Posts Tagged ‘constitution’

Some people come into this world fully aware of their Visionary gifts…

Some people come into this world fully aware of their Visionary gifts or higher consciousness. Most of the great ones throughout history were “ahead of their time”. Many people may have thought them “crazy” or condemned their ideas– but it did NOT stop the BURNING DESIRE of those leaders to manifest what they envisioned. We should

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark;
I wish to thank you for ALL that you have done for me and my family through Neothink and the Neothink Society. My life has blossomed more than I could have imagined through the use of this thought process. I am so looking forward to the success of the Twelve Visions Party. Our country (and our world) are in such need of the fundamental concepts put forth in the Constitution of the Twelve Visions Party. We have strayed so far from the intent of the Founding Fathers of our country that it is
The ideas that “no government, group of people, or individual will commit initiatory force upon another individual,” and that “the government shall use force only in the prevention of that initiatory force” are ideas that are necessary if we are to survive as a nation and continue to develop into the protectors of the individual that we, as a nation, created.
I know that you and the Twelve Visions Party will be attacked maliciously and dishonestly by the state controlled media and others who will do anything to maintain their power and control over us. So, I want anyone who reads this to study and learn on their own what you and the Twelve Visions Party are TRULY
I also want you to know that you can count on my continued support and efforts as we do all that we can to reestablish the sanctity of that most precious thing in the universe: the conscious human individual.
Randolph B

I will support the TVP every way I can

Dear Mark Hamilton:
I am sending a second note to tell you what I like about the Twelve Visions Party. The TVP as I like to call it, is the best movement that could happen to this country! It will take us back to the constitution and fix all the problems this country has now. We have these problems because we have let our country move away from the values embodied in the constitution. We were founded on the love of Jesus and individual freedom and that is what the TVP is all about. I will support the TVP every way I can and am trying to find more ways to help.
Martin A Randolph
DeLand Fl.

The Prime Law Amend The Constitution

Mark Hamilton is a genesis

One year ago I started my journey with the Neothink Society. My life has changed for the better. At work I have great relationships with my supervisor’s. I used to hate go to work
but Neothink showed me how to look and see my job at it’s essence.
Mark Hamilton is a genesis. He has taught me how to be an integrated thinker. I have learned the secret to life and can never go back to the way I was.
I believe that the United States needs the Twelve Vision Party. The foundation of the TVP
is the Prime Law. In today’s society man has turned our constitution upside down. Man and our leaders put themselves above the law.
WE NEED CHANGE! The TVP will bring the needed change because it replaces man with Prime Law. Thank you Mark Hamilton for believing in me. I am so thankful that I am a member of the Neothink Society. All the best!

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark;
I wish to thank you for ALL that you have done for me and my family through Neothink and the Neothink Society. My life has blossomed more than I could have imagined through the use of this thought process. I am so looking forward to the success of the Twelve Visions Party. Our country (and our world) are in such need of the fundamental concepts put forth in the Constitution of the Twelve Visions Party. We have strayed so far from the intent of the Founding Fathers of our country that it is
The ideas that “no government, group of people, or individual will commit initiatory force upon another individual,” and that “the government shall use force only in the prevention of that initiatory force” are ideas that are necessary if we are to survive as a nation and continue to develop into the protectors of the individual that we, as a nation, created.
I know that you and the Twelve Visions Party will be attacked maliciously and dishonestly by the state controlled media and others who will do anything to maintain their power and control over us. So, I want anyone who reads this to study and learn on their own what you and the Twelve Visions Party are TRULY
I also want you to know that you can count on my continued support and efforts as we do all that we can to reestablish the sanctity of that most precious thing in the universe: the conscious human individual.
Randolph B

That would not have happened if it weren’t for Mark Hamilton

I am a citizen of the United States, and am proud of it. However, I am not proud of the dysfunction that our nation has fallen into. Observing for decades the steps being taken to remove our rights, even the DUTY as a citizen to disagree. The suggestion of the removal of our Constitution, and the military policing our streets. If you aren’t afraid of that, then you should be.
Today our only freedom of speech is if you agree with the status quo. People fear what they don’t understand, attacking it so it won’t interfere with the present course of action. Many are of closed mind and unwilling to accept real change.
The only way for that to happen is by bringing the people together, and awakening them to all the possibilities, that they can achieve once they are made aware of them. That is what Mark Hamilton and his literature are doing. Pulling people together to make the changes necessary for our country and the world to survive as it CANNOT CONTINUE ON ITS PRESENT COURSE.
After I was contacted, I began taking the steps necessary to change my life. I had been made aware of possibilities and set out to make them realities. Furthermore, meeting others of like mind has made a major impact on my life, and that would not have happened if it weren’t for Mark Hamilton. It is my honest desire to meet Mark Hamilton someday, as that still remains on my list of possibilities that needs to become a reality.
Pat J

Mark Hamilton and Neothink is all of that.

Freedom of Speech
Something we are all being stripped of. This I think is blasphemy because isn’t that what our country was founded on? This I see more and more of. “We the people”, are no longer a part of our society. Mark Hamilton and Neothink is all of that. We are the last of ‘the people’ that recognize what we were in the beginning before we had the constitution in place. We were already one people in separate living areas that recognized what we had/have, and those who “know” this are those who want to destroy us and to take us for granted. This is my testimony, not just for our Neothink Society, but as an individual, and an individual that is happy with what the Neothink Society has offered me. Even though I can’t be in it as faithful as I’d like to, I am in it as much as I am. I am Neothink in my own society here in the Hawaiian Islands. I believe that without our “kind” this world would fall into its own demise.

AloHa, Momi M. W


I’m grateful that I can say what a great value the NEOTHINK Society


I’m grateful that I can say what a great value the NEOTHINK Society has been in my life with the publishing of the Neothink manuscripts have been in my life and that of my family.  With the coming of the Twelve Vision Party, just maybe we can get our people elected to office, and get our country turned around to the way it was when our founding Father’s first paid the price for our country’s, Constitution,& Declaration of Independence & Bill of Rights. That they wrote for our Nation.
The thing I have learned from reading My NEOTHINK manuscripts is that I can become and have whatever I want in this life.  I thank-you Mark Hamilton for allowing me to join the NEOTHINK Society, providing me the opportunity to find my Value that I can be to the NEOTHINK Society And to those care about life. That’s what these manuscripts, have taught me about who I can become, and have in this life.  I thank-you for inviting me to-be a member of NEOTHINK Society, I have You to thank My friend, And I’m honored, To associate with other people of like mind.
I know what it’s to be shunned from life, I Thank-you for giving me my life back and excepting me as your friend and value to our NEOTHINK Society.                         
Sincerely Your Friend
Wells M

Mark Hamilton is a patriot and a great American


The Neothink Society invites people to think for them self and in a democracy that is in line with what the founding fathers had in mind. Mark Hamilton is a patriot and a great American. He shares his Ideals with other Americans in the freedom of speech and His rights as an American are protected under the constitution and should not be infringed.  Michael W.

January 2025