Posts Tagged ‘conveyor belt’

If we continue to carry on in our belief system for another 50 years of so, what is to become of society as a whole?


So, the BIG question to ask ourselves is:  If we continue to carry on in our belief system for another 50 years of so, what is to become of society as a whole?  Can we honestly say that the mess we are in today had nothing to do with leadership?  What illusions and trappings have we fallen into?  Go ahead, ask yourself these questions and I dare you to come up with an Honest to Goodness answer…If it is due to our old thinking and old habits isn’t it about time to make some changes?  Aren’t you sick and tired of being sick and tired of this repetitious mental loop we’re all apart of?  I don’t know about all of you out there, but it’s high time we start to think anew.  And, that’s where  the NEOTHINK Society comes in.  It’s time to think new thoughts.  Form new thought patterns, get off the old conveyor belt and merry go round…

Mark Hamilton and Neothink has brought another perspective at viewing reality.  Looking at life on a grander and wider scale.  Not through the scope of narrow minded thinking.  I’ve searched for answers all my life and never, ever came across anything remotely close to what I’ve discovered through the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.  

Following the herd was never a part of my life.  I knew there was more then what we were lead to believe, by our constituents, peers and society in general.  

My life path has taken me from that of a follower to that of a leader.  A leader and creator of my own life.  No more letting outside influences rule over me.  I make my own happiness, if someone around me doesn’t like what I’m about or what I’ve become, so be it.  They are entitled to their own opinion.  I on the other hand know that it’s ultimately my own thinking that can change my feelings within seconds.  If only, this information was made available to me in my younger years I would have been able to avoid all of the heartaches and obstacles in the past.  

I consider myself privileged to have these bits and pieces of information so beautifully written in helping me to gain prosperity, health and happiness with out any guilt of dishonest gain.  

I have truly found the answers I know so many of you are searching for.  Don’t be afraid, follow your inner feeling and guidance.  This knowledge will set you free…

Thank you Mark Hamilton, thank you for being the ONE for releasing this message to the world.

Very grateful for BEING…Giesele B.

March 2025