Posts Tagged ‘corporate america’

Mark Hamilton, Neothink Founder

Personal Testimonial From Gary Charles T. for the Neothink Society
First let me say, Neothink, simply means “New Thinking” or taking a new approach in one’s thoughts to the world around us. It is the exact Opposite of what people call a “Cult”. In fact, it has nothing to do with religious doctrine whatsoever. Before you cast ANY Judgment about what you think or what the press or anyone else has told you, you really need to understand what Neothink and the members of the Society are all about.
I want to share some of my understanding and benefits with you about Neothink and brief words about the Founder. Neothink is a fresh examination of what a person is able to understand with no bias, opinion or coercion in ones thoughts. To uncover one’s True potential from one’s own perspective, not from others opinions or doctrines they believe. I once had a professor in college who shared a thought with me that I have not been able to shake my entire life and that thought is “If You Believe It, its true”.
I personally have looked at life and how our Society has changed in America, I’ve watched Countless people believe in Corporate America only to see them lose their jobs. Jobs were not as important as usurping maximum profits from their companies at the value creating employees peril of job Loss to China. This is just one example of how believing something is true does not make it in reality True. As human development has progressed through Mankind’s History, It has become clear many hundreds of thousands of people have been usurped by religion and by political leaders who sent them to death, the ultimate price one pays. Just look at the Christian’s Crusades, many people were thrown to the lions, too many Men died in battles for the sake of their leaders. This is historical Fact, no one can argue with. So then, as people have become More enlightened, come to value their lives, our life spans have Increased, our ability to share knowledge and contribute to The quality of each other’s lives and our ability to understand The world we live in better each day our country” America” Was born. America, the beacon of “Freedom” throughout The world, the birthplace of the “individual’s rights”. It has Now also become apparent as evidenced that after 200 years of freedoms that their many in our society who are interested in themselves to the point of putting our country in jeopardy. The crash of the economy and the fact that the people who Control money control our Society. There are many wealthy People who are exceptions to the Greed so prevalent in our society, but there are many, many more who continue to usurp power and control over what the vast majority of regular Americans Are able to do. Just look at the Credit Card Industry, they get People hooked on their cards knowing full well that 80% of their card holders will not be able to pay their balances off. Everyone and will run up debt upon which the Card Issuers Can slap massive interest rates, fees and penalties on and Legally steal the wealth from the vast majority of card holders. So what does this have to do with Neothink? Neothink is once Again an opportunity to create for oneself a new way of thinking. That allows one to see clearly that there is another way to View life and its possibilities. That through creating honest Values that mean something to our fellow humans we can Move forward to the next level of understanding Enlightenment for all Humankind. Just as in history ancient Man worshiped gods created by leaders of society then, until Knowledge and understanding spread to cause man to invent Science to begin to prove or disprove beliefs, we as Mankind Are on the verge of taking Our Consciousness and Understanding To a new level of understanding. This new level of understanding will allow everyone in our Human Society to benefit, not just the privileged few who now control most of what allows the majority of us to be capable of doing; Neothink is a new Vehicle for all mankind to move the Human Endeavor of “Consciousness Life” forward. For our ability as a species to “Think”, Reflect and make choices is unique in the Universe we know, and it is that ability that is so precious to us. We must move forward to preserve our loved ones and all the Knowledge, love and understanding our consciousness gives us. To that end the preservation of all that makes who we are. A footnote about the founder of Neothink, Mark Hamilton. Mark is certainly one of the most selfless Human Beings of Our time. He has spent decades of his life, in fact devoted Himself to the betterment of the human condition through His writings. They are truthful, as they have examined what has happened in our history as humans, and the writings give us a fresh, new ability to think on new and exciting Levels. The only people who will not want to understand This about what Mark has written are the people in positions Of power that will feel threaten that the playing field for All Men and Women can be leveled for all of Society. The Twelve Visions Party, Mark’s creation is the vehicle that will assist us on the ultimate life preserving Journey. I for one, as free thinking individual welcome the opportunities that lie ahead for all of mankind with Neothink, Please, Keep an open mind and join us in this journey, no one will be left behind.

I want to share some of my understanding

Personal Testimonial From Gary C for the Neothink Society
Let me say, Neothink, simply means “New Thinking” or taking a new approach to one’ thoughts to the world around us. It is the exact opposite of what people call “Cult”. In fact, it has nothing to do with religious doctrine whatsoever. Before you cast ANY Judgment about what you think or what the press or anyone else has told you, you really need to understand what Neothink and the members of the Society are all about. I want to share some of my understanding and benefits with you about Neothink and brief words about the Founder.
Neothink is a fresh examination of what a person is able to understand. With no bias, opinions or coercion in ones thoughts. To uncover one’s true potential from one’s own perspective, not from others opinions or doctrines they believe. I once had a professor in college who shared a thought with me that I have not been able to shake my entire life. And that thought is “If You Believe It, It’s true”. I personally have looked at life and our Society change in America. I’ve watched countless people believe in Corporate America only to see them lose their jobs. Many Corporate Business leaders decided that American jobs were not as important as usurping __________ profits from their companies of the value creating employees peril of job loss to China. This is just one example of how believing something as true does not make it in reality true.
As human development has progressed through Mankind’s History, it has become clear many hundreds of thousands of people have been usurped by religion & by political leaders who sent them to death, the ultimate price one pays. Just look at the Christian’s Crusades, many people were thrown to the lions, too many men died in battles for the sake of their leaders. This is historical fact, no one can argue with. So then, as people have become more enlightened, come to value their lives, our life spans have increased, our ability to share knowledge and contribute to the quality of each other’s lives and our ability to understand the world we live in better each day our country “America” was born. America, the beacon of “Freedom” throughout the world, the birthplace of the “individual rights”. It has now also become apparent as evidenced that after 200 years of freedoms that their many in our society who are interested in themselves to the point of putting our country in jeopardy. The crash of the economy and the fact that the people who control money control our Society. There are many wealthy people who are exceptions to the Greed so prevalent in our society. But there are many, many more who continue to usurp power and control over what the vast majority of regular Americans are able to do. Just look at the Credit Card Industry, they get people hooked on their cards knowing full well that 80% of their card holders will not be able to pay their balances off. Everyone and will run up debt upon which the Card Issuers can slap massive interest rates, fees and penalties on and legally steal the wealth from the vast majority of card holders.
So what does this have to do with Neothink? Neothink, is once again an opportunity to create for oneself a new way of thinking, that allows one to see clearly that there is another way to view life and its possibilities. That through creating honest values that mean something to our fellow humans we can move forward to the next level of understanding and enlightenment for all humankind. Just as in history, ancient man worshipped gods crated by leaders of society then, until knowledge and understanding spread to cause man to invent science to begin to prove or disprove beliefs, we as mankind are on the verge of taking Our Consciousness and Understanding to a new level of understanding. This new level of understanding will allow everyone in our Human Society to Benefit, not just the privileged few who now control most of what allows the majority of us to be capable of doing. Neothink is a new vehicle for all mankind to move the Human Endeavor of “Consciousness Life” forward. For our ability as a species to “Think”, Reflect and make choices is unique to the Universe we know, and it is that ability that is so precious to us. We must move forward to preserve our loved ones and all the knowledge, love and understanding our consciousness gives us. To that end the preservation of all that makes who we are, this is what the Neothink Society is all about.
A footnote about the founder of Neothink, Mark Hamilton. Mark is certainly one of the most selfless Human Beings of our time. He has spent decades of his life, in fact devoted Himself to the betterment of the human condition though his writing. They are _____, as they have examined what has happened in our history as humans, and the writings give us a fresh, new ability to think on new and exciting levels. The only people who will not want to understand this about what Mark has written are the people in positions of power that will feel threatened that the playing field for all men and women can be leveled for all Society. The Twelve Visions Party, Mark’s creation is the vehicle that will assist us on the ultimate live preserving Journey. I, for one, as a free thinking individual welcome the opportunities that lie ahead for all of mankind with Neothink. Please, keep an open mind and join us in this journey, no one will be left behind.

Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life

The Neothink® Society, Twelve Visions Party (TVP) and Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life.
As a young child I knew that a better life must exist, but it always seemed just out of my reach. I was raised to believe that external authorities beyond my control; impinged upon my ability to succeed. Happily living as a successful student, professional, husband and father; I’m much wiser at 45 years old.
My name is John M. S from Phoenix, AriZona. When I received an invitation to join the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I had worked for many years in Corporate America. My bills were usually paid on time, allowing me to focus on creating a great family life, but I had reached a ceiling that I could not break through. I was producing the same values over and over again, merely maintaining my life; not growing to higher levels. Through the amazing literature created by Mark Hamilton and shared through the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I realized either I was going to live my life according to the hurdles and stumbling blocks that lie before me, or I was going to live my life according to where I wanted to go.
I was 100% responsible for my position in life, my outlook on life, the Happiness, Prosperity & Romantic Love that flowed into my life. I immediately adopted a manta, “Be & Allow” – I must Be who I think I need to Be & I must Allow everyone around me to be whoever they need to be.
I DO NOT Possess the Ability, the Desire or the Right, to Change anyone, but Myself!
Our society tends to dictate that the older someone becomes the less value they have, when reality dictates the Opposite. The older we become, the more experience we have – So, the greater value we possess for ourselves, our family & the world.
I’ve been asked, “What is the Neothink® Society & the Twelve Visions Party (TVP)?” “What values will I gain?” In six words; “Self Empowering Individuals through Self Responsibility”.
Progressing further into this amazing literature, it dawns on me – it is all up to me! Few tools in life will serve us better than constant Searching! Life and Success build upon themselves, as formally unreachable goals become our new reality. Failure will become a non-option, as it exists for me. I have and you will discover this new vision when you understand Neothink®; a wide scope vision you never knew you had. You will begin to observe your immediate surroundings and learn to ask yourself, “How can I make this better?” “How can I improve this situation?” As these thoughts course through your brain, new and exciting doors will open up; doors that were right in front of you the whole time, you simply couldn’t see them before!
Eventually, we realize that there exist No Problems, only Undiscovered Solutions!
By utilizing simple tools and techniques found within the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I have learned to never fear my Chosen Direction.
Greatest of All, I Finally Understand the Source of all Happiness. I have a newly developing ability to actually Create whatever Future, I Choose for Myself. I’m creating a Future of Happiness & Prosperity – Not only for me; but for my family & for the entire world.
Because of the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I now have Fully Integrated Honesty in all my Dealings. Fully Integrated Honesty, what does this mean?
Why not simply be Honest? Is Truth different from Honesty?
Truth is a manipulative concept in the sense that it may be altered depending upon who is in power and who is interrupting that truth. Honesty on the other hand is unchanging. It crosses all racial, gender and opinion boundaries –
. . . For Honesty at its Irreducible Value is best described as ‘What Is!’
Regardless of your past experiences, your current situation in life or your future goals; you already possess one of the greatest powers in existence, and that is Voluntary Choice.
I Hereby Invite You, to Stand Up, Listen to the Genius within You and Embrace a set of tools and techniques that are timeless in nature and that Will Allow You . . . . .
To live a Happy, Meaningful and Important Life of your own Choosing,
While helping others to Succeed; the Life I know I was Meant to Live and
“The Life I think We were All meant to Live!”

Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life . . .


The Neothink® Society, Twelve Visions Party (TVP) and Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life . . . . .
As a young child I knew that a better life must exist, but it always seemed just out of my reach. I was raised to believe that external authorities beyond my control; impinged upon my ability to succeed.  Happily living as a successful student, professional, husband and father; I’m much wiser at 45 years old.  
My name is John M. S. from Phoenix, AriZona.  When I received an invitation to join the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I had worked for many years in Corporate America.  My bills were usually paid on time, allowing me to focus on creating a great family life, but I had reached a ceiling that I could not break through.  I was producing the same values over and over again, merely maintaining my life; not growing to higher levels.    Through the amazing literature created by Mark Hamilton and shared through the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I realized either I was going to live my life according to the hurdles and stumbling blocks that lie before me, or I was going to live my life according to where I wanted to go.    
I was 100% responsible for my position in life, my outlook on life, the Happiness, Prosperity & Romantic Love that flowed into my life.  I immediately adopted a manta, “Be & Allow” – I must Be who I think I need to Be & I must Allow everyone around me to be whoever they need to be.  
I DO NOT Possess the Ability, the Desire or the Right, to Change anyone, but Myself!
Our society tends to dictate that the older someone becomes the less value they have, when reality dictates the Opposite.  The older we become, the more experience we have – So, the greater value we possess for ourselves, our family & the world.  
I’ve been asked, “What is the Neothink® Society & the Twelve Visions Party (TVP)?” – “What values will I gain?”  In six words; “Self Empowering Individuals through Self Responsibility”.
Progressing further into this amazing literature, it dawns on me – it is all up to me!  Few tools in life will serve us better than constant Searching!  Life and Success build upon themselves, as formally unreachable goals become our new reality.  Failure will become a non-option, as it exists for me.  I have and you will discover this new vision when you understand Neothink®; a wide scope vision you never knew you had.  You will begin to observe your immediate surroundings and learn to ask yourself, “How can I make this better?”  “How can I improve this situation?”  As these thoughts course through your brain, new and exciting doors will open up; doors that were right in front of you the whole time, you simply couldn’t see them before!  

Eventually, we realize that there exist No Problems, only Undiscovered Solutions!
By utilizing simple tools and techniques found within the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I have learned to never fear my Chosen Direction.  
Greatest of All, I Finally Understand the Source of all Happiness.  I have a newly developing ability to actually Create whatever Future, I Choose for Myself.  I’m creating a Future of Happiness & Prosperity – Not only for me; but for my family & for the entire world.
Because of the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I now have Fully Integrated Honesty in all my Dealings.  Fully Integrated Honesty, what does this mean?  
Why not simply be Honest?  Is Truth different from Honesty?   
Truth is a manipulative concept in the sense that it may be altered depending upon who is in power and who is interrupting that truth.  Honesty on the other hand is unchanging.  It crosses all racial, gender and opinion boundaries –

. . . For Honesty at its Irreducible Value is best described as ‘What Is!’

Regardless of your past experiences, your current situation in life or your future goals; you already possess one of the greatest powers in existence, and that is Voluntary Choice.  
I Hereby Invite You, to Stand Up, Listen to the Genius within You and Embrace a set of tools and techniques that are timeless in nature and that Will Allow You . . . . .

To live a Happy, Meaningful and Important Life of your own Choosing,
While helping others to Succeed; the Life I know I was Meant to Live and
“The Life I think We were All meant to Live!”

Neothink is a fresh examination of what a person is able to understand…

Personal Testimonial From Gary Charles T. for the Neothink Society

First let me say, Neothink, simply means “New Thinking” or taking a New approach in one’s thoughts to the world around us. It is the exact Opposite of what people call a “Cult”. in fact, it has nothing to do With religious doctrine whatsoever. Before you cast ANY Judgment About what you think or what the press or anyone else has told You, you really need to understand what Neothink and the members Of the Society are all about. I want to share some of my understanding And benefits with you about Neothink and brief words about the Founder.

Neothink is a fresh examination of what a person is able to understand With no bias, opinion or coercion in ones thoughts. To uncover one’s True potential from one’s own perspective, not from others opinions Or doctrines they believe. I once had a professor in college who shared A thought with me that I have not been able to shake my entire life And that thought is “If You Believe It, It’s true”. I personally have Looked at life and our Society change in America, I’ve watched Countless people believe in Corporate America only to see them Lose their jobs. Many Corporate Business leaders decided that American

. Jobs were not as important as usurping maximum profits from

Their companies at the value creating employees peril of job

Loss to China. This is just one example of how believing something Is true does not make it in reality True.

As human development has progressed through Mankind’s History, It has become clear many hundreds of thousands of people have Been usurped by religion, & by political leaders who sent them To death, the ultimate price one pays. Just look at the Christian’s Crusades, many people were thrown to the lions, too many Men died in battles for the sake of their leaders. This is historical Fact, no one can argue with. So then, as people have become More enlightened, come to value their lives, our life spans have Increased, our ability to share knowledge and contribute to

The quality of each others lives and our ability to understand

The world we live in better each day our country” America”

Was born. America, the beacon of “Freedom” throughout

The world, the birthplace of the “individual’s rights”. It has

Now also become apparent as evidenced that after 200 years

Of freedoms that their many in our society who are interested

In themselves to the point of putting our country in jeopardy.

The crash of the economy and the fact that the people who

Control money control our Society. There are many wealthy

People who are exceptions to the Greed so prevalent in our society, But there are many, many more who continue to usurp power And control over what the vast majority of regular Americans Are able to do. Just look at the Credit Card Industry, they get People hooked on their cards knowing full well that 80% of their card holders will not be able to pay their balances off.

Everyone and will run up debt upon which the Card Issuers

Can slap massive interest rates, fees and penalties on and

Legally steal the wealth from the vast majority of card holders.

So what does this have to do with Neothink? Neothink, is once

Again an opportunity to create for oneself a new way of thinking.

That allows one to see clearly that there is another way to

View life and it’s possibilities. That through creating honest

Values that mean something to our fellow humans we can

Move forward to the next level of understanding an

Enlightenment for all Humankind. Just as in history ancient

Man worshiped gods created by leaders of society then, until

Knowledge and understanding spread to cause man to invent

Science to begin to prove or disprove beliefs, we as Mankind

Are on the verge of taking Our Consciousness and Understanding

To a new level of understanding. This new level of understanding

Will allow everyone in our Human Society to Benefit, not

Just the privileged few who now control most of what allows

The majority of us to be capable of doing, Neothink is a new

Vehicle for all mankind to move the Human Endeavor of

“Consciousness Life” forward. For our ability as a species to

“Think”, Reflect and make choices is unique in the Universe

We know, and it is that ability that is so precious to us. We

Must move forward to preserve our loved ones and all the

Knowledge, love and understanding our consciousness gives

Us. To that end the preservation of all that makes who

We are.

A footnote about the founder of Neothink, Mark Hamilton.

Mark is certainly one of the most selfless Human Beings of

Our time. He has spent decades of his life, in fact devoted

Himself to the betterment of the human condition through

His writings. They are truthful, as they have examined what

Has happened in our history as humans, and the writings

Give us a fresh, new ability to think on new an exciting

Levels. The only people who will not want to understand

This about what Mark has written are the people in positions

Of power that will feel threaten that the playing field for

All Men and Women can be leveled for all of Society. The

Twelve Visions Party, Mark’s creation is the vehicle that

Will assist us on the ultimate life preserving Journey. I

For one, as free thinking individual welcome the opportunities

That lie ahead for all of mankind with Neothink, Please,

Keep an open mind and join us in this journey, no one

Will be left behind.

March 2025