needs a new political party that is For the people and By the people more than ever! The TVP is finally the cure to the corruption and abuse coming from Washington. Finally We, the people have a voice to represent us.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and TVP!

Jeff Smith

I think that the neothink has already become apparent here in Cleveland

I think that the neothink has already become apparent  here in Cleveland ;s  counties with so many corrupt government county officials being hauled into court and convicted by the old establishment in an attemt to hide the even higher up corruption that persists still by  this move clouding the citezenry into thinking that “we are doing our job for you “while the real corruption goes on in the state and fed levels which mandated the investigations to cover their own corruption and fleecing of the American people .Example : The speaker of the house wanted to order a bigger jet so she would not have to stop and refuel .so much …….the whole of the senate  wanted to order all new fleet of planes when America is down so low as it is and to burden her more

Just some thoughts ,

Rick S

I was always disgusted with politics

I was always disgusted with politics because I knew they were dishonest leeches as I called them. I never wanted any part of politics. But knowing what I have learned now of the elite society and the corruption of the govt & what they continue with there is no way I will sit on the sidelines. I will do what ever is necessary to awaken any one & every one I can to the truth of what is truly going on behind the scenes of the govt. No one’s dreams should be diminished by a small group like this.

March 2025