Posts Tagged ‘controlled media’

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark;
I wish to thank you for ALL that you have done for me and my family through Neothink and the Neothink Society. My life has blossomed more than I could have imagined through the use of this thought process. I am so looking forward to the success of the Twelve Visions Party. Our country (and our world) are in such need of the fundamental concepts put forth in the Constitution of the Twelve Visions Party. We have strayed so far from the intent of the Founding Fathers of our country that it is
The ideas that “no government, group of people, or individual will commit initiatory force upon another individual,” and that “the government shall use force only in the prevention of that initiatory force” are ideas that are necessary if we are to survive as a nation and continue to develop into the protectors of the individual that we, as a nation, created.
I know that you and the Twelve Visions Party will be attacked maliciously and dishonestly by the state controlled media and others who will do anything to maintain their power and control over us. So, I want anyone who reads this to study and learn on their own what you and the Twelve Visions Party are TRULY
I also want you to know that you can count on my continued support and efforts as we do all that we can to reestablish the sanctity of that most precious thing in the universe: the conscious human individual.
Randolph B

Neothink Society & TVP (Twelve Visions Party)

Neothink Society & TVP (Twelve Visions Party)
I have been with the Neothink Society for many years. My life has gone only one way due to that, only purely positive. I want only things that I have earned through hard work. I want only to help others. I don’t want to hurt or harm anyone.
My mind has evolved like it should have due to what I have learned through
Mark Hamilton’s literature. During my school years my mind was kept in a state of stasis due to what is “taught” in the school system. This is the way that your “government” and “government” controlled media wants you to stay. These things have to stop and go the way my life has been going. If things are left to the way things are going now… we are in deep trouble. You were duped by two words during our last Presidential election, and these two words were: HOPE and CHANGE. These two words were used to brain wash you into thinking that it would come true to get you to vote for them. Well it did come true but not the way you thought it would did it? We got change, but it was just a change of how destructive the government can be, in effect more and more of what has been done to us in the past, just more than we ever thought possible.
Soon you will be hit with another brainwashing technique used to discredit
Mark Hamilton and his Society, and also the Twelve Visions Party. The media will let loose another governmental forced false information onslaught of Mark Hamilton. Just take a realist look at what they tell of Mark and trust what I say here to you: Mark is a man that you can trust with your life! Can you say that about anyone in the “government” or media? NO! You can not. Mark Hamilton is a man who loves everyone on this planet and wants only to help each and every one of us to get out of this mess that “others” have constructed.
One way I can prove what I have told you is: Before all of this brainwashing starts. Go and get some of Mark’s literature and read it. That’s all you have to do to see what I have said previously is true and honest. It will open your eyes to what has been happening to us all and how to fix it. It is time to take back your own life and start living like you were always meant to live. I did it many years ago, and I will never turn back!
I love Mark Hamilton, and our huge growing Neothink Society.
Best wishes to all,
Scott Jordan

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark;
I wish to thank you for ALL that you have done for me and my family through Neothink and the Neothink Society. My life has blossomed more than I could have imagined through the use of this thought process. I am so looking forward to the success of the Twelve Visions Party. Our country (and our world) are in such need of the fundamental concepts put forth in the Constitution of the Twelve Visions Party. We have strayed so far from the intent of the Founding Fathers of our country that it is
The ideas that “no government, group of people, or individual will commit initiatory force upon another individual,” and that “the government shall use force only in the prevention of that initiatory force” are ideas that are necessary if we are to survive as a nation and continue to develop into the protectors of the individual that we, as a nation, created.
I know that you and the Twelve Visions Party will be attacked maliciously and dishonestly by the state controlled media and others who will do anything to maintain their power and control over us. So, I want anyone who reads this to study and learn on their own what you and the Twelve Visions Party are TRULY
I also want you to know that you can count on my continued support and efforts as we do all that we can to reestablish the sanctity of that most precious thing in the universe: the conscious human individual.
Randolph B

Change is possible

Throughout history, mankind has been put in situations that forced change. It started with consciousness. When we were able to say I am, that is when we began to understand our power to change our situation. We developed the ability to control fire, invented the wheel, and eventually we learned how to fly. Mankind changed from being controlled by nature, to being able to have some control over nature itself. We have the power to create a world how we see fit. We can unite to create peace through love or we can separate and start wars because of fear. Throughout history we have faced the choices to go one way or the other. Somehow, we ended up here. We will continue to face crossroads. Slavery in the late 1800’s forced us to decide. Oppression and genocide in the early 1900’s again forced us to decide. Today, we are faced with a less clear decision. Our government has been deceiving us through a controlled media. They have been coercing us and trying to steal our rights. They have been suppressing us using a monetary system that they control with the Federal Reserve System. They are doing all of this in such a way that the average american is unaware. Slowly but surly, they are attempting to take away that which america has always stood for. A government for the people and by the people must be re-established. The choice that we must face today is just as relevant as slavery was in the late 1800’s and genocide was in the early 1900’s. Today, we face a dying freedom to be that which we are. We are being forced to open our eyes, the eyes that have been shut by a political and social spell that has been cast by the elect. We need honest people to lead this country. The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party represent a nation of true Americans who want to bring fully integrated honesty back into a government for the people and by the people. We are the revolution! Together, change is possible!

March 2025