Posts Tagged ‘consciousness’

Mark Hamilton and Neothink has opened my mind and my life to a …

Mark Hamilton and Neothink has opened my mind and my life to a greater “sea of consciousness” which has sparked me to re-evaluate my own way of thinking and doing things which has in the long run has changed and created another dimension of myself wherein I see and believe because of my own experiences that I am making a greater and more positive enhanced place in this world we live in.



Having read the three volumes, fully grasping the 10-Second Miracle…

Having read the three volumes, fully grasping the 10-Second Miracle, and understanding Neothink I am armed with the consciousness that I can be successful in following through any task or idea.

Mr. Mark Hamilton

Mr. Mark Hamilton,
According to the last e-mail I had sent, I realize I can not control how others are going to live their life when they are somewhere else. Some of them drink too much, or smoke, or don’t save money, or what have you.
I want to give everyone a clean slate. Why? Because they are a human race and they normally make errors sometimes just from living daily lives.
Things of importance is a necessity that needs to integrate into the consciousness of everyone. The human race is important. Sure they had severely upset me in the past at different times, yet let’s move forward. Lets find a way to correct the issues that went astray in the past in a manner of noble respect and honor. It is still building…the human race that is. Today, when I walk out the door to my daily activity, I will mind my own business, yet I will look at others as normal human beings looking for a destiny, looking for their own path. Today I choose to remain in love with Terri, and greet others with some privilege, and look forward past what they can not see or know of and wish them the best for each of their lives, and watch each one of them grow in happiness.
Patrick B. Rasmusson

Love to read!


Dear Mark Hamilton
I have read the three heirloom packages, three time so far.
I change my life from stagnation to the Neo-Think mode and it feel great to be alive.
The child of the past is shining in me my dear Mark.
The TVP is a excellent idea to dump the goy politicians for good.
What a waste to my family, which I love very much, but want to stay behind, since there are Jesus freak.
I know who the real Is reality Jesus is, since he light up the power of our consciousness.
TVP is like a moth to a flame.
TVP is indeed, the prime law
.The fundamental protection of all our cousin in the Twelve Visions World.
Again, Mark Hamilton is the best.
Good night my friend!

Recommended Reading


I highly recommend reading literature by Mark Hamilton. Anyone with an open mind and a desire to improve their life will benefit. I personally have made great strides in my awareness and consciousness since I began this journey in 1996. I am still reading and growing toward my bright future as I apply the knowledge and tools learned from this fine literature.
Michael B


I highly recommend reading literature by Mark Hamilton. Anyone with an open mind and a desire to improve their lives will greatly benefit. I began reading these books in 1996 and have have used what I have learned to raise my level of knowledge and consciousness. I will continue my journey into a bright future!
Michael B

Mark, this song came to me…

Mark, this song came to me; I thought about it for a while and decided to send it to you. I see this as a possible collection of theme songs for Neothink. I have a melody; however I thought I would wait and get an opinion before I move forward.

Neo Love,

Bonnie T

Talk to the universe with your mind

See the changes take place in time

You are the master of your soul

So let me see you get Iron grip Control

If you want real love and happiness

You’ve got to change your consciousness

There’s just is no other way

Cause let me tell you it’s a new world and a new day

See the one that is meant for you

Allow that flow that’s all you have to do

Find the love that is lasting

No more love-time will you be wasting

It’s time for change

Nothing stays the same

If you use your mind

It comes back to you in kind

When you learn to take action

You’re going to feel that connection

Inner Power and being bold

Take charge of your life and get iron grip control

Ask and it is given in this time and space

Cause it all belong to you in the first place

It’s a genuine mind thing

Come on and ride that cosmic beam

Talk to the universe with your mind

See the changes take place in time

You are the master of your soul

So let me see you take Iron grip control

Follow —–Your——Dream—————

Bonnie T

I found you Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party

I want to begin by saying thank you all you have done for me.  Before finding you and the Twelve Vision Party, I thought the US was on the wrong path and going down the path to destruction.  I have not seen anything lately to change this view.  I could not see a way out of this mess the politicians and power elite in this country have created for us.
Then,  I found you Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party and for the first time in about 40 years I felt alive again and I started to dream of a long fun filled life with new hope for the future of our civilization and our planet. Yes, with your help and writings I have found my Friday night essence and have started to live the dream. 
With this new found zest for life my energy has returned and I am looking forward to working to help establish the Universe of Consciousness and the Twelve Vision Party.

Understanding the Prime Law

It’s up to us, as individuals to make the effort to personally integrate with the Prime Law in order to live in accordance with reality. The whole reason the TVP is introducing the Prime Law in the first place, is for it to govern us- flaw filled man. Not the other way around. There is no interpreting of the Prime Law. We are not governing, or managing the Prime Law- the Prime Law is to govern us. And we are morally obligated to integrate with it.


The Prime Law is universal law. It has existed for as long as consciousness itself has existed. It is the way of complete free-market capitalism- where people, on their own accordance, freely interact with one another as sovereign individuals.


You don’t need to be studied in the profession of law and litigation to fundamentally understand the Prime Law. The Prime Law is not up to debate or interpretation. That would just be the same old political rhetoric that we all hear every day. For example, we are not debating the prime law with this discussion. What we are doing is learning how to integrate with it. The Prime Law is axiomatic. It needs no interpretation. It is what it is: No Initiatory Force. Either we abide by it, or we don’t.


Initiatory force means initiating an action towards someone else that is harmful, dishonest, or wrong. When some one or a group initiates force, then it is morally justified to use force back in order to defend one’s self. This use of force is not initiatory. It is using force to defend life.


Also, it’s important to know the difference between harmful, dishonest, or wrong actions that are imposed upon another individual, and those that are imposed upon one’s self. We may disagree with harmful actions in general; however ultimately, no one has the right to force another individual to stop harming them self. 


Understanding the Prime Law means knowing ourselves completely, and knowing exactly where we stand in any given situation. That means we cannot just assume that others see things the way we do. And because of that, a huge amount of self responsibility is needed in order to protect ourselves from force and fraudulent situations.


Often times in interactions where dishonesty is involved, we can only cut our losses, step back and introspect on how and why we ultimately put ourselves in that situation. Many times we are hurt and feel the urge to “get even” or make someone feel the hurt we do. This simply shows a lack of self responsibility. The urge to “get even” or to have revenge is fine as long as it’s just an urge. However, if it is acted upon with some kind of force, then the Prime Law is broken. And even though there are ample opportunities for us to be infringed upon, even when we are simply minding our own business, the value of self-responsibility is still paramount.


We must define what the Prime Law is. That is, use our own minds and make the conscious effort to figure out what the Prime Law means. We must identify the illusions in our thinking. Eliminate the altruistic concepts that we’ve all been conditioned with. We must pay close attention to the words and phrases we use, because, sometimes we intended to control or to subjugate those who are listening. This is a microcosm of initiatory force and needs to be weeded out of our minds. Actions like these are the physical movements of defining the Prime Law. No one can do this for us. It takes direct conscious effort. We must each individually put forth the effort to find out what the Prime Law is- fundamentally and irreducibly. After all, we are the ones taking it to the masses.


We are sovereign individuals. No one has divine right over another. No one has the right to initiate any force or to impose their will of change onto another. Controlling people like that is simply neo-cheating. However, controlling people without using mysticism, that is, influencing them through value, such as what Mark Hamilton is doing with us, is the essence of free trade and the Prime Law. In this context, both parties are in agreement and understand the terms of the interaction. This is equal value exchange, and is the essence of a free society.


Here are four important points to help understand the Prime Law:


1) The Prime Law can only exist in a completely free market society. Therefore, the Prime Law can be enlisted to create that free society where business-like interactions between people are based only on value exchange.


2) In the instance where two people are exchanging equal values, they are still individuals and each have a different level of overall personal value to society.  The only context in which one person is of more value than another is by comparing the amount of value each individual has created independently.


3) A common altruistic philosophy during value exchange is that the person who has created less value should be sacrificed to the other. This is a false doctrine. Only equal value exchange is the rational basis of free enterprise.


4) If no contract is enlisted, and one party decides to stop trading values with another, then the value exchange is simply lost. The value exchange is simply gone …ultimately to the net loss of all humanity. Without a contractual agreement, no individual is obligated to continue trading values with another. It’s simply a personal choice.


Of course, we are social beings. We derive happiness by interacting and putting values into society. Acting against our nature only results in a spiral of death. Neo cheaters exist by riding that spiral of death and drawing others into it. Still, no one has the right to initiate force. The whole purpose of our movement is creating the conditions of complete freedom. The SOS and the Twelve Visions Party are steadily delivering the supply to meet that rising demand; and of course, at the same time, we are creating that demand. By nature human beings are rational and honest. Therefore, by logic, humanity needs to be in a rational and honest society. It is our destiny to fulfill our purpose of building happiness by creating this fully rational and honest society.


The prime law is simple. No initiatory force. Respecting people’s individuality is the key to the Prime Law. As long as no initiatory force, fraud, or coercion has been committed, people must be left alone. If we wish to interact with them, it should be done in a manner that is conducive to free market dynamics- (the trading of values.)


The Prime Law guarantees these conditions by utilizing the proper use of courts, jails, and prisons. And as the TVP grows and gains more legitimate control, the term “proper use of courts, jails, and prisons” will keep evolving until one day we no longer need any of them. Until then however, the Prime Law will force courts and law enforcement agencies to use full context honesty in their actions, finally giving everyone a fair shake in regards to people who break the law.


With the Prime Law, initiatory force is rejected by everyone. It means that the concept of “no initiatory force” is enforced by everyone. Embrace the Prime Law. Embody it and communicate it to others. And it will be here sooner than we think!

March 2025